5:25 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong ^^
Today nothing much.. Went to school with Eunice..
First met with Siti cuz she wanted to give me something.. Then she gave me LiPin's present which she forgot to bring last time.. So she gave me, so pretty the present^^ XD
So, then met Eunice, then went school buy books.. Hand Book outside ok ok then inside I like the font^^
After buy books, went home lohh.. Then I come home go disturb my brother XD
Then he wake up liao, then I on com cuz Eunice ask me to on cuz she want me to teach her maths..
So I on, type type type.. then we webcam-ed ^^
So funny!!! XD Then suddenly her bro came and dragged her away... LOL
Abandon me D: LOL!! XP
So then ate maggie mee for lunch ^^
Then at like around 6 plus hungry again T^T
Then my mama like around 8.30 then came home, ate dinner^^
Then poof, I'm back here blogging about today :)
Eottoke..School going re-open liao D:
Sec 2 me.. Gonna have a like 6 months de project, and have to do so many presentation to build our confidence ): I wanna stay in my shell :P I wanna be a snail with a shell and not a snail without a shell:)
Tomorrow going to hospital with my mother and father.. Maybe my brother
Why? Cuz.. My father fell down and fractured his arm.. So tmr check up I think...
I hope that the trip to the hospital will be fun :P
But confirm will have nothing to do de.. so tmr must pack earpiece, make sure phone 100% battery full
And make sure that Eunice free to chat with me in case I get bored like hell XD
Oh and I should also bring my bro's iPhone which he no longer uses unless he want play games:P
Oh and jacket^^ Maybe some pens and paper for me to doodle too XP
(I have no life)
Wonder what will happen tmr^^
-Stand By me blah blah blah- XD
So 2011 is ending, and 2012 is coming!!

To: 2011,
Thank you for a wonderful year!! I will really miss you!! Although you are going, I will always remember all the happiness I had this year. And I'm sure a lot of people will miss 2011, but they are gonna welcome 2012 with fireworks and stuff, just like when you came:) So dont be sad 2011 ^^ We'll always remember you^^

To: 2012,
Hello, I hope that we can have a wonderful time!! We're gonna surprise you on 00:00 where 2011 is gone, and ur being "born"!! I hope that you wont end everything on 21st dec :X cuz my birthday is on the 23rd.. And I wont even be 14 when I die T^T So I hope you wont kill everyone on that day^^ I hope that we can have a happy year together^^ See you on 31st dec 00:00 ^^

LOL, k, I'm lame.. But yeah, I was kinda bored:P
Okays, byes for now^^
Ciaos!! :)

*Me and you are friends, you smile, I smile, you hurt, I hurt, you cry, I cry, you jump off the bridge, Im gonna miss you..*


7:23 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong!! ^^
Today went out with Eunice to buy my bday presents^^
So we met first, then I go exchange money $$ then i help my bro buy his pens..
Then after that went to comics connection to buy my KPOP stuff <3 <3 <3 XD
Then buy hao liao went to eat wantoon noodle :) Yummy^^ HEHEHEHE
Then after eat liao, we went to see for photo book/album to share our memories <3
Then we went to NTUC see first, then went to popular :)
Bought a $4 album book which has 100 pockets which means can put 200 photos <3
After we buy liao went to print some pictures at Harvy Norman so that can put into the book ^^
So we selected 4 photos and 2 other photos of SHINee <3 then waited.. then hao liao, went to collect it then went to the library the cafe thr to go decorate^^
Nice:) Gonna take pics as we grow older:P then keep as memories <3 <3 <3
Wednesday going back to school to buy books.. I only need to buy chinese and handbook jiu hao liao ^^
Then after we buy go camwhore then go print and put in the photo book^^ hehehehe!!

So, yesterday was Christmas!! Merry Christmas everyone!!! :P
Opened my presents got a nice sling bag^^
Then today received a choco from Eunice as my X'mas gift. LOL XP
So anyways, yesterday ate X'mad dinner :) Nice ^^
After ate dinner, went online:)
So yeah.. I thinks thats all ba..

*One of the best things in life is seeing a smile on someone's face and knowing that your'e the one who put it there*


6:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today went out with Siti, Eunice and Li Pin <3
First met Siti.. Then we walk around jp first, then went to Karaoke ^^
Then since my bday is tomorrow (23 dec) , Siti, Eunice and Li Pin all plan something..
And that something was they were gonna surprise me at karaoke :)
So I was being blind folded once I was at clementi== So then walked into the karaoke place, and into whr our room was.. and then Eunice and Li Pin all scream at me" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" and then they started to sing happy birthday to me in 3 languages XD
In English, Chinese and of coz Korean XD
Hahaha! Shocked XD And I stepped on the wire :X
So then we sing here sing there until ard 3 plus.. then went back to jp:)
We ate macs.. I ate one mac chicken burger only cuz not enough money :/
Never mind^^ Lose weight also XD
So after we eat, we went to central park, wanted to find a shelter but then no have):
So then we went to art park.. Then we sat down at a shelter, and then I was being blind folded again==
Then Eunice, Siti and Li Pin had to tell me directions to walk to the other place..
I touched the floor which was muddy(ewww) And I stepped in mud I think..
I also knocked into something XD
hahaha, quite fun and scary luhh ^^
Then we sat at the other place, then being blind folded again cuz they wanted to do SOMETHING
Then I cnnt see anything ): Hahaha XD
Then after hao liao, took of the blind fold then got one log cake in front of me^^
Then sing happy birthday again, LOL, then blew the candles which had no flame cuz the wind blew it out==
Made a wish and blew air^^
Then ate the cake:) Yummy^^
Ate half of it then the other half I bring home:)
Hehehehe! Then after that we went to arcade, DDR-ed..
So sad sia): Last time got 5 stages then last round, now is 3 stages then last round liao):
Then after that, pei Eunice go toilet, I had to put my bag down'-' Then after awhile, came out then went home:/
Then when I open my bag I was like" WHOAH!?"
Cuz there was things in my bag which I never put in my bag
Then got this yellow thingy I thought was a SHINee shirt XD
But of coz not lahh.. It was a smiley file with a black notebook:)
So then I read the notebook till cry >v<
I love that book!!! I'll treasure it 4eva <3 <3 <3
Then inside the file was another book:)
So then Siti's sister also gave me a present ^^
A Happy Birthday cup with a toy rabbit inside XD
So yeah, need to do 6 video recordings to show Eunice== LOL
Anyways, thank you Siti, Eunice, Li Pin and Jean for the wonderful presents and the beautiful book! ^^
Saranghaeyo!!! :) <3 <3 <3
Tomorrow, only have 1 present to open:/ haiz, nvm:) I had a awesome day today anyways ^^
So yeah:)
Happy 13th birthday to me!! XD LOL okay, gonna go now:)
Ciaos!!! ^^


7:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong ^^
Went out to Vivo City and Sentosa with Eunice, Li Pin and Dora<3
We went thr 2 days ago.. (13th dec)
Yst was Onew's Birthday!!! Woots~
And on the 9th was Minho's Birthday^^ LOL
Okay, anyways, went to vivo city, met with Eunice first to do singing :X
Then met with Dora and Li Pin <3
Then took train to Harbour front, we chatted on the way thr^^
Then we went to Sentosa first, played in the sea:)
We got our shorts wet first then Dora and Li Pin went to rest I think, then me and Eunice went to get our whole body wet XD
Fun!! And we ended up having sand in our shorts== which was so damn uncomfortable==
So then we went to eat macs, made the seat wet XD But I very guai, I used my towel to wipe it so it became dry again^^ LOL
So, after we ate we went back to Vivo City to play at the lvl 3 thr the water:)
Removed MOST of the sand in my shorts, then after we played for like maybe 1 hr?? I went to change my shorts and shirt.. Then we went to ToysRus walk walk, very long nvr go toysRus liao, so big siaa O.O
Then we walked 1 whole round which took 1 hr XD
Then we went back to the water thr at Vivo and slacked:)
Then Dora had to go home, so we send her to the taxi thr then in the end her father will only pick her up at 5==
So we just walk walk lohh.. Then 5 pm liao go send her off:)
Then me, Eunice and Li Pin went to take train go home:)
And so, went home.. used com.. bleh:/
Oh oh, Khai Rui was supposed to come but then he overslept so he didn't come==
Currently listening to SHINee Replay(noona neomu yeppo)
So yeah. I think that's all ba^^
Love these 2 pics <3 <3 <3


7:03 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong :)
Very long never post le!!
This post might be long cuz I will be posting about 2 fun things which happened :)
Ok, i shall start now :)
Fun thing no. 1:
Me, my brother and my mama went to Universal Studios!!! XD
My mother company give us the tickets^^ hehhehe!! So lucky^^
So, woke up at 7.30 am.. Apparently my mother was in a bad mood cuz of SOMETHING
We needed to bring extra clothes just in case we got wet then can go change shirt.
Then I forgot bring my shorts==
Then I told my mama she scolded me ):
Then we took taxi there, about 25 min.. Then went inside Universal Studios, my mother went to take a free bag and hand towel, also have water bottle, snacks and poncho in case it rains cuz this month raining season..
So after we took everything and ate the snacks, we went to the Canopy Flyer :)
Queue was damn freaking long== We waited for like 30 min?
Then half way my brother went toilet cuz he got bad stomachache.. So then after he finish, he came back into the line. Then when our turn, me and my bro sat tgt while my mama sat with a stranger:/
And, OMG== The ride was like 1 min ONLY== waited for 30 min, 1 min ride== wasted..:/
After that we went to the mummy thingy.. My brother went toilet again, then me and my mother just see see the mummy and the Egyptian.. Then got this human dressed up at the egyptian.. His make up so scary siaa TT
Then after my brother finish, we went to take the mummy roller coaster..
Fun^^ And scary.. Everything was like so dark.. Then waited.. more worth it than the canopy flyer..
Much more worth it.. XD
So, scream here, scream there, then ride over^^ Fun :)
Then after that, we went to the BIG roller coaster, got blue one and red one, blue one is you will go upside down one.. then red one got a lot of turns.. We took the red one^^ hehhehe
Then.. when queuing up, my brother went to the freaking toilet again== then after awhile, cuz cannot bring hand phone mahh, so he cannot contact.. So he have to come find us in the long queue by himself..
Then like very long, later he cnnt find us, so my mother ask me to go find him.. so I went to find him, at first dont have, then i look back, then i saw him^^ so then i brought him to whr we were queuing..
Then wait somemore, then our turn!!! AHHHH!!! Scared like hell..
Then when we going up, beside us was the ppl taking the blue one, then the ppl in front shout to us, that made me smile, cuz like u very scared, keep thinking about it, then some one like take that off ur mind, of coz happy right, then POOF!! We went down, and I was screaming like mad women==
Hahahha, fun lahh^^ but also scary :/
Then after that, we went to take the transformer thingy.. We waited maybe 45 min to 1 hr..
Very worth it.. Its a 3D "roller coaster'' the thing will move but then got screen, its 3D :)
I liked it when we were 'falling' XD FUN!
Then after that, we went to eat.. The food there horh, walao== so damn freaking expensive siaa
One meal horh, just one burger with a HUGE drink and SOME fries, over $10 ==
So, after we ate, i think we went to watch a musical :)
Then after that, we went to watch Lights, Camera, Action. Quite nice ahh, also very epic XD
Got like fire and the platform will shake.. Something like that..
Then after that, we went to watch a 4D show, this time we sat on individual chairs, then its about Shrek.. The chair will blow air one, will also move, and some parts got spray water at you.. but only a few drops..
Then after that, we went to queue for like a boat ride, about madagascar ... The queue was long and so was the ride :)
At the end horh, got this like water pouring down, then i thougt we were going to get wet one.. But just before u go through it, it split into half== So then water went to the side, and so didn't get wet AT ALL==
Cheat ppl's feeling one TT
Then after that, we just go walk walk, see see..
Then after that went home..
Took taxi home, super tired.. but had a really fun day^^'
So, yeah, thats it:)

Fun thing no. 2:
Today was the ICONs Camp!!! So, went to meet Eunice first, she went to buy torch light, then we were late, but heng teacher havent come yet^^ Then we went to he hall, we were being separated):
Then didn't group with Eunice ): At first, there was no one which I know to pei me in the grp.. Then the senior ask someone from another grp to come join my grp, then I asked Ru Qi to come pei me.. Then she come my grp^^ Oh, and I had to lend her my plate and cup cuz she no plastic plate and cup at home..
Then after we being separated into our grps, we went to the summit, then they gave us the camp booklet.. Then inside they got say our grps.. Izzah was inside my grp, then Ru Qi is in another grp.. So, then Izzah came in to my grp then Ru Qi went to her original grp:)
Then teacher brief us.. Then after that played Ice Breakers.. After so many years, I finally knew what Ice Breakers meant== LOL..
So, then we went to different places in the school and played games for 5 min.. Then after that, went to eat lunch:) Quite nice ahh^^
Then we had our HOM (Habits Of Mind) workshop.. 3 hrs long.. Quite fun ahh^^
We played games also:)
Oh and my grp was gro number 5, and since our this yr ICONs camp theme is Super Hero's, my grp was SUPER MAN!! :)
Then after the workshop, we had our ICONs Olympics!! CAPTAIN BALL!! <3
We won the first round, then second round horh, we could have won if they gave us like 1 sec more==
We scored JUST after the teacher say times up siaa!! Then we ended up tying with the other grp..
Then the 3rd round, we won:) 4th round we super pro!! we scored 11 then the other team 3 i think XD
Hahhaha, then Izzah's finger got hurt, then after that, Zakaria got hurt:/ He was a good player, Izzah also^^
And then our leader, Naeem, he was damn super pro at defending siaa!! He like defending almost all the goals which the other grp try to score.. Damn pro him..
I think thats why we win^^
Then after that, grp 1 to 5 went to eat dinner first, then grp 6 to 10 went shower first.. So, ate dinner, then after that went shower..
Waited for like soooo long then can shower.. and the water was cold!! And there was a spider watching me bathe== After shower, went back to the hall and started to practice for our camp fire^^ needed to do 3 cheers and a skid based on our grp names..
Then we discuss while waiting for our turn to go to the night walk..
Then we went down to the canteen, did our reflection on the day and discussed about the camp fire.. Then went for our night walk^^
They ask us bring torch light, then in the end they say cnnt use== They gave the light stick^^
I got yellow color.. Then we went into a classroom, we had to crawl under tables and chairs.. and the seniors will like come and scare us.. they off all the lights all that, make all those creepy noises.. I wasn't scared at all, I was laughing the whole way LOL..
Then got 2 seniors saying like 'Dont go! Come and be my friend!!' And they kept on grabbing my leg== LOL Then after we come out, we were like 'LOL?' Then went back to the canteen, continue to do reflection.. Then  we had our supper :) then Lights off..
Then walao eh== We sleep in the hall, then the boys sleep in the classrooms, then horh, the hall lights horh, keep on-ing and offing== The hall light is like super bright.. then after like 1 hr plus then ALL the lights can be finally off-ed...
Then almost everyone sleep liao then me and Eunice were like cnnt sleep like that, then we chat chat chat till like maybe 1 or 2? Then we tried to sleep.. I think I fell asleep but then after awhile I woke up..
Then the next day, we had to assemble at 6.15.. so people were planning to wake up at 5 am==
Then I ask my grp leader, Jennifer :) to wake me up when she wakes up..
Then at like i think 5, Reshveny woke me up.. Then I woke Eunice up:)
Hahhaa, I woke up before my grp leader XD
Then we went to brush our teeth and pack our sleeping bags.. Then we assembled at the quadrangle.. Then Mr Hafiz took over us, then say do morning exercise.. Then the seniors took over and we did stretching all those cuz we were going to have our amazing race!! 10km!! WOOTS!! Then after that, we went to eat our breakfast, Nasi Lemak XD then we went to the summit for briefing.. Then odd grp number follow female teachers then even grp numbers follow male teachers.. So we followed the female teachers..
Then they say bring small bag to put like ur extra clothes in case rain then u get soaked.. Also pack poncho, umbrella, the camp booklet, pen, valuables, water bottle..And my bag was like super small so I used my sleeping bag the casing as my bagXD I followed Izzah cuz she didn't have a small bag..
Then we went up on the bus, and headed to Hort Park!
Then me and Izzah listen to SHINee songs on the way thr.. Then reach alr, teacher tell us what to do if raining all those.. Then the amazing race started!!
Our first check point was number 5, which was at Kent Ridge Park, so we had to walk all the way there, need walk up a slope, climb a lot of stairs, then walk some more just to get to our FIRST check point==
Then we played the games which they created.. Then we went to number 6,7,8,9.. Then check point 9 was whr we suppose to eat our lunch.. Then we decided that after we complete checkpoint 10 first, then we come back take the lunch and go to the water cooler place thr to eat.. They very pro one, never give us utensil== So no choice, we use our hands.. Then it started to drizzle.. Then we like just continue walking.. Cuz now we had to walk all the way back to check point one, which was at Hort park, at the bridge there.. So we went down the flight of stairs, down the slope, and all the way to the bridge, then we had to go to check point 3 and 4.. Check point was at Kent Ridge Park.. So again, we climbed the slope, the flight of stairs and completed the game for checkpoint 4.. Then we had to walk back again to the meeting place which was whr check point 2 was.. But then while walking it started to rain..then when we were going down, I nearly fell down.. Then when I was walking at some where wet with mud, I fell down==
Then my ICONs shirt the below bit was dirty and my shorts also.. == Luckily I never get hurt..
Then after I fell every one was like 'You okay anot!?" the boys all laughed first, then ask me whether I ok anot.. LOL== Then we continued to walk, then it started to rain more heavily, then we continue not to care, then it started to rain even heavier, then we started to run to the shelter.. Then we stuck thr, so we practice our camp fire skid and cheer :)
Then we needed to assemble back by 3.30, so we left the shelter at 3.15.. I wore my poncho then the Sufian help me hold my water bottle.. Then we walk back, then those ppl without like umbrella, poncho all those kenna by teacher :/ then we boarded the bus, and went back to sch..
Then we reached sch, teacher let us shower, then 1 and a half hour to eat finish our dinner and go practice for our camp fire.. so my grp faster chiong to eat and then went to practice for our camp fire:)
I had to scream:/ so I did.. LOL
Then we assembled for our fake camp fire since the ground was wet cuz it rained ):
Then we did cheers, then all the grps came out to do their cheers and skid..:)
Then we went up, did our skid, no problem.. our problem was our cheers cuz one of our cheer got this part like rapping like that, and the whole grp had to do it. Then we did it, was very awkward XD
Then after that, we continued to do cheers all that.. Then after the camp fire, we went to have our supper and did our reflection..
After that, lights out.. Prepared our sleeping bags, went brush teeth, then I was super tired.. so I went to sleep.. Then Eunice went to chat with Nuris they all.. Wahh, then horh, the freaking hall light, keep on on-ing again== then in the end, the lights were left on the whole night==
Then ppl started waking up at 6 when we needed to assemble at 7.20 siaa==
Oh! And when we woke up, it was super damn freaking cold siaa!! My teeth were chattering siaa!!
Then went to brush teeth, then came back and continued to sleep XD
Then we went to pack our things cuz alr last day.. Then we went down to the quadrangle, played a game..
Then went to eat breakfast.. Then we had to clean up the area, my grp had to clean the hall, so quite easy ahh :) Then we sat down at the quadrangle again, and I sat beside a yellow dragonfly.. LOL It kept turning around, never do anything, just keep on turning around..LOL
Then after that we went to complete our reflection, and then share it with each other in the grp:)
Then after that, we went to the hall to begin our prize presentation^^
My grp won the Best Flag Design, 2nd place for the ICONs Olympics:)
Then blah blah blah.. Then we went to collect our prizes :) Then we did final cheers and went home.
So yeah.. Thats all^^ Oh and I'm going to miss my grp members): But luckily we keeping in touch via phone number and fb^^
So, yup^^
K, Ciaos^^


5:55 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today had the chinese camp.. we needed to be in Yuan Ching Sec by 7.. So i had to wake up at 6.
Then I woke up liao, went to call Eunice cuz she ask me to wake her up.
Then I called her^^ Then went to brush my teeth.. blah blah..
Wanted to bring water bottle but then my bag too small ><
Then left house, met Eunice and Li Pin ^^
Took train to Lakeside then walk  to Yuan Ching.
Then Sha Bing lao shi already outside with the rest of our chi class ppl.. and other classes from our sch
Then we went inside.. ALL the boys went to eat breakfast then ALL the girls stayed in the school play loh..
We played swing^^ So good sia..their school have swing TT
Then we chatted and swing-ed :)
Then after awhile, went into the hall.. being separated ):
But heng I grp with Li Pin. then Eunice being grp-ed with other ppl ):
So then we started to play the like "grp name bom, grp name bom, grp name bom to whatever grp name bom"
That game.. then cuz got people from other schools mah, so its like meeting strangers.. so very awkward..
Then after that played other games.. (Too lazy too type it out :P)
Then we went to draw draw ^^
Went into the lab, then teacher taught us how to draw those types of cartoon in the chinese comics..
Then draw draw draw.. inside cold cold cold.. then teacher keep offing and on-ing the air-con ==
Then teacher also taught us how to draw dragon.. then we needed to draw our own 6 squares comic.
Then draw draw draw till lunch^^
Went down to the canteen, then ate:) We had rice, veggie, chicken and egg
My egg was runny TT I hate runny eggs ):
The chicken and veggie was nice^^
Then after that went back into the hall.. Then got performance, about acting..
Then blah blah blah, we went into the classroom then teacher would give us a topic, then we have to twist the story.. then when last 5 min teacher will give us 1 thing that we need to add in.. SO yeah, my grp was the last grp to present^^
Our topic was based on KUNG FU PANDA..
LOL.. And I was the panda^^ hehehe
Then after the acting, we went back to the hall.. did review blah blah..
Then prize presentation.. then went home :)
It ended about 45 min earlier^^ YAYS
LOL.. Cant wait for my ICONS camp!!!
Hopefully gonna be more fun than the chinese camp^^
So yeah.. thats all I think..
Currently waiting for my SHINee vid to load :/
Ohoh!! Tmr, at JP, 2PM will be going there for a fan meeting!!! AHHHH!!!
2PM!!! NICKHUN!!!! <3 <3 <3
Siti is going so I asked her to help me take some pics of him XD
If they were to hold the fan meeting earlier I would go.. but they are holding it at 6 pm ):
Normally I have to be home by 6 pm.. So.. byebye Nickhun ):
LOL.. XD But I dont really love 2PM as much as SHINee and SS501 so.. yeah^^ LOL
hmm. coming 10pm le.. I think i shall go watch my vid now^^
Triple Shawol says Ciaos^^ :P


YAY SS501 !!! <3 <3 <3
                                                             YAY SHINee !!! <3 <3 <3


5:55 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Yesterday(friday) went out with Eunice go Jurong East go swim :)
So before that we had to go to school just to give ONE FORM and $10==
Then we went to school tgt, I wore pe then eunice wore her home clothes..
Then when walking to school saw Ariel, then we asked her to help us give the form cuz me and Eunice wore  slippers.. then apparently cnnt wear slippers go inside==
Then it was 11:11 am, made a wish^^
hehehe XD
Then went take bus to lakeside mrt station, then went chinese garden, walked to swimming complex, then bought the entrance ticket, then went to change and then went to slide down the yellow slide:)
Cuz Eunice wanted to get wet first, then after that go rent the float, so I had to hold the $10 while sliding down the slide.. LOL
Then went to rent the float, the float changed to transparent rather than last time, yellow color.
Then we went to either the lazy pool first or the wave pool :)
Sadly, when we went down the pink and blue slide, not so fun ):
So only went once, then never slide down liao..
Then we just kept going to the lazy and wave pool:P
Then play play play, then went to change, Eunice forgot to bring towel==
Then no choice, I share with her:)
*seems weird right* XD
Then after change hao le, went to eat KFC:)
Bought Zinger meal.. Burger not spicy de TT
And their drinks all fizzy fizzy de ):
I cnnt drink fizzy drink not ltr will get stomach ache:/
SO, no choice, I use my straw go stir till not fizzy ^^
Then after that went back to jp, comics connections :)
Bought SHINee notebook and sticker with Eunice:)
I also bought a SS501 wristband, $2, but dirty de): Cuz they never put packaging..
Then the design not so nice.. only put SS501.. thats it==
I wanted to buy the nicer one, with packaging and the design have their logo, but then $5 ):
Shall buy it next time ba^^
Then we went popular, buy file for SHINee :)
Cuz me and Eunice shall be sharing SHINee things:)
Then went library go put the notebook into the file and admire for awhile.. then Eunice went to play games on my phone..
then went home..
Today rained like mad:)
Happy^^ cuz it rained!! and I was busy sleeping ><
Oh oh, yesterday was 11/11/11.. and at 11:11 pm, I wished again, for the same thing..
And i repeated my wish 3 times XD
Cuz it was something which money couldn't buy^^
heheheh, today woke up, went eat maggie mee, then watch tv, then came online.
This Tuesday need go back to school collect Chinese Camp shirt..
Chinese camp is on 17 nov, at Yuan Ching sec.. (thats whr Sheryl is)
Then not sure if need straight away go thr, or go to sch first then go yuan ching..
Then 28nov, going for ICONS camp!! YAY
So excited!!
btw, our school prefect is known as ICONS, so.. yeah:)
ICONS camp 3days 2 nights!!! YIPPIE
First day going to camp in school I guess.. then at night gonna have a night walk IN SCHOOL==
Hopefully its gonna be fun!!!
Then 2nd day going our to have amazing race!!
Need to walk/run 10 km!!!
From starting point all the way back to the starting point is 10 km!!! :O
We run our 2.4km is like alr quite long and super tiring, now 10km==
Hopefully wont faint on that day!!
And i dunno if our school got shower anot'-'
Cuz we're gonna camp in school..
And our school so many insects..
Maybe more:/
PRAY that were gonna sleep in somewhere air-conditioned..
Then gonna have campfire^^
Wanna group with Eunice):
But then teacher gonna divide us.. so.. hopefully can grp with her!!!! ^^
She say I can be a rapper.. So.. yay:P hahha
Me want to be singer, not rapper TT but yay, I can rap XD
Nvm, IF one day I get into a KPOP <3 grp I dont mind being a rapper ^^
Okay, I think thats all bah:)
Ohoh, I have now became a SHINee fan too^^
I <3 SS501 LIKE MAD!!!
SHINee fan club is called SHAWOL
SS501 fan club is called Triple S



ONEW, MINHO, KEY, JONGHYUN, TAEMIN!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


4:48 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today had musical..
OKok.. Sing and dance then did ONE scene..
Then when finish le, saw a GRASSHOPPER!!! So cool!! XD
I never see before a grasshopper in real life before so very cool, finally saw one!!! :)
Currently listening to SS501 songs(windows media player) cuz havent download all the SHINee songs yet :)
Gonna do it all at one go one day :)
Just like what I did with SS501 songs
Listening to music while waiting for my videos to load.. Loading SHINee Star Golden Bell :)
Havent even touch my homework.. Dont want do lahh TT
Feel like eating ice-cream.. Maybe I will eat it later^^ hehehehe
OH OH OH, ~LOVE LIKE THIS!!!!~ Hey girl, ijen.. LOL
*Listening to love like this SS501*
XD, ps, I'm crazy ^^
So anyways, came home, got new microwave and small table^^
So, I ripped the cardboard box open.. and the microwave was so damn freaking big!!!
I cnnt carry it cuz for me too heavy :P
Then I open the box for the small table so much spider web== but luckily no spiders^^
OHOH, STAND BY ME, nal parabwajo.. LOL
*Listening to SHINee stand by me* ^^ HEHEHEHE
Then after awhile, went to sleep..
Did not intend to sleep.. :/
But in the end slept..
I slept for 3 hrs
Then woke up, ate dinner then watch tv then on com le^^
So yeah..
I think thats all bahh..

Quote for today:
*The moment of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us*



7:11 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong ^^
Very long never post le :P
So, holidays started, went back for musical.. tmr have musical :/
Hope that its gonna be fun :/
Few days ago went Karaoke with Eunice and Siti :)
Fun fun^^ My voice went off tune some times ):
Anyways, it was quite cold, then I ordered bubble tea, then Eunice and Siti ordered HOT chocolate..
Then the bubble tea they put in a glass, the glass so tall!!!! Then we sing sing sing..
Then when we were singing SHINee Ring Ding Dong, my finger got cut by the WALL TT
It bled like mad...
And it hurts like hell TT
Then continue singing, then after that went Jurong East go take Eunice brother's badminton racket, then went home..
Wanna go karaoke again :)
Then yesterday went to Snow City with Eunice and Noah :)
Me and Eunice met at Boon Lay MRT station, then I reach first mah, then the whole place was full of bangala.. I'm not trying to be racist, but its kinda scary..
Then Eunice came, then went to meet Noah at Jurong East..
Then we walked to Snow City^^
Eunice helped us paid first, then we took our jackets, gloves and boots..
I was super blur ==
I wore my boots wrong side..
Then I couldn't zip my jacket, then Eunice helped me..
Then I was trying to squeeze my bag into the locker, then I pushed too hard, then the whole locker thingy NEARLY FELL ON ME!!!
Then I wore my gloves wrong side==
Then we went in, it was even colder than before..
Then we took pics, then went up to the "slide" then slide down^^
Then we play play play, then we went out, blah blah, then we went to jp to eat..
All of us ate Hokkien Mee :)
Then after that we went to Central Park, played the swing thingy:)
Then we play play play then went home.
So then earlier today (2am plus) my brother and father fought..
Then at ard 8 or 9 am, my mother and father fought..
Today, my mama off work ^^
Then we went to jp buy things, then saw A LOT of epic things.. Not gonna say here^^
So yeah, I think thats all ba:)
I HEART SHINee now ^^
I also HEART SS501 <3 ^^
I think now I'm gonna eat my "supper", curry with rice ^^
Ciaos!!! :)



12:27 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today is the 2nd last day of sch..
Yesterday was Deepavali:)
So, I wish all my hindu friends a happy deepavali!! :)
So, today, went sch.. received our next year's book list..
So expensive the price TT
Then teacher say tmr then get back our Report book!!
And tmr is when I will also know if I got selected to be in the ICONS !!
So "many" things happening tmr :/
Hahahha, so anyways, luckily didn't fail any of my subjects..
But I also never pass with FLYING COLORS:/
Haiz, so anyways, now in love with SHINee !!! XD
JONGHYUN AHHHH!!!!! *melt*
Hai:/ LOL ><"
But no worries, I WILL FOREVER LOVE SS501!!!
So, yeah...
Wanna buy 3 things so badly, but decided not to :/
Save money and i but it, more disadvantages than advantages.. so choose not to buy loh:/
Nowadays dreaming of weird stuff XD
Aigoo.. I dunno what to post :(
Hmm, well, I created a SS501 fan page on fb, and I need supporters..
So, I shall put the LIKE thingy here in my blog POST, so.. people who is in love with SS501 can like my page!! :)
SO.. i shall end my post here..
Ciaos!!! :)

*Quote for the day*
~You are not fully dressed until you wear a SMILE~




7:43 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Very long never blog liao horh!! ^^\
heheh, so anyways, exams are OVER!!! YAY!!!
Already get back results!! ^^
Hmm, I passed ALL!! :D
But some, I passed badly):
Like chinese and maths TT
And omg, english!! English comprehension, I was DAMN PRO==
Out of 20 marks, I scored */20 ==
Yup, ONE digit number ==
But heng my what the summary and literature pulled me up^^
So i think I getting B for english:)
So yeah..
Wanted to saw smth here,but decided not to:)
Hmm.. soo.. ohoh, today was the sports carnival:)
I played Captain's Ball with Izzah, Reshveny, Faarisah, Dora, Atikah, Nabila:)
We draws against 1A and 1C!! Pro right!! HEHEHE
And we won against 1N2:)
So, we won 3rd place!!
Then went to the hall, ppl showed us sand art, which was like totally AWESOME!! XD
Then was the price presentation..
Hehe, the whole team went up on stage and received their medal:)
FIRST medal in secondary sch so far XD
Then school is ending on 28 oct, fri, next week!!
But then November need go back to school practice for the musical thingy, 6 days..
Then need go CAMP!! To see if we become Student council or sports leader^^
3 days!! <3 <3 <3
Then also need go Yuan Ching sec for chi camp..
Yeah, so November kinda busy :/
But it will be fun^^
Hmm, I shall write about the ICON leader's (prefect) interview:)
Firstly, we had to wait for like 2 hrs before it was our turn==
Cuz each interview with one grp was like 20 min..
Then we went in, was like super nervous at first, but then the moment I went in, I not scared^^
So then the teachers asked us to introduce ourselves all that, then ask us whether we want to be student leader or sports leader..
I chose to become a student council.. Cuz it seems more fun.. ><
Then they told us like what we will be doing if we sports leader or student council.
So yeah..
Then can liao loh.. then went home..
So yeah, I think that's probably it..

*Quote of the day*
~Happiness is about the travel and not the destination~


7:24 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Hmm.. its now exam period..
Today had our Mother tongue paper..
Then aft sch went to Izzah house there to do the audition thingy:)
Not gonna talk about it cuz ltr u'll find out why^^
So, then she wanted to teach me the dance but in the end, never do anything.. LOLS
SO, went to lp house^^
Ate maggie mee there..
Then play play play..
Then went home earlier:)
We were like laughing till we cried.. then Eunice aft she happy cry, she sad cry..
And i think she cried for like 5-10 min?
Then her tear drop dropped on my leg and skirt..
It was so damn awkward sia.. :/
she was like crying then me and lp were like, what happen?? why eunice crying??
Then there was a "long" period of silence..
Then eunice no emo liao, then lp emo.. LOL
Then went home..
Blah blah blah..
Tmr is Eng paper 1, 1h 30 min, tmr aft exam supposed to go izzah house there again to dance cuz the audition deadline is 9th oct, this coming sunday..
So then something happened, and I cannot audition anymore..
Dont feel like saying it here:/
So anyways, aft that i cried cuz all my effort preparing to audition was "suuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppttttt" down the drain TT
So.. yeah.. like that loh :/
haiz.. dont wanna continue talking about it not ltr maybe i will cry:/
So yeap, that's most prob it..


9:23 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

End-year-exams are coming :/
Need to study liao~
That time I study maths like 2 or 3 hrs like that OO shocked siaa
Haha.. need to really study on sci atoms and geo :/
Teacher teach atoms and geo things have no idea what they talking==
And I dont even understand why we need to learn about atoms==
We also not gonna use it in future unless we become scientist==
Sian lah....==
I bet my oppa doesn't even know what is an atom!!!:P
Hahha ><"
Anyways, got oral TT
Chinese teacher at least got give us practice, but then eng cher never give us practice one leh TT
So sad.. Haizz..
Planing to buy a ss501 pouch and other ss501 things, then i can put all my ss501 things in that ss501 pouch!!! XD
But must wait till have money ):
Need to save money alr.. Haiz.
Then I scared I not even time to save my money then when I have enough alr, all the ss501 things all go byebye liaoTT then must wait like a long time before they re-stock TT
Currently loading an ss501 video on youtube ^^
ohoh, yesterday I slept at 6pm till next day sia. woke up at 11.51am!!
And my mother said I had fever.. but then recovered:)
I had fever and recovered from it on the same day:) hehe
so.. dunno what to say now:/ video havent load finish):
Tmr need to complete my hw.. only left chi compo then finish.
Sian): Secondary sch is fun, but tiring and scary cuz have all those like gangster gangster type like that.
You accidentally knock into them, they beat you up.. you look at them for awhile, they not happy hamtam you or they just want to bully you for some stupid reason==
That time got this girl, sec 2.. think she so "big" come and scold me "attitude problem"..
I was in the toilet, like making my hair neater.. then the girl was outside.. and alr started staring at me.. then she came in and shouted in malay "attitude problem sia this girl"..
Then I was like, what i do!? You come in start staring at me, I never do anything come scold me for what!?
And I was like, first time with a gangster very scared mah.. then my eyes was like pain like that.. not going to cry, but pain like that.. Then I was like.. walao eh.. seriously hate those ppl who think they are so "big".. just because they are older doesn't mean they can bully younger ppl right!! hate those ppl==
Haiz.. so my point is, i think, i dunno what my point is:/
Opps!!! 00'' >< hahaha ><"
At least my vid is now loaded:)
So, now I'm gonna watch my video.. so ciaos:)
No quote of the day cuz wanna watch my vid^^


6:51 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong!!! :)
Gonna blog about Eunice bday:)
After the musical thingy, which was damn freaking fun btw, i wished it was longer:/
Anyways, I went to meet Siti and Li Pin first.
Went to toilet change, then forgot to bring shoe):
Then yay, siti bring extra shoe for me:)
Heels.. LOL, nvm:)
Then we went to get the cake for eunice:)
Then went to meet her downstairs her block..
Played a "prank" which failed i think.. Cuz I heard Eunice say in chi, very fake horh..
Then went buy slurpee:)
then went to central park:)
Picnic-ed with Eunice, Siti and Li Pin:)
At first went shelter, but then ppl came, so then we decided to move..
Sat on the mat which siti brought:)
Then ate the cake.. lighter failed.. so we had imaginary fire Xd
Then ate the cake:)
Eunice opened her presents:)
Then we wanted to play the swing.. but then got ppl.. so we played other stuff..
Then we keep on looking at the swing there to see whether the ppl there go liao..
Then one time we went there, like look at them for 10 sec??
Then the YOUNG GIRL, malay, said: " SEE WHAT SEE!?"
Like gangster like that, got the young girl and young boy with an adult??
I think the young children influence with the gangster like "adult" ..
SO, then we left the arcade..
Then found out that the ppl there left==
So, went arcade, played ddr.. after the ppl playing left, I noticed that I lost my arcade card!!
But some how I was not scared AT ALL..
So means in the end I will find it mahh..
SO, went searching~
Bo liao..
*spoke too soon:/ should have never thought about" hmm, since i not scared, i will find it one lah" *
Haiz.. so in the end, lost it:/
then we neo^^
After that went to another shop for eunice to catch her toy cuz in arcade she caught a keychain:)
Most of the time, the first time u try u will catch one.. Then when u try again, cnnt one:/
I wasted my first try on smth not worth it):
Anyways, Eunice went to the toy shop?? to catch her hello kitty..
I gave her some coins since is her bday:)
In the end, never catch anything:/
So then went to comic collection, siti bought stuff there, then Eunice and Li Pin went to havry norman to print pics..
Needed to wait for 15 min.. but then alr 5.30.. so i needed to go home liao..
so went home~
SO yeah.. thats all:)
Fri.. hmm went home from sch:)
Yeah.. nth much yesterday~
Today, sat^^
Finished all my hw alr^^


5:16 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Kinda bored~ And kinda lazy to load more ss501 videos cuz internet so slow== cnnt watch in peace==
watch half way, need to let it load==
so ma fan..
Anyways, can sms le:) hehehhe
Tmr going out with Eunice, Jean and Khai Rui..
So.. stuck'-' dunno what to say '~'
eeee :] so cute the face^^ '~'
today nothing one~ so boring..
So.. i can sms le, i alr said that on top==
but nvm, lets just leave it as it is~ not make my post look short Xd
Hmm.. maybe gonna eat ice cream ltr:/
Currently my blog music playing unlock..
Haiz, nvm.. at least its way faster than before
This is called APPRECIATION.. LOL
I'm totally being epic??
Anyways, something epic happened..
Not gonna say here, cuz i think its personal??
I dunno.. just not gonna say here^^

haha, i told u it would be rdm.. but seriously, i wanna see them T.T
I'm not a totally CRAZY fan.. i'm just a CRAZY fan:)
I think that's all I should say for now:/

Quote for today:

What we do for ourselves dies with us, but what we do for others remains and is immortal~ 


8:45 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

So, as u can see, I changed my blogskin~
to SS501^^
No complains pls== if you do, or if you are a anti-fan, get lost:P
Anyways, this week, the holidays going out, almost all of the days:/
Mon, going out with Eunice, Jean and Khai Rui, they need to practice their pe dance..
Then Tuesday going out with someone, to do smth..
Then wed, after the workshop (musical/drama workshop) going out with Sheryl they all..
Then Thurs not sure if going to celebrate Eunice bday:/
Then fri... I also not sure..
So, alr confirmed that mon-we going out..
then thurs and fri, not sure
So, yeah
Today, was a blue moon:)
Its a phrase btw..
Went pizza hut to eat^^
Took some pics.. lazy to upload..
Maybe gonna upload it next post??
See how loh:)
Oh, the music thingy, it takes time to load, if ur internet is slow:/
My internet is slow, so it takes a long time just to load song==
But anyways, hope you enjoy the music^^
I love it cuz its SS501's!!! DUH!!! Xd
hahaa, okay thats all^^

Quote for the day:
Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale ~


10:31 PM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong!!! ( it means hi in Korean)
So.. very long never blog le, so decided to blog.. since i'm kinda bored.
No lahh, not bored, cuz now I have SS501 vids to watch^^
So anyways, these past few days..
OK ok, some were fine, some were bad, and none were good):
Sooo... just gonna elaborate on the bad ones:/
Soo.. we doing the 1B parody thingy..
Then we thought about a GOOD idea:)
Then we went to do it..
then some idiot, went to call me, saying THINGS..
so i had to go home..
Then went home..
Had a huge fight with that idiot..
then i cry cry cry..
called an angel for help..
then idiot went to scold me say why I call angel==
wanna kick idiot!!! :@
Anyways.. then blah blah, went to use com..
watched SS501!!!
I was super sad then.. and poof! Watch SS501 jiu happy happy le:)
Haiz.. I love them forever!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 
so, yeah..
Tmr gonna go out with ppl to do parody... and play:)
Maybe also gonna go singtel go ask them what happen to my sim card:/
Then maybe can sms again!^^
So, yeah:)
That's about it for now:)
Quote for the day:

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up:)


6:38 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Whoah! Had a dream that there was gonna be a new boy in our class, and guess what!?
The next day, POOF! got new boy!!
Damn shocked, he from China~ Name is Andy
So, yeah, he still now like emo emo one..
He now friends with Dong Hong they all~
SO, yeah, then blah blah..
Today, stayed back to dance pe:)
Added few steps.
Then ppl went home, left me, Eunice, Li Pin, Izzah, Jean and Nabila.. then we did 1B parody
Then Noah and Khai Rui came.. So they join loh:)
They were the camerman..
Then blah blah blah, cant say^^
Haiz.. then went LP house, play play..
the didi== cry..
Haiz, then went home..
So yeah, that's most prob it..
Completed most of my hw, only left sci ws and eng, what I want the world to read~
 Quote of the day:
I am strong because I'm weak
I am beautiful because I know my flaws
I am a lover because I am a fighter
I am fearless because I have been afraid
I am wise because I have been foolish
And I can laugh because I know sadness~


6:35 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today.. met Eunice, then went to meet LP, then she missed the bus, as in, the bus went to the bus stop, she was there, waiting, but then she never see the bus..
So in the end, me and Eunice went to sch tgt..
Then first period PE, my grp last min change song:)
Then the Eunice grp, inside have Khai Rui.. Then I watch him dance horh, walao ehh!!!
So damn funny and suai><" He dance like, act till so cool like that lol..
So then, sci..
Did the bacteria thingy, experiment..
Then recess, then maths..
Then GEO==
Firstly, teacher said that our test, more than 50% failed TT
Then she let us see the world map, then she gave us a short test..
I spelled Australia wrongly!
I spell it, Austrailla==
So stupid==
LOL, nvm, get 9/10 gd alr:)
Then actually, teacher very understanding:)
And, if you have the attitude to really listen, its fun^^
Then was D&T, did our own YOYO design:)
I spent too much time on creating 2 hearts==
In the end, not enough time to make my name at the side~
So, the teacher just say just leave it, then when they going cut out, then all the pieces(my name) will just drop out):
But nvm ahh.. at least got 2 heart shapes:/
Then went to  LP house chat chat..
Then the didi came in, wanted to watch Spider Man, but he want attention from us mah, so keep coming in..
Then LP went to "scold" him?? Then he cry==
I seriously hate it when he cries==
Haiz, nvm, then blah blah blah, went home:)
Then ate dinner, blah blah:)
And ta-da!
The end:)
Kays, Ciaos^^

Quote of the day:
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have~


8:04 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:)
Yesterday, went to sleep damn freaking early!!!
Like 6 or 7 pm siaa
Then I woke up at 11 am :)
So much sleep!!!^^
Haha, okay..
Then, today, woke up, realized I was home alone...
So, went to sing songs, but was not so crazy..
And only sang 1 song..
Normally I would sing alot of songs, so yeha..
Then eat eat eat..
Paid the price for eating so much:/
Kanna stomach ache
Until now, I still so called "recovering" from my stomach ache..
So yeah..
I'm so damn freaking jealous about other ppl!
About what??
About when people eat something, either its a big meal or not, THEY DONT GROW FAT!!!
I just like want to use a knife go cut it till its slim!!!!
I just so damn freaking hate my stomach!!!!!! :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
I dont think that one day, I would ever see a flat tummy ever in my life):
It seems impossible~
Anyways, ciaos!!!! >:X

Quote of the day:
Smart listens to the head, stupid listens to the heart, be stupid :)


5:27 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, went out with Eunice, Li Pin, Siti^^
Rachel could not come..
So, met Li Pin first, then we went to lib..
But then the lib close.. so we went to the play ground near there..
Play play play, then went to meet Eunice and Siti downstairs their block..
Then we went arcade, played DDR:D
Then went play drums.
After that went to buy slurpee, Siti never buy cuz she fasting mahh
So, then we went kiddy palace, see see..
Then we went to walk walk..
Then Li Pin say she needed to go to seng kang..
Then she left.. me, Eunice and Siti, planned to go to the swing..
Then Eunice too sad to go cuz no more Li Pin le..
SO she went home..
Then me and and Siti went to play swing..
The time pass so damn freaking slowly siaa!!!!! :@
Haiz.. then we sat on the swing for like 1 hr, then went back home..
I reach home, on com..
So, yeah, that's most prob it..
Sry, no quote of the day:/


6:46 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today.. Celebrated National Day at school:D
Saw Eunice, she was directly in front of me, but she never see dao wo.. lol==
then, went sch myself.. Then, reach sch..
I wore my pink monkey shirt><"
But supposed to wear red.. But then I only have my p5 camp shirt..
So, I brought that just in case:D
So, in the end.. Changed:D
So, yeah..
1 hour, pe..
My grp the dance moves... OK ok ahh:/
But at least have some moves:)
So, after that..
Ate sandwich.. Supposed to be tuna..
But then I never see carefully then took the egg sandwich. but nvm lah..
Still nice to eat:D
So, then went to the hall for the celebration
Then our national gift was paper clips and a blur pencil case..
So, blah blah blah with the concert:D
Quite fun ahh
My leg numb tiao.. LOL
Then wanted to go home..
Then I walk with Tasha..
Then at the other end, saw Kwang Hwa and Owen..
Then they ask us if ltr want go visit pri sch..
Then Eunice called me, cuz she saw me chatting with them..
So, she came over then continue chatting..
Then we went JP, Kwang Hwa solo, took taxi first==
After he took taxi, the bus came.. LOL
Then damn crowded..
Then the bus suddenly stop or whatever, then Eunice fell on me, and I fell on Owen ><"
Then blah blah..
Went to meet Kwang Hwa at LJS..
He and owen ate...
Then me, Eunice and Li Pin, just sit down, never eat and just chat lohh
Then sian mahh, so, I told owen that we going macs then meet him at jwps..
But then after that Eunice say she not going le, so, I ask her to msg owen that we not going liao..
Then we all wanted to go eat macs, but then damn crowded..
So, went to LP house!!! 
Haha, so then we went to play play play, and chat chat chat..
Then when I was in the toilet, Eunice and LP heard a knocking on the wall.
But I never hear dao..
Then Eunice was damn scared.. somemore she wanted to also do her business..
So, she ask me go in with her while so do her business..
But then, she went in alone..
And me and LP were outside, like guarding her like that..
A few minutes later she come out, she say she too scared to do her business..
Then.. yeha.
Continue chat..
Then went home..
Tmr going out with Eunice, Li Pin, Siti and Rachel!!! :D
Hopefully Siti wont be too hungry when she watch us eat:/
She fasting mahh
So, that's most prob all:D
Oh oh oh!!!
I know all my SS501 members le!!!
Anyways, ciaos:D

Quote of the day:
Happiness is just like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will elude you..
But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come sit on your shoulder softly...


4:55 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today.. was E-Learning day..
Woke up at 8am..
Then went to brush my teeth all that, then went online:D
Chatted with 1B^^
And did all the assignments we needed to do..
So, I finished all of them at like 9 plus??
So.. yeah
Then met Eunice at the lib at 11.30..
We ended up meeting up at 12..
Then we walked around to find books cuz need to do eng, What I want the world to read 2..
Then teacher say must be fiction books.. which is not real life stories.
So, needed to borrow a fiction book from the lib..
Then found le:D went to meet LP..
Then bought bubble tea..
Walked around..'Went to arcade, played DDR...
LP played^^
Then went out out of arcade, walk around..
Went back to arcade..
Wanted to Neo..but then the machine got prob):
SO, we just stayed down there, chat and take pics tgt for like 30 mins..
Then cuz we were waiting for 3pm so mac donald have the mac value lunch:D
But then.. so sian..
So, went to LP house..
Watched videos..
Then went to play monopoly:D
Then her didi so chao==
Haiz.. then you must like buy the property to have the card mah..
Then he dunno.. then he very sad that he no property card==
Then he cried==
Then LP say he has 3 stages when crying!! Xd
Anyways, after awhile, dont feel like playing le..
So, LP continue watch her youtube videos.. Then me and Eunice played..
Then I went home..
Waited for Eunice..
Then we went home tgt:D
So, yeahh
That's all^^

Quote of the day:
Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise,trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart <3


6:22 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Hmm, nothing much lahh, actually  have.. but then I forgot or lazy to type out here:/
Anyways, today.. school..
My phone got prob one loh):
LP bought new phone:D then my phone kanna spoil==
Not say spoil lahh, but cnnt sms..
Haiz.. then Eunice today morning msg me say that she not meeting me( She msged me at 12.11AM)
Haha, then went sch myself.. blah blah blah
Then music.. blah blah blah
Then mother tongue..
Walao ehh!!! Teacher never come):
I wasted my time last night to finish up the hw sia..
Make me miss my fav chi show):
Haiz.. nvm
Then I read my storybook for the whole 1 hr:D
Left about 90 plus more pages le!! WOOTS!
Hehehe Xd
Then recess, ate something like a taco or burrito or smth..
Then eng!!!
First time see 1B so excited about Eng '-'
Then LP grp acted out/ presented!! ^^
So fun watching them acting:D
Then assembly, stayed in the classroom, we drew comic, about respect.
I drew about a boy forgot to sign his test, then he went to forge his parents signature then his friend saw liao, went to tell him that he not respecting teacher and his parents.. Then he thought about it and decided to own up..
But c'mon lahh, i dont think one person could convince someone so easily==
I dont even think anybody would even care==
So, yeah, then maths..
Teacher go through our hw, then our drawing test:D
I got 7.. But then I calulated, i got 9'-'
Teacher forgot to add in the 2 marks for my 12cm line Xd
So, yeahh..
Then we did an open-book quiz/test
Quite ok ok ahh:D
Then handed in, then went to the hall..
Then blah blah blah..
Got onto the bus, and off we went to HPB(Health Promotion Board)
Then went to the health zone:D
Then we got a free bottle of carrot juice mixed with fruit juice with wolfberry:D Haha, I remembered it'-' :O
Then also they gave us a wet tissue ahh'-' The zap smth..
I forget le and lazy to go my bag go see:/
Anyways, then went back to sch..
Then went to JP with Eunice cuz she wanted to see the earpiece..
Then I bought GUMMY BEAR <3
Then got one, is like mouth shaped ahh, WALAO!!!!
But sadly, I only took ONE of that):
I think by the time I want again, no more liao):
Then went to take 241, met Mei Ling and Tasha in the line.. so went with them
Did not know Mei Ling took 241 siaa'-'
SO, yeah..
Then Tasha got off, I got off then Mei Ling got off maybe after 2 stops after I dropped...
Then went home..
Blah blah blah
I listen to music, dance here dance there, cuz need burn calories:D
So I dont grow fat Xd
but then i cnnt dance extremely crazy(which I normally do)cuz I need hold my MP3 and dance..
So, then after awhile, I rest mahh
Then my brother went off the light..
Then I close my eyes, and vua-la!
I fell asleep..
Most of the time is he cause me to sleep one==
Then my mother woke me up for dinner:D
eat hao le, then watch TV, for 1hr, then went online..
So, yeahh..
That's all:D

Quote of the day:  Every successful person has a painful story. Every painful story has a successful ending.
Accept the pain now and get ready for success.


6:13 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Just to let you know, if i did not tell, about the salad making competition thingy, we did not win:/
So, today... Got cross country..
Met Eunice and LP at the mrt station..
Met Ariel, Mei Ling and Tasha there also..
So, we went tgt:D
Then reach lakeside, walked like 2.4 km==
Maybe not, but we walked very far..
Then reach le, blah blah blah, then went to do our cross country!!!
After like 2 min, my leg jiu tired liao==
Then continue jog..
LP jog with Tasha, then me and Eunice jog tgt..
Then I kept on stopping cuz no breath mahh.
Then Eunice keep on asking me to jia you!!!
So, I jia you-ed :D
And run run run run run...
Going to the end le, chiong ahh!!!
I ended up to be number 43.. top 50^^
Then Eunice was 44:D
I think horh, if she never ask me to jia you, I wont be in the top 50.. So ty Eunice^^
Then after that, Eunice wanted to vomit.. so we rest rest rest...
Then blah blah blah all the way till they announce the winners.
First was Omega house, second was Alpha(my house), third was Beta house, (Eunice house), fourth was gamma house and last was Delta house..
So, yeah.. Then went back home, then went to meet Eunice, bought LP bday present, then went to her house:D
And ta-da! We started celebrating^^
Then we karaoke, I solo, so lonely:/
Then LP cousin came home, so we like stopped karaoke-ing
Then Eunice and LP did smth, then I cnnt know, so they lock me in LP room, ask me use com..
SO, I use... damn bored in there....
So, yeah, then they finished, then we went JP, went to arcade, DDR.. wanted to neo.. but..
Then I treated LP to the drum thingy:D
Then after that we went to eat macs..
Saw Fatin there'-'
Then eat eat eat, chat chat chat, then LP went home..
Then me and Eunice was like, just walking, then I wanted to check my phone..
Then suddenly, my phone missing le..
But I was like, not scared.. I also dunno why
Then I think I left it at LP house, so, me and Eunice ran to find LP, found her, then followed her back to her house, then I was like, totally not scared, I had no emotions towards losing my phone'-'
Then reached LP house, found my hp on her floor:D
Then we continue play play play, watched LP open her present:D
Then the didi obviously wanted it mahh..
So, me, Eunice and LP went to our so called evil side..
Then cuz we know he wants the toy so we pretend that we going bring it home..
Then he cried==
Then LP ask him, you want jiejie or u want toy..
He replied, TOY
So, then we continue play play play..
Then me and Eunice pretend to fight..
Then LP down there, watch us, keep on laughing.. LOL
Then I went home..
Then after awhile, Eunice went home..
So, yeah..
Reached home, chilled, ate dinner, went online:D
Thats all for now^^


6:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Sorry very long never post le..
Was too lazy and was busy sleeping Xd
Anyways, hmm, monday, yesterday...:D
Forget what happen le

Oh,  remembered le^^
Got the mt cultural thingy..
Then we need  draw and paint opera mask..
Then I find that the opera mask very scary:/
Then so we draw draw, paint paint, then we using 1A classroom mah, then the 1N1/1N2/1T1/1T2 dunno which one, went to use our classroom.
Its not their classroom, they go and dirty all the tables, they litter everywhere, all the paint on the table..
Then teacher will provide us with the pallet all that, then they use liao, they dont wash it..
Supposed to wash mahh, but then they never..
Damn inconsiderate loh them! :@
Then is our classroom, they go dirty it, then if teacher see, teacher will scold us,scold us for something we did not do!!!

Then we had to spend like 15 min to clean the classroom, while the people who dirtied our classroom, went for their recess, enjoying themselves==
Then, went to eat, blah blah blah..
After sch, went home, cuz the Eunice and LP say they not going to JP, but I am suspicious of that..
They keep on talking about SMTH, but they dont want let me know, so I know they are on to something..
I also dunno what..
So, went home, went to sleep le..
Sleep hao le, I woke up, kanna headache==
Then night time, cnnt sleep):
Then I like fell asleep at 3-5 am??
I also dunno..
Then today woke up, got the cultural thingy again, today is do the martial arts thingy..
Then we blah blah blah...
The move we do, like, very diff like that...
Then over le, went to eat, I ate laksa, then I gave the person $5.. Then I supposed to have $3 plus change..
Then at first is correct, then suddenly, I like, stm, say to Mei Ling and Ariel, "eh?? I gave the person $2 then she gave me back $3 plus.."
Then I went to return back, and got back my "correct" change..
Then after that, I wanted to buy water, then suddenly i remembered that I gave the person $5..
So, then I went back to tell them I supposed to get back $3 plus...
Me so stupid==
A few seconds jiu stm le== lol
So, after everything hao le, went to change..
Then went back to classroom, eng, Azim kanna..
Then blah blah blah..
Assembly, blah blah blah, then was Maths, got a small quiz..
At first, I was confident, but then I went to check, then I noticed that I did wrongly.. So, I went to re-do
(btw, its drawing the perpendicular bisector and angle bisector)
then the re-do one also look wrong.. So then my confidence all fly away le):
So, now, can only pray that its correct:/
Then after that was break, before the maths fest..
Then me and Tasha combine money go buy one sandwich:D
Cuz both of us no money to buy anything, and we wanted to eat smth..
So, yeah, combine, and ate one sandwich:D
Then was maths fest.
Quite fun^^
Although some were not so fun:/
But overall was nice^^
Then I thought my grp did quite well, which they did:D but then in the end, not enough girl power to win):
So sad lehh, 1st 2nd and 3rd, NONE were from 1B, all from 1A and 1C ):
Then its like, make 1B look stupid in maths):
That's so sad!!! T.T
But nvm lah, at least we try and had fun^^
SO, went back home, ate dinner, then went online lohh.
Tmr, got the hip-hop thingy, then after that have the cultural thingy..last time:D
Then, yeahh..
Thursday got cross-country and SMTH else:D
Cnnt say out here^^
Maybe i will after IT happens^^ LOL
Yah, so, thats all:)
Currently hooked on a chi show called, 我的完美男人

LOL, so yeah, that's should be all..


5:59 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl!!!:D
Today first period was CME, went to com lab to do it..
Then obviously we all 坏蛋(naughty), then go fb..
Then teacher was like, marking then Reshveny was doing her D&T test..
Then teacher not looking..
Then teacher turned and saw a lot of ppl using fb..
Then she kanna scold us'-'
Then was art.. Painted...:D
Hopefully my NEW art materials wont be lost again==
Not I really want commit suicide(not really, but you get what I mean)
Then was recess..
Helped Li Pin and Eunice buy their food and drink cuz they need to do Eng hw, which is to write a poem..
Then ate, eng lesson..
Woots! Ms Lim came in with us:D
Then we recap on the poem thingy..
Then like, last 5 min, teacher let us use BRAND NEW laptops..
Yeah, it was brand new:D So cool!!! Xd
Then we like, just started to type.. Then need to shut down le):
Then was the ever so boring, Geography==
Haiz... Teacher stand down there, use mike, talk talk talk non-stop for 1 whole hr==
Damn boring siaa... After like 15 min, I started yawning alr==
Then yay, end sch:D
Then me, Li Pin and Eunice went to the kitchen, cuz need practice for the salad making competition.
Then, yay, finally can start practicing:D
Then blah blah blah..
Chicken need to marinate for 1 hr'-'
Then the basil need pluck from our sch organic garden..
So little basil siaa, all baby one Xd
Then got so many insects crawling on them:/
Ewww... But that's what you expect from an organic garden by the school...'-'
Then hao le, continued cooking..
The chicken WAHHH!!! Super nice, but then salty one >~<
Then after everything, put the chicken with the vegetables, and ta-da, the chicken not salty le:D
Haha, then went home..
Then yeah.. ate my salad, then ate biscuit.. Then went online..
Then yeah..
Tmr, the competition, have to be in school by 8.15am
So, cuz need marinate the chicken before the competition cuz need 1hr..
SO, our plan is, me and Eunice meet each other then go Li Pin house marinate chicken.. LOL
So, i like have to wake up at 6am, on a SATURDAY==
Then meet Eunice at 6.45, then take bus tgt go to LP house:D
Then we all go to sch together:D
Then yeah.. meet teacher, and POOF!!! Let the competition start!!!
So, tmr will post about the competition and if we won anot:D


7:20 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Nothing much lahh
Actually have, but then I lazy go elaborate on it..
So, met Eunice blah blah blah..
Then PE.. Blah blah blah
Then was science..
Teacher nag at us for "cheating"
Then I never cheat, then teacher say, those who never cheat stand up..
Then it's like, we are being punished by doing the right things==
Then teacher say those who failed or cheated must re-take the test..
Then recess, ate sandwich.. then was eng..
Learnt about the poems all that..
Then Reshveny kanna sabo me==
But in the end, she kanna.. Hehe:D
Then was chinese, had a mock test..
Quite ok ok..
Then was AMPedIT...
Just like, share ppp.. blah blah blah
Then was homec..
Waited for teacher for like 1 hr.
Then teacher came, say she havent buy the ingredients yet==
From tuesday, change to wednesday, change to thursday, and now, change to tmr, friday.. Then what!? Change to saturday ahh?? Saturday alr competition==
Then Mrs Pada ask us to type out the things on the com.. LP went to type then me and Eunice played.. with the chair thingy Xd
I know we're bad Xd
Anyways, then type hao le then we went to JP, went to meet teacher there, then shop here shop there, bought everything, then we sent teacher off to the taxi stand there, then Eunice went toilet, so, we said byebye to her, then me and LP walked to the interchange, then I said byebye to her, she said byebye to me..
Then went home.. Blah blah blah
Ate dinner, did hw, went online..
End of story..
So, yeah, that's all


5:49 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Getting more and more lazy to post><"
Monday, blah blah blah..
Very lazy lahhh ==
Life getting more and more siann..
Today, after sch, Eunice and Li Pin came to my house to do 2 projects..
One is CME the other one is to find salad recipes for the salad making competition..
Then tmr got practice.. Thur also have
Then Thur maybe need wear traditional costume..
Tmr going ask teacher, cuz that day got pe..LOL
Then we do do do..
So, yeahh
That's all..


4:50 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today.. woke up NATURALLY at about 6-7 am siaa!!
So shocked!! Xd
Then continued sleeping.. then naturally woke up again at 11 am
So, I wanted to continue sleeping but then i couldn't fall asleep..
So, woke up:D
Then went use com.. went to play baking life blah blah blah
Then my brother woke up..
Then we use com, I went to cook maggie mee..
We ate, then went to popular buy stationary..
Then I needed to buy pens, the correction tape re filler, hole puncher, stapler, paint and a note book
So, bought everything I needed:D
Then went to pay..
Wanted to faint by the total price of everything(including my brother things)
Then pay hao le, went home..
Watch tv, blah blah blah
Went to fetch my father home, then the taxi driver, the face horh, so scary T.T
Like, very fierce like that, but he actually very kind but I still very scared of him .-.
Anyways, reached back home, went to on com again, blah blah blah
blah blah blah, yeha, that's most prob everything for today:/


6:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Audition cant patch AGAIN
KNS :@
Today chatted with Eunice, then she late reply, then.. she offline==
Also dunno what happen'-'
I slept like 14 hrs?? AWESOME~
So, if I slept at 12, I woke up at 4:)
If I slept at 11, I woke up at 3:D
If I slept at 1, I woke up at 5^^
Today actually wanted to go to popular buy stationary and my art materials which were being stolen or lostT.T
But I woke up late:D
So, tmr going^^
Most prob later eating macs:D
Cuz I always eat every Sat, used to be every thurs but then change le:D
I wonder what show they going to replace Boys Over Flowers since it ended last week):
Hopefully its a nice show that I can watch^^
Fell in love with Jay Sean song, 2012 XD
Damn nice lahh... :)
Go youtube seach^^
Bottles poppin till we cant stand..
We keep it rockin till 6 am..
New York to London over to Japan,
Turn it up, turn it up, mash it up..
I am singing it RIGHT NOW
Of coz,by the time you read this, I wont be
Grrr, seriously hate those type of people who ask rdm girls on the internet to give them their nude==
I have been asked that like 5 times!!!??
I dont understand why they want see==
See themselves lahh!! See others for what!?
KNS lah them
Anyways, was just trying to make a point there..:D
Monday got maths test, then thurs got mt mock test):
Hope I dont fail!!!
No no no no no!!!
No, but seriously, I will pass^^
So, yeha, that's all for todae :D


7:00 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, damn tired..
Woke up blah blah blah
Went to school..
First period was CME, forgot to bring the thumbdrive==
Then Eunice went to type everything out, the questions and answers..
Then me and LP went to find pics, but we never use those pics, we used the ones which we took at Sentosa:D
Then after that was Art, T.T my art things kanna stolen/lost..
Then I have to buy EVERYTHING again==
Total is like $30 plus??
KNS >:@
Then was recess, I ate a sushi and a watermelon:D
Cuz it was fruity Friday, LOL
Then it was Eng.. we had to like write a script, and discuss within the grp..
Then Eunice grp went up first to rehearse..
Damn funny sia Xd
Then was geo..
boring lah==
Teacher talk talk talk, we have to listen to her talk for 1 hr==
Then somebody laugh, then teacher scold us==
Laugh also cnnt huh!? KNS==
Then yay, went home.
Then I went home, met Eunice, went to buy bubble tea, I bought grape..
WALAO EHHH!!!! They buy the grape is FILLED WITH SEEDS...
Then ice blended somemore..
Then every sip i take horh, filled with the grape seeds==
Then went to LP house to do the CME project...
Then our mission was to not let LP didi know that we are in the house not he will like keep chao us..
Then very irritating==
Then our plan was that, when he came in, me and Eunice will hide in the cupboard there..
We hide like dunno how many times==
Then me and Eunice wanted to go to the toilet.
Eunice went first, so, I went back to the room and hide, in case the didi come in
Then after Eunice came back, I went to the toilet..
Then I dunno how to use the door mahh, then I never close properly..
Then suddenly LP opened the door!!!
But heng, she never see anything XD
So, then went back into the room, then suddenly the didi came in siaa
Then I screamed and CHIONG ahh to the cupboard
Then LP was like, who you see?? ehh dont scare me lehh!!!
Damn funny XD
Then after awhile, we gave up..
The didi came in and POOF we were in the room, then the didi was like very happy..LOL
Then we decided to play a game...
Its like I make a G sound then Eunice and LP and I will freak out..
Then pretend is the didi make one..
Then we were like faking, that we were afraid of him..
Then he started crying==
Yeha, I know we're evil><"
But he not supposed to cry one.. Haiz, nvm
Then we all comfort him, lol, then we watch TV, then cuz the didi like Eunice the panda bag mahh
Then LP say is her one, then the didi want it, but she "gave" it to Eunice..
Then he not happy cry loh==
Then me and Eunice left house, he cry again cuz we going off==
It's not like we are never going back to LP house.. lol
Anyways, reached back home, ate dinner, went online


7:22 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, woke up, met Eunice blah blah blah
Reached sch, quite early'-'
Then went canteen, sat down for awhile then went to the quadrangle..
Then blah blah blah
Went to change cuz got PE
But in the end dont have==
Teacher never come to sch==
So sad... HAIZZ
Waste my time and other ppl time changing==
Then relief teacher blah blah blah
Almost everybody took out their hp's and started using them..
Then suddenly got dm come
Then she was like " i know that you all are using your handphones.. And by right I am supposed to take them away and confiscate them for 1 month.. What class is this?? What is your period now?? Who is your teacher?? What should you be doing now??"
Then everybody was like, ps ps..
Before June holidays we were the most well-behaved class sia:)
Then now, like, getting caught by the dm more times..
Today was the 2nd time we kanna siaa):
Hopefully we will still be the most well-behaved class :/
Anyways, then was sci..
Ariel changed place with Resh, then I ended up sitting with Resh.
Then she suddenly change back to beside Ariel there..
And ta-ds, now every science lesson I will be sitting alone..
LOL, I'm being over Xd
So, yeah, recess, blah blah blah
It was English then Ms Ow took us..
Then she was talking about the play..
So, we got in our grps, discuss about the script..
We only one chpt, damn diff lohh):
Then blah blah blah
Then was the BORING mother tongue..
But, today lesson was not that boring..
Cuz we had so much work to do==
LOL, but I did'nt feel sleepy then:D
Then after that was the AMPedIT..
Learn about the SkyDrive thingy again..
Then I was chatting with Eunice, my Uncle and Noah..
So yeah..
After school, went to homec, needed to practice the salad making competition which is next sat..
So, then teacher was like, where's ur recipe??
== Then we were like, confuse like that..
Then teacher gave us a salad book filled with recipes..
Then we look look, we found a nice one:D
Then told Mrs Pada..
Then teacher ask us go buy all the ingredients..
Then we went to buy..
Keep going here, there, here, there==
Then finally returned back to sch..
Then we started our quest XD
Quite fun making it:D
But then, an accident happened):
Not THAT type of accident, lets say its an incident..
Not gonna elaborate on it cuz of my own personal reason:D
Anyways, cook hao le, then went home..
Took 99 to LP house there and then went to take another bus to JP
Then took ANOTHER bus back home..
LOL 3 buses XD
So, yeah, that's most prob it for today..