7:20 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Nothing much lahh
Actually have, but then I lazy go elaborate on it..
So, met Eunice blah blah blah..
Then PE.. Blah blah blah
Then was science..
Teacher nag at us for "cheating"
Then I never cheat, then teacher say, those who never cheat stand up..
Then it's like, we are being punished by doing the right things==
Then teacher say those who failed or cheated must re-take the test..
Then recess, ate sandwich.. then was eng..
Learnt about the poems all that..
Then Reshveny kanna sabo me==
But in the end, she kanna.. Hehe:D
Then was chinese, had a mock test..
Quite ok ok..
Then was AMPedIT...
Just like, share ppp.. blah blah blah
Then was homec..
Waited for teacher for like 1 hr.
Then teacher came, say she havent buy the ingredients yet==
From tuesday, change to wednesday, change to thursday, and now, change to tmr, friday.. Then what!? Change to saturday ahh?? Saturday alr competition==
Then Mrs Pada ask us to type out the things on the com.. LP went to type then me and Eunice played.. with the chair thingy Xd
I know we're bad Xd
Anyways, then type hao le then we went to JP, went to meet teacher there, then shop here shop there, bought everything, then we sent teacher off to the taxi stand there, then Eunice went toilet, so, we said byebye to her, then me and LP walked to the interchange, then I said byebye to her, she said byebye to me..
Then went home.. Blah blah blah
Ate dinner, did hw, went online..
End of story..
So, yeah, that's all

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