6:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Sorry very long never post le..
Was too lazy and was busy sleeping Xd
Anyways, hmm, monday, yesterday...:D
Forget what happen le

Oh,  remembered le^^
Got the mt cultural thingy..
Then we need  draw and paint opera mask..
Then I find that the opera mask very scary:/
Then so we draw draw, paint paint, then we using 1A classroom mah, then the 1N1/1N2/1T1/1T2 dunno which one, went to use our classroom.
Its not their classroom, they go and dirty all the tables, they litter everywhere, all the paint on the table..
Then teacher will provide us with the pallet all that, then they use liao, they dont wash it..
Supposed to wash mahh, but then they never..
Damn inconsiderate loh them! :@
Then is our classroom, they go dirty it, then if teacher see, teacher will scold us,scold us for something we did not do!!!

Then we had to spend like 15 min to clean the classroom, while the people who dirtied our classroom, went for their recess, enjoying themselves==
Then, went to eat, blah blah blah..
After sch, went home, cuz the Eunice and LP say they not going to JP, but I am suspicious of that..
They keep on talking about SMTH, but they dont want let me know, so I know they are on to something..
I also dunno what..
So, went home, went to sleep le..
Sleep hao le, I woke up, kanna headache==
Then night time, cnnt sleep):
Then I like fell asleep at 3-5 am??
I also dunno..
Then today woke up, got the cultural thingy again, today is do the martial arts thingy..
Then we blah blah blah...
The move we do, like, very diff like that...
Then over le, went to eat, I ate laksa, then I gave the person $5.. Then I supposed to have $3 plus change..
Then at first is correct, then suddenly, I like, stm, say to Mei Ling and Ariel, "eh?? I gave the person $2 then she gave me back $3 plus.."
Then I went to return back, and got back my "correct" change..
Then after that, I wanted to buy water, then suddenly i remembered that I gave the person $5..
So, then I went back to tell them I supposed to get back $3 plus...
Me so stupid==
A few seconds jiu stm le== lol
So, after everything hao le, went to change..
Then went back to classroom, eng, Azim kanna..
Then blah blah blah..
Assembly, blah blah blah, then was Maths, got a small quiz..
At first, I was confident, but then I went to check, then I noticed that I did wrongly.. So, I went to re-do
(btw, its drawing the perpendicular bisector and angle bisector)
then the re-do one also look wrong.. So then my confidence all fly away le):
So, now, can only pray that its correct:/
Then after that was break, before the maths fest..
Then me and Tasha combine money go buy one sandwich:D
Cuz both of us no money to buy anything, and we wanted to eat smth..
So, yeah, combine, and ate one sandwich:D
Then was maths fest.
Quite fun^^
Although some were not so fun:/
But overall was nice^^
Then I thought my grp did quite well, which they did:D but then in the end, not enough girl power to win):
So sad lehh, 1st 2nd and 3rd, NONE were from 1B, all from 1A and 1C ):
Then its like, make 1B look stupid in maths):
That's so sad!!! T.T
But nvm lah, at least we try and had fun^^
SO, went back home, ate dinner, then went online lohh.
Tmr, got the hip-hop thingy, then after that have the cultural thingy..last time:D
Then, yeahh..
Thursday got cross-country and SMTH else:D
Cnnt say out here^^
Maybe i will after IT happens^^ LOL
Yah, so, thats all:)
Currently hooked on a chi show called, æˆ‘的完美男人

LOL, so yeah, that's should be all..

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