1:38 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today post may be long..
So, yah..
Yesterday sleep from 4 30 to 8 30 XD
Had this super weird dream...
Here is my dream:
Title: Eunice being raped!!!
Me and Eunice got off the bus and for some reason we did not go to school and we went to the bus stop where we took the bus to go home..
Then got this traffic junction, then we crossed it, while crossing it, got one guy in front of me and Eunice was way in front of me.. Then behind her got one guy..
Then the guy in front of me turned to look at me and for some reason i knew that he wanted to rape me..
Then I say, "No, No, No!!" While pointing my finger at him..
Then he walked away..
Then I wanted to catch up with Eunice..
But she was walking fast..
Then suddenly, she started running and the guy behind of her also started running..
Then I also run..
Then Eunice reach the bus stop liao, put down her bag, tell me to wait for her there..
Then she quickly drop her bag and continued running while the man chasing her..
Then Eunice was wearing a pink shirt with stripes..
Then after awhile, she came in her pink singlet, holding her shirt and she was crying..
Then she sat down and I said to her, "Eh, he rape you ah?" Then she nodded and started crying..
Then I sat beside her and comforted her.. Then i think we went home.. (cant remember liao, most probably someone asking me to wake up==)
Then I cant forget that dream sia...
Then while I was day dreaming at home, waiting for time to pass, I thought of a possibility that I ran up to the man who raped Eunice, and i say to him, " OIE! If you dare to come near her or me, you will never see your gungee and your hands ah!!"
And then he walked off OR another possibility, he does not care, continue chasing us, I will step on his gungee and slap him XD
Dont think that I am cruel kays==
Must defend yourself^^
Then I shout, "someone call the police!!!"
So, yah, that is my dream and day dream XD

Hmmm, today in school, somebody keep on knocking onto my chair, and there is nobody behind..
Well, except the black figure!!
Then I am accompanied by the black figure and spiders==
Then while doing english literature test, I heard this VOICE behind me...
And my chair vibrated a little!!!
SO damn creepy sia!!
Why must I be number 6!!!???
Then wah!!!
Damn scary sia!
I was doing my maths... Then my phone was right beside me, I never even touch it, then suddenly Eunice msg me, telling me that I called her AGAIN..
And then I never even touch my phone, how can call her!!??
And then yesterday my mother say that i call her... How could have I called her when I was sleeping!!! Then my phone also no dialed numbers!!
Haunted phone? Or got another girl named Kerry-Ann and has the exact same number as me??
Why suddenly so creepy de!!??
I dun want 7 month to come T.T
ANYBODY?? HELP??? )':'

Dear momo ren:
I like you alot... But i know that you wont ever like me..
Then, tell me why i still like you??
Everyday I see you, and my heart becomes frozen and my whole body relaxes...
I cant take my eyes off of you..
Why do i like you when I know you wont like me back?? Why?

Ciaos ppl!!^^

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