8:12 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Yo, Yo, Yo^^
Today, AWESOME!!!
Went to meet Eunice at her tuition center then went to her blk there..
She went to take something..
Then ask me put her water bottle in my bag..
Then went to meet Siti..
Bought Eunice present for Ms Wai first..
Then went to buy mine for ms wai..
Ask them to help me wrap:D
wrap funny funny one..
Then went to kiddy palace to wrap Eunice gift..
Then went to Precious Thoughts to buy the bag...
Went to meet 6E!!!<3
Then had to wait for about 10 min for Ms wai to arrive..
Then while waiting, everyone took pics of each other:DDDD
Lols, had a fun time^^Haha
Then we went to NTUC to buy some kites and a ball..
To, fly kite and play captain ball
Then went to central park
blah blah blah..
Play a weird game then play captain ball<3
Then super fun^^
Then went to eat macs..
Ms Wai treated us McFlurry^^
Ty Ms Wai^^
Then went to play the name game
Play till a few hours siaa
Means that it is super fun XD
Then dismissed at 9.30..
Then went arcade..
Regretted it~
Went home, kanna my SOMEBODY
Then until now, my mind is filled with anger, sadness and...
I just hate my bloody fucking hell life..
My freedom is taken away by so many people
If i cant have my freedom, what else can I do??
Must why just die X^X
Not gonna post pic today..
No mood la
Today very funny siaa
Laugh till back pain><"
Moses was drinking coke..
Then Jason was telling him a joke..
Then it was so funny till Moses spit out his coke at Jason, me, Eunice..
Then we were all like laughing!!!
Okays, that's all

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