4:45 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Yo yo yo!! :D
Today so happy!!
hmm, let me start off with the beginning of the day of school...
Home ec, wahh super boring siaa
Teacher let us watch movie, then everyone was like not interested..
Then teacher dunt let us talk==
very wu liao siaa
Then teacher go liao, Mrs Pada took over..
Heng she stop the movie, then she ask all of us to gather and then go through things...
Then recess...
Oh Am Jee!!
Forgot to bring my school tie!!!
Luckily Reshveny help me to buy new one^^
Ty so much Reshveny!!!
Then went to eat..
Oh yah, teacher gave us this card, is  need to let other people donate...
Then after recess, was mt..
Teacher was busy again==
Then me, Eunice, LP and Dora played The Moment Of Truth^^
Is like one person ask the question, then he/she spin the bottle then whoever it points to, have to answer the question.
Then I ask, I answer, Dora ask, Dora answer, LP ask, what happen??
She answer==
LOL right!!
Then teacher came, started talking to us, then she say, i heard that ur class is very well-behaved...
Is it true, obviously it was not, but then we were like yah yah...
Then we started giggling...><"
We "lie" to teacher><"
Then was assembly, during assembly, got a butterfly come into the hall, keep going to the fan there..
Then kanna hit like 3 times??
Then it fell, or died, then the girl creeped out, she screamed, then I think Reshveny's brother went to pick the dead butterfly up and went to throw it away...
Then continue with the assembly...
Blah blah blah..
Went for Maths class, whole lesson did filing..
Then after file finish, teacher say can do whatever you want, then Eunice went to ask teacher if she can donate..
Then once she go there, almost everybody went there '-'
Then after maths finish. Ru Qi went to treat me, Eunice and LP mac!!!
So rich~
Ty Ru Qi!
Then after eat, went back to school cause need to attend a workshop at Jurong East Lib..
Then reached, went for the talk, quite okays lah..
Then went back to school, then so funny^^
We were like walking walking, then saw 198.. The bus we took most of the time..
Then Eunice statred shouting, "eh!! 198!198!!"
Then she started running, then i started running then LP started running!!
Then I run, naturally will start laughing de..
Also dunno why O.O
Then my wallet inside my bag ma..
Then reach inside the bus, I took out my wallet then when I wanted to tap it, LP quickly snatch away from me!!
Then went up, then got this guy, sleeping and...
Anyways, then we 3 keep on laughing until we reached JP siaa
We keep on laughing and making jokes!!^^
So damn funny^^
Awesome time~
Then reach JP, wahhh, saw ms Lim!!!
So shocked~
Then went to see what to get for ms wai bday present..
Then went to mini toons, see see loh,
then went home..
Wah, very tired..
Tomorrow we release at recess!!!
Then need go East Coast Beach do cleaning==
Other schools go overseas, we go do cleaning==
It will be a new experience:D
Last time is with pri school friends, now is with sec school friends..
So, new experience(:
Then now at home, typing^^
Now currently, chatting with Eunice and Khai Rui...
Okays, that's all for now^^
Post again tmr!!


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