3:17 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today, was a bad day T.T
Woke up..
Went to make bread with honey..
Took the honey
opened it
Got sooooo many red ants come out!!!
Then I dropped it then the ants were running around..
Took the insect repellent..
Byebye ants:DD
Somemore the queen ant was there~~
So, lucky for me!!
Hopefully, the queen die le, then all the ants no more queen, then dont invade my house le!
Then YAY!!!
Then after that, my papa woke up..
Then I just cook maggie mee mah
Then he just took it and ate it
My fav noodle siaa!!!
Somemore last packet T.T
Then I was super angry with him
Then I went to cook another maggie mee
Then I ate it..
Watch TV
He went back to sleep again..
Then I continue watching TV..
Today, so good lohs
Eunice got a new phone..
Gonna see it one day:D
Then now chatting with Siti..
She now in Audi
Gonna join her soon:D
That's all for today!!

He broke my heart AGAIN...
I dont think he even cares about me anymore..
Kinda thinking to forget him..
But I can never forget him..
I just had to make fate appear...
Now, fate has returned to make my love life difficult..
Should have never made fate appear..
My heart is now broken more AGAIN and only HE can mend it back...

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