3:39 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today, Thursday, went to assemble at the hall cuz need to go through powerpoint slides==
It wasted 20 min o four P.E. time..
Then after that the librarian wanted to talk to us..
Talk about the donation card which we received..
Then only left 15 min for P.E. siaaa.
Played soccer==
Then we were like 15 min late for science!!!
Heng teacher never scold ah^^
Then teacher kanna soar throat till she almost whole lesson never talk.
Then went for recess....
Then history, YAY!!!!
Teacher say today was the last lesson of History!!
Then teacher so good siaa:D
Let us watch RIO!!
But then had to stop half way T.T
Still wanna watch :/
Then was mother tongue...
Did correction for our papers..
Then woots!!!~
No English^^
Cuz teacher need one by one go through our results..
Then went jp..
Went to see what I want to buy for ms wai..
Oh yah!
On the bus, got this lady and her son, they sit in front of us, then got a very strong fishy smell==
Have to ta-han
Then reach JP, went to buy Tasha's present, then went to popular/Japan Home..
Now I dunno what to buy for Ms Wai liaos..
Need to see
Then I thought of what Ms Ow thought me for the Situational Writing..
See the advantages and disadvantages..
So, that's what I'm gonna do^^
Then, June holiday!!!!
Always got soo much homework one lohhs
Me, Eunice and LP plan to go to Snow City and East Coast Park!!^^
Here's my hw for one month:
Maths, ask and learn, 70 questions..
Chinese, need watch Chinese movie and write down ur feelings or whatever..
English, need to complete a ws, draw out characters from Matilda, design 2 mind maps on the characters....(one agreeable and one disagreeable)
And draw a poster in movie form..
Science: LMS, go through all the chpts we have learnt and do the quiz

So much lohs
Hate Holidays:/
So much hw de lohhs

For fun de sentence:
He </3 my heart again after he mended my <3..
Why did he do that??
I know why..

Okays, that's all ^^

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