7:00 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, damn tired..
Woke up blah blah blah
Went to school..
First period was CME, forgot to bring the thumbdrive==
Then Eunice went to type everything out, the questions and answers..
Then me and LP went to find pics, but we never use those pics, we used the ones which we took at Sentosa:D
Then after that was Art, T.T my art things kanna stolen/lost..
Then I have to buy EVERYTHING again==
Total is like $30 plus??
KNS >:@
Then was recess, I ate a sushi and a watermelon:D
Cuz it was fruity Friday, LOL
Then it was Eng.. we had to like write a script, and discuss within the grp..
Then Eunice grp went up first to rehearse..
Damn funny sia Xd
Then was geo..
boring lah==
Teacher talk talk talk, we have to listen to her talk for 1 hr==
Then somebody laugh, then teacher scold us==
Laugh also cnnt huh!? KNS==
Then yay, went home.
Then I went home, met Eunice, went to buy bubble tea, I bought grape..
WALAO EHHH!!!! They buy the grape is FILLED WITH SEEDS...
Then ice blended somemore..
Then every sip i take horh, filled with the grape seeds==
Then went to LP house to do the CME project...
Then our mission was to not let LP didi know that we are in the house not he will like keep chao us..
Then very irritating==
Then our plan was that, when he came in, me and Eunice will hide in the cupboard there..
We hide like dunno how many times==
Then me and Eunice wanted to go to the toilet.
Eunice went first, so, I went back to the room and hide, in case the didi come in
Then after Eunice came back, I went to the toilet..
Then I dunno how to use the door mahh, then I never close properly..
Then suddenly LP opened the door!!!
But heng, she never see anything XD
So, then went back into the room, then suddenly the didi came in siaa
Then I screamed and CHIONG ahh to the cupboard
Then LP was like, who you see?? ehh dont scare me lehh!!!
Damn funny XD
Then after awhile, we gave up..
The didi came in and POOF we were in the room, then the didi was like very happy..LOL
Then we decided to play a game...
Its like I make a G sound then Eunice and LP and I will freak out..
Then pretend is the didi make one..
Then we were like faking, that we were afraid of him..
Then he started crying==
Yeha, I know we're evil><"
But he not supposed to cry one.. Haiz, nvm
Then we all comfort him, lol, then we watch TV, then cuz the didi like Eunice the panda bag mahh
Then LP say is her one, then the didi want it, but she "gave" it to Eunice..
Then he not happy cry loh==
Then me and Eunice left house, he cry again cuz we going off==
It's not like we are never going back to LP house.. lol
Anyways, reached back home, ate dinner, went online

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