5:59 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl!!!:D
Today first period was CME, went to com lab to do it..
Then obviously we all 坏蛋(naughty), then go fb..
Then teacher was like, marking then Reshveny was doing her D&T test..
Then teacher not looking..
Then teacher turned and saw a lot of ppl using fb..
Then she kanna scold us'-'
Then was art.. Painted...:D
Hopefully my NEW art materials wont be lost again==
Not I really want commit suicide(not really, but you get what I mean)
Then was recess..
Helped Li Pin and Eunice buy their food and drink cuz they need to do Eng hw, which is to write a poem..
Then ate, eng lesson..
Woots! Ms Lim came in with us:D
Then we recap on the poem thingy..
Then like, last 5 min, teacher let us use BRAND NEW laptops..
Yeah, it was brand new:D So cool!!! Xd
Then we like, just started to type.. Then need to shut down le):
Then was the ever so boring, Geography==
Haiz... Teacher stand down there, use mike, talk talk talk non-stop for 1 whole hr==
Damn boring siaa... After like 15 min, I started yawning alr==
Then yay, end sch:D
Then me, Li Pin and Eunice went to the kitchen, cuz need practice for the salad making competition.
Then, yay, finally can start practicing:D
Then blah blah blah..
Chicken need to marinate for 1 hr'-'
Then the basil need pluck from our sch organic garden..
So little basil siaa, all baby one Xd
Then got so many insects crawling on them:/
Ewww... But that's what you expect from an organic garden by the school...'-'
Then hao le, continued cooking..
The chicken WAHHH!!! Super nice, but then salty one >~<
Then after everything, put the chicken with the vegetables, and ta-da, the chicken not salty le:D
Haha, then went home..
Then yeah.. ate my salad, then ate biscuit.. Then went online..
Then yeah..
Tmr, the competition, have to be in school by 8.15am
So, cuz need marinate the chicken before the competition cuz need 1hr..
SO, our plan is, me and Eunice meet each other then go Li Pin house marinate chicken.. LOL
So, i like have to wake up at 6am, on a SATURDAY==
Then meet Eunice at 6.45, then take bus tgt go to LP house:D
Then we all go to sch together:D
Then yeah.. meet teacher, and POOF!!! Let the competition start!!!
So, tmr will post about the competition and if we won anot:D

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