7:22 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, woke up, met Eunice blah blah blah
Reached sch, quite early'-'
Then went canteen, sat down for awhile then went to the quadrangle..
Then blah blah blah
Went to change cuz got PE
But in the end dont have==
Teacher never come to sch==
So sad... HAIZZ
Waste my time and other ppl time changing==
Then relief teacher blah blah blah
Almost everybody took out their hp's and started using them..
Then suddenly got dm come
Then she was like " i know that you all are using your handphones.. And by right I am supposed to take them away and confiscate them for 1 month.. What class is this?? What is your period now?? Who is your teacher?? What should you be doing now??"
Then everybody was like, ps ps..
Before June holidays we were the most well-behaved class sia:)
Then now, like, getting caught by the dm more times..
Today was the 2nd time we kanna siaa):
Hopefully we will still be the most well-behaved class :/
Anyways, then was sci..
Ariel changed place with Resh, then I ended up sitting with Resh.
Then she suddenly change back to beside Ariel there..
And ta-ds, now every science lesson I will be sitting alone..
LOL, I'm being over Xd
So, yeah, recess, blah blah blah
It was English then Ms Ow took us..
Then she was talking about the play..
So, we got in our grps, discuss about the script..
We only one chpt, damn diff lohh):
Then blah blah blah
Then was the BORING mother tongue..
But, today lesson was not that boring..
Cuz we had so much work to do==
LOL, but I did'nt feel sleepy then:D
Then after that was the AMPedIT..
Learn about the SkyDrive thingy again..
Then I was chatting with Eunice, my Uncle and Noah..
So yeah..
After school, went to homec, needed to practice the salad making competition which is next sat..
So, then teacher was like, where's ur recipe??
== Then we were like, confuse like that..
Then teacher gave us a salad book filled with recipes..
Then we look look, we found a nice one:D
Then told Mrs Pada..
Then teacher ask us go buy all the ingredients..
Then we went to buy..
Keep going here, there, here, there==
Then finally returned back to sch..
Then we started our quest XD
Quite fun making it:D
But then, an accident happened):
Not THAT type of accident, lets say its an incident..
Not gonna elaborate on it cuz of my own personal reason:D
Anyways, cook hao le, then went home..
Took 99 to LP house there and then went to take another bus to JP
Then took ANOTHER bus back home..
LOL 3 buses XD
So, yeah, that's most prob it for today..

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