6:13 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Just to let you know, if i did not tell, about the salad making competition thingy, we did not win:/
So, today... Got cross country..
Met Eunice and LP at the mrt station..
Met Ariel, Mei Ling and Tasha there also..
So, we went tgt:D
Then reach lakeside, walked like 2.4 km==
Maybe not, but we walked very far..
Then reach le, blah blah blah, then went to do our cross country!!!
After like 2 min, my leg jiu tired liao==
Then continue jog..
LP jog with Tasha, then me and Eunice jog tgt..
Then I kept on stopping cuz no breath mahh.
Then Eunice keep on asking me to jia you!!!
So, I jia you-ed :D
And run run run run run...
Going to the end le, chiong ahh!!!
I ended up to be number 43.. top 50^^
Then Eunice was 44:D
I think horh, if she never ask me to jia you, I wont be in the top 50.. So ty Eunice^^
Then after that, Eunice wanted to vomit.. so we rest rest rest...
Then blah blah blah all the way till they announce the winners.
First was Omega house, second was Alpha(my house), third was Beta house, (Eunice house), fourth was gamma house and last was Delta house..
So, yeah.. Then went back home, then went to meet Eunice, bought LP bday present, then went to her house:D
And ta-da! We started celebrating^^
Then we karaoke, I solo, so lonely:/
Then LP cousin came home, so we like stopped karaoke-ing
Then Eunice and LP did smth, then I cnnt know, so they lock me in LP room, ask me use com..
SO, I use... damn bored in there....
So, yeah, then they finished, then we went JP, went to arcade, DDR.. wanted to neo.. but..
Then I treated LP to the drum thingy:D
Then after that we went to eat macs..
Saw Fatin there'-'
Then eat eat eat, chat chat chat, then LP went home..
Then me and Eunice was like, just walking, then I wanted to check my phone..
Then suddenly, my phone missing le..
But I was like, not scared.. I also dunno why
Then I think I left it at LP house, so, me and Eunice ran to find LP, found her, then followed her back to her house, then I was like, totally not scared, I had no emotions towards losing my phone'-'
Then reached LP house, found my hp on her floor:D
Then we continue play play play, watched LP open her present:D
Then the didi obviously wanted it mahh..
So, me, Eunice and LP went to our so called evil side..
Then cuz we know he wants the toy so we pretend that we going bring it home..
Then he cried==
Then LP ask him, you want jiejie or u want toy..
He replied, TOY
So, then we continue play play play..
Then me and Eunice pretend to fight..
Then LP down there, watch us, keep on laughing.. LOL
Then I went home..
Then after awhile, Eunice went home..
So, yeah..
Reached home, chilled, ate dinner, went online:D
Thats all for now^^

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