9:23 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

End-year-exams are coming :/
Need to study liao~
That time I study maths like 2 or 3 hrs like that OO shocked siaa
Haha.. need to really study on sci atoms and geo :/
Teacher teach atoms and geo things have no idea what they talking==
And I dont even understand why we need to learn about atoms==
We also not gonna use it in future unless we become scientist==
Sian lah....==
I bet my oppa doesn't even know what is an atom!!!:P
Hahha ><"
Anyways, got oral TT
Chinese teacher at least got give us practice, but then eng cher never give us practice one leh TT
So sad.. Haizz..
Planing to buy a ss501 pouch and other ss501 things, then i can put all my ss501 things in that ss501 pouch!!! XD
But must wait till have money ):
Need to save money alr.. Haiz.
Then I scared I not even time to save my money then when I have enough alr, all the ss501 things all go byebye liaoTT then must wait like a long time before they re-stock TT
Currently loading an ss501 video on youtube ^^
ohoh, yesterday I slept at 6pm till next day sia. woke up at 11.51am!!
And my mother said I had fever.. but then recovered:)
I had fever and recovered from it on the same day:) hehe
so.. dunno what to say now:/ video havent load finish):
Tmr need to complete my hw.. only left chi compo then finish.
Sian): Secondary sch is fun, but tiring and scary cuz have all those like gangster gangster type like that.
You accidentally knock into them, they beat you up.. you look at them for awhile, they not happy hamtam you or they just want to bully you for some stupid reason==
That time got this girl, sec 2.. think she so "big" come and scold me "attitude problem"..
I was in the toilet, like making my hair neater.. then the girl was outside.. and alr started staring at me.. then she came in and shouted in malay "attitude problem sia this girl"..
Then I was like, what i do!? You come in start staring at me, I never do anything come scold me for what!?
And I was like, first time with a gangster very scared mah.. then my eyes was like pain like that.. not going to cry, but pain like that.. Then I was like.. walao eh.. seriously hate those ppl who think they are so "big".. just because they are older doesn't mean they can bully younger ppl right!! hate those ppl==
Haiz.. so my point is, i think, i dunno what my point is:/
Opps!!! 00'' >< hahaha ><"
At least my vid is now loaded:)
So, now I'm gonna watch my video.. so ciaos:)
No quote of the day cuz wanna watch my vid^^

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