5:27 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, went out with Eunice, Li Pin, Siti^^
Rachel could not come..
So, met Li Pin first, then we went to lib..
But then the lib close.. so we went to the play ground near there..
Play play play, then went to meet Eunice and Siti downstairs their block..
Then we went arcade, played DDR:D
Then went play drums.
After that went to buy slurpee, Siti never buy cuz she fasting mahh
So, then we went kiddy palace, see see..
Then we went to walk walk..
Then Li Pin say she needed to go to seng kang..
Then she left.. me, Eunice and Siti, planned to go to the swing..
Then Eunice too sad to go cuz no more Li Pin le..
SO she went home..
Then me and and Siti went to play swing..
The time pass so damn freaking slowly siaa!!!!! :@
Haiz.. then we sat on the swing for like 1 hr, then went back home..
I reach home, on com..
So, yeah, that's most prob it..
Sry, no quote of the day:/

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