4:55 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today.. was E-Learning day..
Woke up at 8am..
Then went to brush my teeth all that, then went online:D
Chatted with 1B^^
And did all the assignments we needed to do..
So, I finished all of them at like 9 plus??
So.. yeah
Then met Eunice at the lib at 11.30..
We ended up meeting up at 12..
Then we walked around to find books cuz need to do eng, What I want the world to read 2..
Then teacher say must be fiction books.. which is not real life stories.
So, needed to borrow a fiction book from the lib..
Then found le:D went to meet LP..
Then bought bubble tea..
Walked around..'Went to arcade, played DDR...
LP played^^
Then went out out of arcade, walk around..
Went back to arcade..
Wanted to Neo..but then the machine got prob):
SO, we just stayed down there, chat and take pics tgt for like 30 mins..
Then cuz we were waiting for 3pm so mac donald have the mac value lunch:D
But then.. so sian..
So, went to LP house..
Watched videos..
Then went to play monopoly:D
Then her didi so chao==
Haiz.. then you must like buy the property to have the card mah..
Then he dunno.. then he very sad that he no property card==
Then he cried==
Then LP say he has 3 stages when crying!! Xd
Anyways, after awhile, dont feel like playing le..
So, LP continue watch her youtube videos.. Then me and Eunice played..
Then I went home..
Waited for Eunice..
Then we went home tgt:D
So, yeahh
That's all^^

Quote of the day:
Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise,trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart <3

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