6:35 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today.. met Eunice, then went to meet LP, then she missed the bus, as in, the bus went to the bus stop, she was there, waiting, but then she never see the bus..
So in the end, me and Eunice went to sch tgt..
Then first period PE, my grp last min change song:)
Then the Eunice grp, inside have Khai Rui.. Then I watch him dance horh, walao ehh!!!
So damn funny and suai><" He dance like, act till so cool like that lol..
So then, sci..
Did the bacteria thingy, experiment..
Then recess, then maths..
Then GEO==
Firstly, teacher said that our test, more than 50% failed TT
Then she let us see the world map, then she gave us a short test..
I spelled Australia wrongly!
I spell it, Austrailla==
So stupid==
LOL, nvm, get 9/10 gd alr:)
Then actually, teacher very understanding:)
And, if you have the attitude to really listen, its fun^^
Then was D&T, did our own YOYO design:)
I spent too much time on creating 2 hearts==
In the end, not enough time to make my name at the side~
So, the teacher just say just leave it, then when they going cut out, then all the pieces(my name) will just drop out):
But nvm ahh.. at least got 2 heart shapes:/
Then went to  LP house chat chat..
Then the didi came in, wanted to watch Spider Man, but he want attention from us mah, so keep coming in..
Then LP went to "scold" him?? Then he cry==
I seriously hate it when he cries==
Haiz, nvm, then blah blah blah, went home:)
Then ate dinner, blah blah:)
And ta-da!
The end:)
Kays, Ciaos^^

Quote of the day:
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have~

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