6:38 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Whoah! Had a dream that there was gonna be a new boy in our class, and guess what!?
The next day, POOF! got new boy!!
Damn shocked, he from China~ Name is Andy
So, yeah, he still now like emo emo one..
He now friends with Dong Hong they all~
SO, yeah, then blah blah..
Today, stayed back to dance pe:)
Added few steps.
Then ppl went home, left me, Eunice, Li Pin, Izzah, Jean and Nabila.. then we did 1B parody
Then Noah and Khai Rui came.. So they join loh:)
They were the camerman..
Then blah blah blah, cant say^^
Haiz.. then went LP house, play play..
the didi== cry..
Haiz, then went home..
So yeah, that's most prob it..
Completed most of my hw, only left sci ws and eng, what I want the world to read~
 Quote of the day:
I am strong because I'm weak
I am beautiful because I know my flaws
I am a lover because I am a fighter
I am fearless because I have been afraid
I am wise because I have been foolish
And I can laugh because I know sadness~

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