6:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today went out with Siti, Eunice and Li Pin <3
First met Siti.. Then we walk around jp first, then went to Karaoke ^^
Then since my bday is tomorrow (23 dec) , Siti, Eunice and Li Pin all plan something..
And that something was they were gonna surprise me at karaoke :)
So I was being blind folded once I was at clementi== So then walked into the karaoke place, and into whr our room was.. and then Eunice and Li Pin all scream at me" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" and then they started to sing happy birthday to me in 3 languages XD
In English, Chinese and of coz Korean XD
Hahaha! Shocked XD And I stepped on the wire :X
So then we sing here sing there until ard 3 plus.. then went back to jp:)
We ate macs.. I ate one mac chicken burger only cuz not enough money :/
Never mind^^ Lose weight also XD
So after we eat, we went to central park, wanted to find a shelter but then no have):
So then we went to art park.. Then we sat down at a shelter, and then I was being blind folded again==
Then Eunice, Siti and Li Pin had to tell me directions to walk to the other place..
I touched the floor which was muddy(ewww) And I stepped in mud I think..
I also knocked into something XD
hahaha, quite fun and scary luhh ^^
Then we sat at the other place, then being blind folded again cuz they wanted to do SOMETHING
Then I cnnt see anything ): Hahaha XD
Then after hao liao, took of the blind fold then got one log cake in front of me^^
Then sing happy birthday again, LOL, then blew the candles which had no flame cuz the wind blew it out==
Made a wish and blew air^^
Then ate the cake:) Yummy^^
Ate half of it then the other half I bring home:)
Hehehehe! Then after that we went to arcade, DDR-ed..
So sad sia): Last time got 5 stages then last round, now is 3 stages then last round liao):
Then after that, pei Eunice go toilet, I had to put my bag down'-' Then after awhile, came out then went home:/
Then when I open my bag I was like" WHOAH!?"
Cuz there was things in my bag which I never put in my bag
Then got this yellow thingy I thought was a SHINee shirt XD
But of coz not lahh.. It was a smiley file with a black notebook:)
So then I read the notebook till cry >v<
I love that book!!! I'll treasure it 4eva <3 <3 <3
Then inside the file was another book:)
So then Siti's sister also gave me a present ^^
A Happy Birthday cup with a toy rabbit inside XD
So yeah, need to do 6 video recordings to show Eunice== LOL
Anyways, thank you Siti, Eunice, Li Pin and Jean for the wonderful presents and the beautiful book! ^^
Saranghaeyo!!! :) <3 <3 <3
Tomorrow, only have 1 present to open:/ haiz, nvm:) I had a awesome day today anyways ^^
So yeah:)
Happy 13th birthday to me!! XD LOL okay, gonna go now:)
Ciaos!!! ^^

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