6:42 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppls!!:D
Last night..
Insomnia AGAIN <as usual> T.T
At like at about 4 am, it rained heavily.
Stared at the window..
Waited for the lightening to come then the thunder..
So white X.X
So, I planned to stay awake..
Then tonight will be extremely sleepy, then I can just fall asleep fast..
Stupid eyes==
Went to close and fell asleep T.T
Woke up, went to the toilet..
Then planned to continue sleeping..
But never...
Cuz my brother msged me..
So, I just stayed awake, laying on my bed..
Staring up in space..
Last night, me and my brother cnnt sleep..
So we play..
And of cause will make sound mah..
Then my mother also sleeping in the same room with us..
Then she scold us..
But... Haiz...
No one cares about how I feel...
Anyways, back to reality..
Woke up, FULLY...
Blah blah blah..
Read 3 story books ^^
That's how SIAN I was==
After read book, went online..
My brother scold me say why I never told him I using internet==
He was video-ing with his friend...
I last time video with Eunice he scold me X^X
But, who cares about how I feel?
Then, blah blah blah.
He went to sleep..
Ask me to wake him up when dinner was rdy..
Woke him up..
Ate dinner:D
Then came back to my love XD
lols, lame==
So, blah blah blah again
And ta-da..
So sad siaa!!!
Today Thursday liao!!!
Tmr its Friday!!
And then Sat and then Sun and then!!!!!
Back to school
School is fun:D
I'm happy to go back
What I'm sad about is that, cnnt do what I wanna do anymore:
~ cannot watch TV till late
~ cannot go to bed late
~ cannot wake up late
~ cannot use computer if have a lot of hw

haiz v_v

Eunice overseas..
I so lonely T.T
That why I'm so bored!
At least she having fun :D
Have nothing to say alr..

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