8:17 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Last night..
My "insomnia" worse T.T
I listen to music for like 2 hr plus..
Not even sleepy lohh
So, fell asleep at like 6 or 7?
Every night i lay down there, suffer T.T
Anyways, woke up..
Blah blah blah..
Went to eat dinner..
Blah blah blah..
Nothing to say lah T.T
Now, Eunice going overseas T.T
Gonna miss her^^
So, yeah..
Dunno what to do when sch re-open
Hopefully then my insomnia will go away:D
So, yeah..
Nothing really much to post anymore
So, ciaos:D
No pic:D

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