7:17 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, was tiring but it was fun:D
Woke up at 8a.m. to clean the house..
Blah blah blah..
Eunice and Li Pin came..
Watch the movie till only like 20 min..
Then the thing got prob..
Keep on trying again but then cannot..
So, what do normal kids do when they cant do their hw??
They PLAY of coz!!!
Then we play play play..
Went to spam SY!!!
So fun XD
Then went to call him..
Then we fight with him ahh
Then went to webcam with him!!!><"
Then all of us was like, dont dare to show our faces to him..
Then me and LP  show face liao, then Eunice too shy..
Then we were like playing with him...
Then walao!!!!
His cousin extra lei!!
Anyhow cut in and say dunno what shit
Then LP went to "X" the msn thingy...
So, yay:D
Why must his cousin extra lahh T.T
Nvm, thinking about deleting him as friend on msn..
So, then we went to JP...
Went to buy bubble tea then headed to the arcade..
Played one round of DDR
Then went to LP house..
Eunice ask LP little brother, "xi huan ta ma?'
(points to me)
Boy action: NO
Eunice:" xi huan wo ma?"
Boy action: YES
Eunice:"xi huan ta ma?"(points to LP)
Boy action:YES
Eunice:"wei shen me ni bu xi huan ta??" (points to me)
Boy: ying wei ta hen chou
Yeah, I know, i'm not being loved
And this continues on and on and on..
He somemore say I cut hair very ugly..
So, nothing to say liao
Then Eunice went to show him a nice pic of me, then ask the boy whether the pic pretty anot? Cute anot?
Eunice points to me, tell the boy that it was me..
Then she ask, "xi huan ta ma?"
So, the boy only like pretty people, and not ugly people..
Very funny one lohh him..
Last time dont like, end of the day, like, after a while, dont like, after one pic, like==
I have no idea what is going on in that boy's head
So, left LP house..
Went back to JP, went home...
Came home, went to sleep..
Too tired... (should not have done it not night time cnnt sleep!!! T.T )
Then half way, 2 ppl shout my name, woke up, ans their question..
Went back to sleep, after a while, my brother woke me up asking me if i wanna go to Giant meet my mother there...
Obviously the ans was NO, cuz i still wanted to sleep.
Woke up at 8.30, then went to eat dinner..
Finished dinner alr
So, went online..
Blah blah blah..
So, that's all for today..
Tmr, not sure if Eunice and Siti coming my house anot...
So, i dunno lohh

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