5:38 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl!!!:D
This post maybe will be long maybe not..
There will be swear words especially at the end of this post
You have been warned~

Last night, went to sleep, woke up 12 hrs later
So, if i went to sleep at 12 a.m., i woke up at 12p.m....
If i went to bed at 5a.m., i woke up at 5p.m. (impossible)
So, woke up, went to read story book:D
One hour again^^ hehe
Then my brother came in to disturb me..
Say need go to the coffee shop help my father buy his things==
Then of cause i wont be happy~
So, went out, buy his things...
Went home, went online
Blah blah blah..
So, that's about it lahhs
Now, we have come to the end of this posts:DDD

Everything is only about YOU YOU YOU
YOU dont even care about my feelings
as long as you are happy, that's all that matters to you
You buy buy buy, then next day, when u get another thing, just throw that thing into the fridge,
let it to expire, rot, or let us eat ur left-overs
Not allowing us to eat fresh food...
We eat ur stupid left-overs, what do you get??
You get fresh food

Must I do every single fucking thing for you?
Cant u do it urself?
If i dont help you, you say I'm selfish
If I dont watch ur stupid TV programme,
you say ur disappointed in me.
You scold me, I try to stand for myself, you say I'm talking back

You say you're nice
Yeah, your nice,
You're nice by being horrible and selfish
I have to bear with this
And all you do, is boss me around
Sit down there, watch TV
Do all ur stuff

You watch TV, I want to watch,
You will only allow me to watch if i help u
You dont give me freedom
One time, I helped you,
Yeah, you let me watch TV
for 30 sec

I am doing hw, you disturb me
Asking me to cook for you
I cook for you
You eat only a few table spoons, and that's it
You just leave it on the table
Waiting for someone to clear it up for you

You ask me to do this do that, I do them
You mess it up, I have to do it over and over and over again
Remember, as long as your happy, that's all that matters
Your mess, I have to clean it up

As long as you want smth, you MUST get it
If not, you will keep on pestering about it
complaining to ppl, making them irritated
That's your way of getting what you want

You say if you want money, just take it
I take it, you go complaining to her, telling her stories of me,
Then she has to repay you the money which i took

People tell you the truth, you go tell other ppl other stuff
Getting me into trouble
I tell ppl the truth about you
you come blaming me..
How many times are you gonna do this?
How many times?

She has to give you a lot of money for all your things which are crap
You spend it on crap
You tell me lies, saying that its your money,
that you earned it
Dont need to lie to me
I know the truth
You say you dont lie
But, you're lying by saying that you dont lie

You blame us for things that you have spoilt
It's your fault not ours..
You ask us to get a new one, we say NO
You pester us, till we get so irritated
We tell her, she scolds you, You get all upset
And blame us

Remember, as long as your happy, that's all that really matters~

That's all ppl^^
I told you it may be long XD
No pics~ Sry

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