5:39 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today was super fun^^
Went to meet Eunice and Rui Yi at lib entrance..
Then went to Long John Silver's, since no one was there, we went to Action City
Go see..
Then went back, still no one==
Then, yay!!!
Xue Fang appeared:D
So, we 4 stay down there, wait for the others to arrive
Then we went to find seats..
Then, yay:DDD
Teacher arrived!!!:D
Then she brought along her little brother, who is in P5!
So cute~
Then teacher treated us fries, we eat and chat, eat and chat..
Then Wallace came...
Continue chatting, we wanted to go play pool, but then the wei jie went to buy food
SO, everyone waited for him~
Then we went to pool:D
Sadly, no tables... D:
Then we went to Central park
Play play play~
Teacher sit on the "swing" A lot of ppl push:DD
Teacher scream!!!! XD
So funny siaa^^
Then went to macs, teacher treat us coke
And sundae's!!!:D
Then after we ate and drink, most of us went arcade..
Teacher went homeD:
Me and Eunice went to DDR~Obvious
Then last stage, she wanted to try heavy
And I also wanted to try
In the end, fail D:
Then Eunice became cold to me D:
So, then, me and Rui Yi went to play drums
Blah blah blah..
Went to play basketball
Blah blah blah..
Went home
Reach home, went online..
My mother came home, went to eat dinner
Came back...
Then another guy, started chatting with me
Asking me to give my number to him..
That time, I was downloading audi, so extremely lag..
Then I said no, he havent reply
Then since it was so damn freaking extremely lag, I "X" the chatroom:D
Then in my mind i was thinking:
You think i stupid huh!?
I know what you're trying to do to me
You're an asshole
So, f**k off~

I wanted to tell him that if he like harass me..
But did'nt:DD
So, went extremely lag
Then I was downloading half way till at 2.4%, it stopped'-'
Then turns out to be that the audition server off liao==
So, cannot continue downloading
Hai wo cancel download==
So, now, it is at, 0.0%
Oh yah, I cant drink fizzy drinks, not I will have stomach ache later..
Then the coke I drank just now, caused me stomach ache==
Just came back from the toilet><"
Dunno what to say liaos
Monday going out with Eunice and Siti^^
Ahhhh ohhh!!!!
My left eye twitch 2 times ):
2 bad things are gonna happen )))))):
Anyways, going out on monday..
My mother say cnnt go out unless I fin my hw T.T
But, can lah:D
Hopefully will complete it tmr^^
heng I did most of them at the start of the month^^
So, yeah, that's all
I currently very lazy to edit pic..
So, no pic today sry~

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