6:18 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Yesterday never post cause was busy doing hw..
Cuz, i need to finish hw if i wanna go out on Monday..
So, did fin my English hw..
Then watched Boys Over Flowers!!!! :DDDDD
SO, next day, woke up..
Fetch my father from work..
Went to do fin Chinese hw..
Then realized that the English hw, the poster need to color background..
So, went to do that, then I also realized that the cartoon-cutouts need to cut out of the paper==
So, went to cut them out..
And finally!!!
Went online~:D
Blah blah blah..
My father cook this pie, ma and my brother shared it..
So nice^^
Then our father told us what type of meat was inside..
Poor little Kangaroo T.T
I cannot believe that I had just eaten a Kangaroo Pie!!!!!!
But, it's very nice:D
Would I eat it again??
Sorry Kangaroo T.T
Forgive meeeee!!!!!
SO, downloading audi..
Now at 9.01pm, it is at 11.0%
So, yay><
Tomorrow, I can go out since I had finished all of my hw^^
Tmr, going out with Eunice and Siti <3
We going to watch Mr Popper's Penguins :D
Then go play play
Then maybe go to Siti's house take pics^^
Me and Siti meeting first then go wake Eunice up^^
Yeah, so it's like that lohh
That's all!!!

Haiz.. You everytime say you won't disturb me
But you ALWAYS do
I am doing my hw, you keep on asking me to do this do that
So much for saying that you don't disturb me~

You dont even know what is going on,
whether it's the truth anot,
You anyhow say the wrong things
Things that did not happen
Like today,
I told you I was doing hw,
You tell me that I was lying
And that I was using the computer...

You don' even have any evidence..
And, you just accuse me of lying to you

You're already passed getting on my nerves..
Now, you're getting on my bones!!!!
Why must you be like THAT!?
I just don't understand!!!
How I wish you won't so idiotic...

That's all ppl^^

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