6:21 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl!!:D
First day of school after a month..
Last night..
Barely slept..
SO, blah blah blah..
Went to school~
First lesson was P.E
Never play any thing loh..
Waste our time changing~==
Then we took our height and weight!!:D
I grew.. And I gained 1kg..
I now am 151 cm and 44 kg
So, yay..
Then teacher just sit down, chat chat chat..
Then release..
Science was next..
Confirm Ms.Lim now our Science teacher T.T
Her teaching very yuck...
Teacher blablablablahblahblahblahblablabla all the way
Eat eat eat~LOL
Then next was maths...
Handed in our hw..
Then teacher teach us general terms all that..
Then next was Geo!!!
The teacher step in, her face looks quite friendly..:D
Her voice like an "angel" LOL
So, yeah.. She's friendly:D
So, blahblahblah...
Next was D&T..
One teacher never come..
SO, then got another teacher come our class fetch us to the D&T room...
Teacher let us choose where and who to sit with:D
Then teacher was like rushing through everything
Then blahblahblah...
Then teacher teach us how to draw the iso something...
On the special paper:D
SO FUN!!!!
First time draw a so called 3D things...(i think it's 3D??)
Spent like one hour drawing 6 of them..
Nice nice:D
So, after that, school ended..
Time took it's own time to pass==
So, me,Li Pin, Eunice and Tasha went to JP..
Li Pin and Tasha went to popular to buy Tasha thing..
Then me and Eunice went to mac first..
Then we just chat lohh
Then they came..
Went to buy food
I bought 1 mac chicken burger~
Not enough $$ for meal ):
Shared french fries with Eunice..
Then after that, went to the shop beside The Bluez..
Beadle Sweet I think or Beatles Sweet.. Not sure
Then Tasha bought smth there..
And we went home..
Me and Tasha took the same bus..
She got off first then I got off...
So, then, came home..
Kanna by my brother..==
Then DUH, he in bad mood..
So yeah..
Then after he went to take a nap, my father ask me to do things lohh
Then after I served dinner for HIM, he went to sleep..
I had to clean the kitchen and living room..
Cuz it was like, so damn freaking messy
Cuz of the mess he made==
Then I clean clean clean..
Till I was sweating like mad..
My mother came home..
She ate the dinner..
I went shower..
Went to do my geo hw..
Then came online..
Oh yah, today when I went out to buy smth,
I saw this mother pushing the baby on the stroller..
Then the baby was crying..
Then she shouted at the baby: "SHUT UP!!!"
Then the baby never shut up..
She/he continued crying..
Then the mother pushed the stroller to the side of the pavement and out her hands at her hips, and just stared at the baby..
Then,I walk away.. never see what happened next..
So yeah..
Oh yah!!!
My hammie died on early sun morning..
At like 2-3am..
I was awake at that time..><"
So, one moment when I saw my hammie, he was sleeping..
He was breathing...
Then the next moment I saw the hamster..
It was lying DEAD
Not breathing..
So sad..
Now horh, it seems like, whatever hamster I like, dies==
My dead hammie horh, the father, STILL ALIVE..
And I dont dare to like that hamster, not scaly it dies :/
But, it's like so old!! And still alive!!!
Haha! The oldest hamster, now still alive, is named: grumpy
Cuz the first day I got him,  he was squeaking like mad..
And he has a violent past..
He bit me 4 or 6 times on my finger siaa
So pain X^X
Then got 4 or 6 dots on my finger O.O
But now, I think he now more friendly..
I still dont dare to like, hold him..><"
So, yeahhhh...
Tmr.. sch...
That's all:D

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