4:28 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl!!:D
Today, so ps!!! ><"
Eunice and Siti supposed to meet me at my house..
Then I still sleeping==
Then Eunice called me, I faster went to get ready..
Then they came up, went to my bedroom, SLEEP!!!!
So fun:DDD
Then after we sleep, and play
Went to mac's to eat lunch
Then after eat fin, went back to my house, continue playing
Took pics and edited them:DD
Now, me, Eunice and Siti using the pics as our profile pic!!! :D
Then had alot of fun^^
Then they went home..
I started to take pics of GUMMY BEAR XD
Will show you the pics ltr:D
So, now my gummy bears all inside my yummy stomach XD
Planning to finish ALL my hw by this Sunday!
Hopefully can
Then Sunday most prob not going to the Noah thingy..
Then on 16 June, also most prob not going to Wei Kiat bday party..
17 June going to meet up with Chinese teacher and our primary school chinese class..
16 June maybe going to the Netball thingy..
Sooooo, like that lohh
Nothing really much to say for today~
So, gonna edit the gummy bear pic and ME pic^^

Yeah^^ I L.O.V.E gummy bears!!! <3

So, that's all for today!!

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