3:56 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations people!!
This post may be long.
Cuz it consists of yesterday and today~
Yesterday, went to meet Eunice at the lib at 11.15
When she arrived, she say i look like boy ==
Then she help me with my hair..
Then we did the hw..
Of cause only do a little bit><"
Then left lib at 1..
Went to eat at the Ya Kun Kaya Toast..
I ordered the same..
Kaya toast with butter
Eunice tried something new..
Ice cream toast ( i think)
Then we eat eat eat..
30 min only==
Then went to arcade..
Met Siti there
Then went to play DDR
We sit down there..
The indian girls down there keep on tapping..
Then they no more $$ liao, go top up, go tap again==
Then we fed up liao..
Wait for them like 30 min siaa
Then went to tap...
Then me and Eunice half way play, Sheryl came..
Then Rui Yi came
Then Sheryl challenge Eunice..
Who won?
OBVIOUSLY is Eunice..
Then after that, me, Eunice, Siti and Rui Yi went to neo..
Sheryl went to kopitiam to eat==
Then after we neo, went to decorate..
Then blah blah blah..Print finish liao..
Me and Siti's pic only have ONE
then the rest is all of us and Eunice and Rui Yi pic one..
SO sad right!!
Then after neo, went to buy slurpee
Then went to Art Park
Play play..
Sheryl was SCARED of something stupid==
Then owen call me, inviting me to go play badminton..
Then Rui Yi went home with me to take badminton racket..
Then Eunice follow Siti to go take..
Then Sheryl went alone..
Then everyone reach owen house there liao, me and Rui Yi were still going there...
Reach liao, then rain..
went shelter
play play play
Then walao!!
The boys keep on bullying Rui Yi...
Ever since pri school sei
Then now still bully her
pity her~
Then blah blah blah...
After that, me, Eunice, Rui Yi went to Siti's house..
Then play with hammie^^
Then went home..
So, went to do Eng hw..
4 hours to do the comparison chart and draw and color 4 Matilda characters..
Then went to sleep...
3 times in a row, cnt sleep till like 6a.m. plus==
Then last night, thought of something......
End of post then i say..
Then today, Eunice and Siti came my house..
They come, then went to fix the puzzle..
Cannot fix==
Then heard my brother singing!!!
Super funny sia!
Then went to play X-Box..
Then blah blah blah..
They went home..
Then went on..
So, like that lohs
 Anyway, the thing I thought of that night..
1) I could not sleep ever since I stopped thinking about HIM and the possibility of me and HIM together...

2) I keep on copying others
I have lost my true self
And I cant find me anymore..
I wanna stop copying others and just be myself..
I copy HER laugh,
i want HER bag
I copy HER water bottle
I copy HER handwriting
I copy HER specs
I copy HER attitude
I copy almost HER everything
And I hate it that I cant find my true self..
My true self is somewhere inside me, but I have to find it..
When can I find my true self??
Why did I have to copy HER everything??
Note: HER is different people, not all the same
So.. I dunno what liao..


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