5:14 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, woke up, had a nice dream:D
Spent 30 min recall my dream...
Then watch TV...
My mother came home, eat...
Went to read story book:D
Took me one hour to read fin one book siaa
Then went to watch TV, then came online...
Just went to FB, then HE was online..
First thing I said to him was, Happy birthday:D
Then he was like, happy birthday??
I so ps!!!!><"
Is next month==
Haiz, but advanced loh
So, later going to audi..
And, that's pretty much it for today..
My post like getting more shorter hor??
Sorry loh.. Nothing to say mah
So dont blame me><"
That's all for now
Haiyo, HE like dont want talk to me T.T
Should really give up on him~
Ciaos >^T

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