6:51 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl!!:D
Today was awesome!!!
Watch Kung Fu Panda 2 with Eunice and Siti!!! <3
I NEARLY cried 2 times..
It's touching and funny:D
Somemore we watch is 3D!!! XD
After watch that awesome movie XD, went to arcade NEO <3
Had a fun time:D
Then wanted to play DDR.. But then..
Then after that, went to Central Park warm up and play..
Eunice became EMO.. '-'
Then play play..
Then went to macs buy ice cream..
After that went to walk around..
Went to popular see books^^
I want soo many books from there..
But soo expensive T.T
Haiz nvm..
After that, went home..
Reached home..
Of cause tired and LAZY
Then needed to go to Pioneer Mall help my mama buy smth while she prepare dinner
So, went to buy..
Came back..
Blah blah blah.. So sleepy
Ate dinner
Whoah!! So delicious!!!
Hope can eat again!!^^
Then I prepare desert:D
Just ate finish desert btw:D
Today at the arcade saw our friends..
Mostly is all from 1A.
And faarisah..
And yay!!:D
today while I was out, the ppl installed the internet thingy
So happy^^
Means I can use internet and it will be super fast:DDD
But, have to wait 1 month then still need call the person to subscribe T.T
So, yeah, that's most probably IT..
Oh and!! Can fall asleep faster now^^
Note: It does not matter what time u go to sleep, it only matters what time you fall asleep..:D
So, that's all..

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