6:13 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Just to let you know, if i did not tell, about the salad making competition thingy, we did not win:/
So, today... Got cross country..
Met Eunice and LP at the mrt station..
Met Ariel, Mei Ling and Tasha there also..
So, we went tgt:D
Then reach lakeside, walked like 2.4 km==
Maybe not, but we walked very far..
Then reach le, blah blah blah, then went to do our cross country!!!
After like 2 min, my leg jiu tired liao==
Then continue jog..
LP jog with Tasha, then me and Eunice jog tgt..
Then I kept on stopping cuz no breath mahh.
Then Eunice keep on asking me to jia you!!!
So, I jia you-ed :D
And run run run run run...
Going to the end le, chiong ahh!!!
I ended up to be number 43.. top 50^^
Then Eunice was 44:D
I think horh, if she never ask me to jia you, I wont be in the top 50.. So ty Eunice^^
Then after that, Eunice wanted to vomit.. so we rest rest rest...
Then blah blah blah all the way till they announce the winners.
First was Omega house, second was Alpha(my house), third was Beta house, (Eunice house), fourth was gamma house and last was Delta house..
So, yeah.. Then went back home, then went to meet Eunice, bought LP bday present, then went to her house:D
And ta-da! We started celebrating^^
Then we karaoke, I solo, so lonely:/
Then LP cousin came home, so we like stopped karaoke-ing
Then Eunice and LP did smth, then I cnnt know, so they lock me in LP room, ask me use com..
SO, I use... damn bored in there....
So, yeah, then they finished, then we went JP, went to arcade, DDR.. wanted to neo.. but..
Then I treated LP to the drum thingy:D
Then after that we went to eat macs..
Saw Fatin there'-'
Then eat eat eat, chat chat chat, then LP went home..
Then me and Eunice was like, just walking, then I wanted to check my phone..
Then suddenly, my phone missing le..
But I was like, not scared.. I also dunno why
Then I think I left it at LP house, so, me and Eunice ran to find LP, found her, then followed her back to her house, then I was like, totally not scared, I had no emotions towards losing my phone'-'
Then reached LP house, found my hp on her floor:D
Then we continue play play play, watched LP open her present:D
Then the didi obviously wanted it mahh..
So, me, Eunice and LP went to our so called evil side..
Then cuz we know he wants the toy so we pretend that we going bring it home..
Then he cried==
Then LP ask him, you want jiejie or u want toy..
He replied, TOY
So, then we continue play play play..
Then me and Eunice pretend to fight..
Then LP down there, watch us, keep on laughing.. LOL
Then I went home..
Then after awhile, Eunice went home..
So, yeah..
Reached home, chilled, ate dinner, went online:D
Thats all for now^^


6:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Sorry very long never post le..
Was too lazy and was busy sleeping Xd
Anyways, hmm, monday, yesterday...:D
Forget what happen le

Oh,  remembered le^^
Got the mt cultural thingy..
Then we need  draw and paint opera mask..
Then I find that the opera mask very scary:/
Then so we draw draw, paint paint, then we using 1A classroom mah, then the 1N1/1N2/1T1/1T2 dunno which one, went to use our classroom.
Its not their classroom, they go and dirty all the tables, they litter everywhere, all the paint on the table..
Then teacher will provide us with the pallet all that, then they use liao, they dont wash it..
Supposed to wash mahh, but then they never..
Damn inconsiderate loh them! :@
Then is our classroom, they go dirty it, then if teacher see, teacher will scold us,scold us for something we did not do!!!

Then we had to spend like 15 min to clean the classroom, while the people who dirtied our classroom, went for their recess, enjoying themselves==
Then, went to eat, blah blah blah..
After sch, went home, cuz the Eunice and LP say they not going to JP, but I am suspicious of that..
They keep on talking about SMTH, but they dont want let me know, so I know they are on to something..
I also dunno what..
So, went home, went to sleep le..
Sleep hao le, I woke up, kanna headache==
Then night time, cnnt sleep):
Then I like fell asleep at 3-5 am??
I also dunno..
Then today woke up, got the cultural thingy again, today is do the martial arts thingy..
Then we blah blah blah...
The move we do, like, very diff like that...
Then over le, went to eat, I ate laksa, then I gave the person $5.. Then I supposed to have $3 plus change..
Then at first is correct, then suddenly, I like, stm, say to Mei Ling and Ariel, "eh?? I gave the person $2 then she gave me back $3 plus.."
Then I went to return back, and got back my "correct" change..
Then after that, I wanted to buy water, then suddenly i remembered that I gave the person $5..
So, then I went back to tell them I supposed to get back $3 plus...
Me so stupid==
A few seconds jiu stm le== lol
So, after everything hao le, went to change..
Then went back to classroom, eng, Azim kanna..
Then blah blah blah..
Assembly, blah blah blah, then was Maths, got a small quiz..
At first, I was confident, but then I went to check, then I noticed that I did wrongly.. So, I went to re-do
(btw, its drawing the perpendicular bisector and angle bisector)
then the re-do one also look wrong.. So then my confidence all fly away le):
So, now, can only pray that its correct:/
Then after that was break, before the maths fest..
Then me and Tasha combine money go buy one sandwich:D
Cuz both of us no money to buy anything, and we wanted to eat smth..
So, yeah, combine, and ate one sandwich:D
Then was maths fest.
Quite fun^^
Although some were not so fun:/
But overall was nice^^
Then I thought my grp did quite well, which they did:D but then in the end, not enough girl power to win):
So sad lehh, 1st 2nd and 3rd, NONE were from 1B, all from 1A and 1C ):
Then its like, make 1B look stupid in maths):
That's so sad!!! T.T
But nvm lah, at least we try and had fun^^
SO, went back home, ate dinner, then went online lohh.
Tmr, got the hip-hop thingy, then after that have the cultural thingy..last time:D
Then, yeahh..
Thursday got cross-country and SMTH else:D
Cnnt say out here^^
Maybe i will after IT happens^^ LOL
Yah, so, thats all:)
Currently hooked on a chi show called, 我的完美男人

LOL, so yeah, that's should be all..


5:59 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl!!!:D
Today first period was CME, went to com lab to do it..
Then obviously we all 坏蛋(naughty), then go fb..
Then teacher was like, marking then Reshveny was doing her D&T test..
Then teacher not looking..
Then teacher turned and saw a lot of ppl using fb..
Then she kanna scold us'-'
Then was art.. Painted...:D
Hopefully my NEW art materials wont be lost again==
Not I really want commit suicide(not really, but you get what I mean)
Then was recess..
Helped Li Pin and Eunice buy their food and drink cuz they need to do Eng hw, which is to write a poem..
Then ate, eng lesson..
Woots! Ms Lim came in with us:D
Then we recap on the poem thingy..
Then like, last 5 min, teacher let us use BRAND NEW laptops..
Yeah, it was brand new:D So cool!!! Xd
Then we like, just started to type.. Then need to shut down le):
Then was the ever so boring, Geography==
Haiz... Teacher stand down there, use mike, talk talk talk non-stop for 1 whole hr==
Damn boring siaa... After like 15 min, I started yawning alr==
Then yay, end sch:D
Then me, Li Pin and Eunice went to the kitchen, cuz need practice for the salad making competition.
Then, yay, finally can start practicing:D
Then blah blah blah..
Chicken need to marinate for 1 hr'-'
Then the basil need pluck from our sch organic garden..
So little basil siaa, all baby one Xd
Then got so many insects crawling on them:/
Ewww... But that's what you expect from an organic garden by the school...'-'
Then hao le, continued cooking..
The chicken WAHHH!!! Super nice, but then salty one >~<
Then after everything, put the chicken with the vegetables, and ta-da, the chicken not salty le:D
Haha, then went home..
Then yeah.. ate my salad, then ate biscuit.. Then went online..
Then yeah..
Tmr, the competition, have to be in school by 8.15am
So, cuz need marinate the chicken before the competition cuz need 1hr..
SO, our plan is, me and Eunice meet each other then go Li Pin house marinate chicken.. LOL
So, i like have to wake up at 6am, on a SATURDAY==
Then meet Eunice at 6.45, then take bus tgt go to LP house:D
Then we all go to sch together:D
Then yeah.. meet teacher, and POOF!!! Let the competition start!!!
So, tmr will post about the competition and if we won anot:D


7:20 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Nothing much lahh
Actually have, but then I lazy go elaborate on it..
So, met Eunice blah blah blah..
Then PE.. Blah blah blah
Then was science..
Teacher nag at us for "cheating"
Then I never cheat, then teacher say, those who never cheat stand up..
Then it's like, we are being punished by doing the right things==
Then teacher say those who failed or cheated must re-take the test..
Then recess, ate sandwich.. then was eng..
Learnt about the poems all that..
Then Reshveny kanna sabo me==
But in the end, she kanna.. Hehe:D
Then was chinese, had a mock test..
Quite ok ok..
Then was AMPedIT...
Just like, share ppp.. blah blah blah
Then was homec..
Waited for teacher for like 1 hr.
Then teacher came, say she havent buy the ingredients yet==
From tuesday, change to wednesday, change to thursday, and now, change to tmr, friday.. Then what!? Change to saturday ahh?? Saturday alr competition==
Then Mrs Pada ask us to type out the things on the com.. LP went to type then me and Eunice played.. with the chair thingy Xd
I know we're bad Xd
Anyways, then type hao le then we went to JP, went to meet teacher there, then shop here shop there, bought everything, then we sent teacher off to the taxi stand there, then Eunice went toilet, so, we said byebye to her, then me and LP walked to the interchange, then I said byebye to her, she said byebye to me..
Then went home.. Blah blah blah
Ate dinner, did hw, went online..
End of story..
So, yeah, that's all


5:49 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Getting more and more lazy to post><"
Monday, blah blah blah..
Very lazy lahhh ==
Life getting more and more siann..
Today, after sch, Eunice and Li Pin came to my house to do 2 projects..
One is CME the other one is to find salad recipes for the salad making competition..
Then tmr got practice.. Thur also have
Then Thur maybe need wear traditional costume..
Tmr going ask teacher, cuz that day got pe..LOL
Then we do do do..
So, yeahh
That's all..


4:50 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today.. woke up NATURALLY at about 6-7 am siaa!!
So shocked!! Xd
Then continued sleeping.. then naturally woke up again at 11 am
So, I wanted to continue sleeping but then i couldn't fall asleep..
So, woke up:D
Then went use com.. went to play baking life blah blah blah
Then my brother woke up..
Then we use com, I went to cook maggie mee..
We ate, then went to popular buy stationary..
Then I needed to buy pens, the correction tape re filler, hole puncher, stapler, paint and a note book
So, bought everything I needed:D
Then went to pay..
Wanted to faint by the total price of everything(including my brother things)
Then pay hao le, went home..
Watch tv, blah blah blah
Went to fetch my father home, then the taxi driver, the face horh, so scary T.T
Like, very fierce like that, but he actually very kind but I still very scared of him .-.
Anyways, reached back home, went to on com again, blah blah blah
blah blah blah, yeha, that's most prob everything for today:/


6:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Audition cant patch AGAIN
KNS :@
Today chatted with Eunice, then she late reply, then.. she offline==
Also dunno what happen'-'
I slept like 14 hrs?? AWESOME~
So, if I slept at 12, I woke up at 4:)
If I slept at 11, I woke up at 3:D
If I slept at 1, I woke up at 5^^
Today actually wanted to go to popular buy stationary and my art materials which were being stolen or lostT.T
But I woke up late:D
So, tmr going^^
Most prob later eating macs:D
Cuz I always eat every Sat, used to be every thurs but then change le:D
I wonder what show they going to replace Boys Over Flowers since it ended last week):
Hopefully its a nice show that I can watch^^
Fell in love with Jay Sean song, 2012 XD
Damn nice lahh... :)
Go youtube seach^^
Bottles poppin till we cant stand..
We keep it rockin till 6 am..
New York to London over to Japan,
Turn it up, turn it up, mash it up..
I am singing it RIGHT NOW
Of coz,by the time you read this, I wont be
Grrr, seriously hate those type of people who ask rdm girls on the internet to give them their nude==
I have been asked that like 5 times!!!??
I dont understand why they want see==
See themselves lahh!! See others for what!?
KNS lah them
Anyways, was just trying to make a point there..:D
Monday got maths test, then thurs got mt mock test):
Hope I dont fail!!!
No no no no no!!!
No, but seriously, I will pass^^
So, yeha, that's all for todae :D


7:00 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, damn tired..
Woke up blah blah blah
Went to school..
First period was CME, forgot to bring the thumbdrive==
Then Eunice went to type everything out, the questions and answers..
Then me and LP went to find pics, but we never use those pics, we used the ones which we took at Sentosa:D
Then after that was Art, T.T my art things kanna stolen/lost..
Then I have to buy EVERYTHING again==
Total is like $30 plus??
KNS >:@
Then was recess, I ate a sushi and a watermelon:D
Cuz it was fruity Friday, LOL
Then it was Eng.. we had to like write a script, and discuss within the grp..
Then Eunice grp went up first to rehearse..
Damn funny sia Xd
Then was geo..
boring lah==
Teacher talk talk talk, we have to listen to her talk for 1 hr==
Then somebody laugh, then teacher scold us==
Laugh also cnnt huh!? KNS==
Then yay, went home.
Then I went home, met Eunice, went to buy bubble tea, I bought grape..
WALAO EHHH!!!! They buy the grape is FILLED WITH SEEDS...
Then ice blended somemore..
Then every sip i take horh, filled with the grape seeds==
Then went to LP house to do the CME project...
Then our mission was to not let LP didi know that we are in the house not he will like keep chao us..
Then very irritating==
Then our plan was that, when he came in, me and Eunice will hide in the cupboard there..
We hide like dunno how many times==
Then me and Eunice wanted to go to the toilet.
Eunice went first, so, I went back to the room and hide, in case the didi come in
Then after Eunice came back, I went to the toilet..
Then I dunno how to use the door mahh, then I never close properly..
Then suddenly LP opened the door!!!
But heng, she never see anything XD
So, then went back into the room, then suddenly the didi came in siaa
Then I screamed and CHIONG ahh to the cupboard
Then LP was like, who you see?? ehh dont scare me lehh!!!
Damn funny XD
Then after awhile, we gave up..
The didi came in and POOF we were in the room, then the didi was like very happy..LOL
Then we decided to play a game...
Its like I make a G sound then Eunice and LP and I will freak out..
Then pretend is the didi make one..
Then we were like faking, that we were afraid of him..
Then he started crying==
Yeha, I know we're evil><"
But he not supposed to cry one.. Haiz, nvm
Then we all comfort him, lol, then we watch TV, then cuz the didi like Eunice the panda bag mahh
Then LP say is her one, then the didi want it, but she "gave" it to Eunice..
Then he not happy cry loh==
Then me and Eunice left house, he cry again cuz we going off==
It's not like we are never going back to LP house.. lol
Anyways, reached back home, ate dinner, went online


7:22 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, woke up, met Eunice blah blah blah
Reached sch, quite early'-'
Then went canteen, sat down for awhile then went to the quadrangle..
Then blah blah blah
Went to change cuz got PE
But in the end dont have==
Teacher never come to sch==
So sad... HAIZZ
Waste my time and other ppl time changing==
Then relief teacher blah blah blah
Almost everybody took out their hp's and started using them..
Then suddenly got dm come
Then she was like " i know that you all are using your handphones.. And by right I am supposed to take them away and confiscate them for 1 month.. What class is this?? What is your period now?? Who is your teacher?? What should you be doing now??"
Then everybody was like, ps ps..
Before June holidays we were the most well-behaved class sia:)
Then now, like, getting caught by the dm more times..
Today was the 2nd time we kanna siaa):
Hopefully we will still be the most well-behaved class :/
Anyways, then was sci..
Ariel changed place with Resh, then I ended up sitting with Resh.
Then she suddenly change back to beside Ariel there..
And ta-ds, now every science lesson I will be sitting alone..
LOL, I'm being over Xd
So, yeah, recess, blah blah blah
It was English then Ms Ow took us..
Then she was talking about the play..
So, we got in our grps, discuss about the script..
We only one chpt, damn diff lohh):
Then blah blah blah
Then was the BORING mother tongue..
But, today lesson was not that boring..
Cuz we had so much work to do==
LOL, but I did'nt feel sleepy then:D
Then after that was the AMPedIT..
Learn about the SkyDrive thingy again..
Then I was chatting with Eunice, my Uncle and Noah..
So yeah..
After school, went to homec, needed to practice the salad making competition which is next sat..
So, then teacher was like, where's ur recipe??
== Then we were like, confuse like that..
Then teacher gave us a salad book filled with recipes..
Then we look look, we found a nice one:D
Then told Mrs Pada..
Then teacher ask us go buy all the ingredients..
Then we went to buy..
Keep going here, there, here, there==
Then finally returned back to sch..
Then we started our quest XD
Quite fun making it:D
But then, an accident happened):
Not THAT type of accident, lets say its an incident..
Not gonna elaborate on it cuz of my own personal reason:D
Anyways, cook hao le, then went home..
Took 99 to LP house there and then went to take another bus to JP
Then took ANOTHER bus back home..
LOL 3 buses XD
So, yeah, that's most prob it for today..


7:14 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Yesterday went to buy Noah's bday present..
blah blah blah, said byebye to Li Pin and Eunice.
Then I went to macs to buy ice cream:D
I wanted to try a new ice-cream, so I ordered the choco cone..
Me no likey):
So, then went home..
blah blah blah
Today went for the dance thingy==
OK OK ahh
Then today is Noah bday.
Gave him the present before eng..
Blah blah blah, went to see the dentist..
Got one male and female..
More ppl got the male one, I supposed to get the male one but then the Nuris went first so in the end I got the female..
The male one more friendly..
Anyways, the dentist ask me if I want put braces anot..
Then I say I DUNNO
Then go home then go ask mah
But in case just take the form..
So, at the end of recess went to take.
Then inside got sec 3 ppl..
Then must wait mahh
So, i wait, then got this malay girl, keep on staring at me
Like she very angry with me like that
I dont understand why ppl must stare at me..
I seriously hate it when ppl stare at me for no reason...
I want punch her ahhh:@
Anyways, got the form, went for sci class, then blah blah blah
Eng, blah blah blah, went to JP cuz Eunice and Li Pin going to buy Noah bday present..
So, I pei them, after they buy le, I went home, then went to the coffee shop with my father, blah blah blah
So, yeah.. That's all..


4:38 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Sorry never post..
I have my own reasons^^
So, anyways, friday, after school..:D
Went to meet Reshveny's mother..
Then went to change at the CC there..
Then when Reshveny wanted to change her pants, me, Li Pin and Eunice waited at the CC there..
Then I went to go to the chair there, then got this big insect there, then I freaked==
Then blah blah blah
Reshveny mother tell us to take taxi.. So we did:D
Then we all kanna car sick..
LP most car sick one..
Then Eunice went to sleep..
Then I got headache, Reshveny wanted to vomit..
Then after about 30 min, we reached Vivo City:D
Went to buy tickets.. then went inside:D
Went to macs, put our bags and went off to buy tickets to ride the skyride and the Luge:D
$8 per child siaa!!!
So awesome Xd
Then Eunice was like, keep on shaking, then I was damn scared... XD
Then went to the luge, fun:D
Me and LP went to the dragon trail then the Eunice and Reshveny went to the Jungle trail..
Then got one guy behind me keep on pushing me==
KNS lah him :@
Then met Eunice and Reshveny.. went to the beach after that!!
Then we went looking for rubbish:D
We played at the same time too^^
Then I went into the water to take the rubbish.. then until my shirt there..
Then Eunice, LP and Reshveny was like, I need to grow taller cuz they all until the shorts there and I am at the shirt there==
Anyways, I was holding my phone, then got wave mah, then it accidentally wet my phone!!
but then heng it was still working, but then it was lagging like mad..
Then continue take pics then we went to wash our feet..
Oh oh!!
Me and Eunice saw like 4,5 or 6 silver fish jump out of the water and went back in siaa!!!
And we were like, OMG!!! Did you see that!!??
We were so excited!!:D
Cuz, its like you can only see them like, maybe once in a life time!?
Then went back to macs..
Then we went in with wet clothes, so obviously very cold..
Ate blah blah blah..
Then the grp beside us, grown-ups..
Keep looking at us==
GND lahh them==
Then blah blah bla, after eat, went to Vivo City there play water Xd
20 min only, but still had a fun time:D
Me, LP and Eunice were totally wet, then Reshveny not, cuz she no extra clothes):
Then wahh!!!
All never bring towel except for me..
Then we went to the toilet, expecting to see showers..
But dont have==
Then we all share my towel, but we smart okays==
We only dry our bodies not........ ><"
Then blah blah blah..
After that then I realized that my phone kanna):
Then sot diao..
Then went to take MRT home..
Jurong East, reshveny and her mother got off..
Then Eunice told me and LP about her father, at that time lahh,
I was about to cry..
Cuz like, I was thinking about my phone etc; and about Eunice father..
Then its like, very..... something:/ dunno how to explain..
Then they both got off at Boon Lay, I got off at pioneer..
Then went home, went my bedroom and started  crying..
Cuz i dunno whether my mother will scold me anot..
So, yeah, went to tell, then its obvious that I want a new phone
But then she just said she dont care, go and use a phone in the cupboard when I never even asked her if I could get a new phone):
I hate my life):
Then ate dinner, went to use internet.. blah blah blah...
Then after that, went to send my father to work, and me and bro actually HAD to DO IT this time..
We took a taxi with him to ang mo kio, go send him to his friend house, then me and my brother went home by MRT..
I was damn tired, so I slept in the train while standing XD
I nearly fell 2 times siaa!!!!!!
Then got home, blah blah blah
Yesterday, nothing much, last episode of Boys Over Flowers ):
Sad sad T.T
Then went to sleep...
Today, father came home, nag nag nag at us to do things..
Blah blah blah..
So, yeah:D
That's all!!!


6:25 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, woke up, blah blah blah
Met Eunice, blah blah blah
Went to school..
Then first was PE
Then teacher grouped us..
I had Haresh and Putera==
I imagined Haresh wearing gold necklace and a cap and dancing hip-hop XD
SO damn funny siaa XD
Then we played Badminton..
Fun fun:D
Then sweat like mad..
Then was Science..
We were like 15 or 20 min late Xd
Then recess, blah blah blah
Then was Eng..
My grp tried to do fin the mind map but in the end, only had a total of 5 points..
The MINIMUM is 7 points sia..
Then my grp the character so diff):
Somemore must hand it in by tmr...
Then my grp still need re-do the agreeable character..
I think we are the slowest grp):
But, jys bah:D
Then mt, got teacher observe, blah blah blah
Then was AMPedIT..
Got new teacher'-'
He keep on using the word awesome.. LOL
Then when teacher ask us to sign into our msn or whatever, me and Eunice chatted via msn XD
Fun siaaa^^
Then after sch, went to tell Mrs Pada that we wont be going to CCA for this week, but next week confirm will go
Then we told her that need to do project..
Which is the Eng project..
Then teacher say need to write letter or whatever..
Then me and Eunice went to LP house:D
Play play play, we laughed like siao XD
The LP did still hate me, cuz I'm ugly
Blah blah blah
Then went home..
Then went to eat dinner, then went online
Tmr, yay!!
After sch going to Sentosa!!! <3
Then go to Vivo City play water:D
So, I need top up my card and bring a lot of $$ but not too much
Maybe $20-$30
And an extra $5 to top up my card
So, yeah
Like that only..
Shall post about tmr fun tmr XD

No pic cuz I just came out from the shower so.. my hair wet wet no nice



5:50 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Yesterday never on cuz I slept then after I wake up need to do hw..
SO never online/post
Anyways, yesterday was Tuesday..
Eunice brought Monday things
She also wear PE
Then blah blah blah
CME project need to do the beach cleaning thingy..
Then need pics..
So, me, Eunice, Li Pin and Reshveny planning to go to East Coast Park to do it and PLAY of coz^^
Then the eng project..
We needed to re-do
So, my grp planned to go to the NLB go do..
Then the Rai Han never go..
So, was only me, Mei Ling and Ru Qi
Then we sat beside this guy..
Then he was friendly:D
He asked us what we were doing.. and that the paper was very big (majong paper)
And blah blah blah
Then we do do do
Did not do so much.
Then Mei Ling went home..
I went to buy cheesy hotdog:D
Then need to wait..
So, i waited..
Then Ru Qi also buy'-'
She say it's nice.. LOL
It is nice Xd
Then I went to take 241..
So then I sat down..
Then got this big guy (no offence)
Then he sat beside me..
The moment he sat down beside me, I felt so small><"
Then his face went in front of my face, and he locked his eyes into mine
And it was like so damn scary..
I thought what siaa
Like he want to molest me or whatever...
Then of coz I was scared like mad
So, I prayed that he would get off before i would..
But, I got off before he did..
Then he know he very big, he should like, let me go out..
But then he never move one..
SO I had to like "push" his leg away..
And, the end.. My horror of that MAN was over..
Then went home, was damn tired..
Went to rest, in the end fell asleep
Woke up.. blah blah blah
My bathroom light spoil, then I had to shower in the dark..
I only had one torchlight shinning... And it was scary
So, blah blah blah..

Today, woke up late!!!
Heng Eunice call me!!
Not I would have still been sleeping and not attend sch..
TY Eunice:DDD
Then I chiong to get ready and went to sch..
Then reached, saw Tasha!!!
She late with me:D
So, yeah, went to the indoor sports hall to do the hip hop thingy..
Then funny siaa
But, to me it wasn't really what I called hip hop..
Then finish liao, went to change, blah blah blah
Then blah blah blah...
Then recess, ate chicken chop..
Teacher took us to the computer lab..
Then blah blah blah
Then the mind map, I accidentally gave teacher the wrong email><"
I missed the letter Y==
Then I went to sit with LP
Then the whole class chat siaa
Then the boys went to spam==
Then eng, YAY!!!!
Ms Ow never come!
Then when the Ms Lim told us that ms Ow never come, the whole class was so damn happy
I didn't know how much our class "hated" Ms Ow..
Then yeah, after sch, went to stay back with Mei Ling:D
Went to do the mind map..
We did quite alot..:D
Then the Rai Han horh, WALAO EHH
Our agreeable character the mind map we do one, then go tear it==
Then me and Mei Ling dont like him..
He every time say ppl, and he never contribute anything.
He only keep on playing with the Azim..
So, yeah...
That's all.. I guess..


5:17 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Yesterday "patch"things up with Noah
Did not know that he will always take things seriously==
Joke with him also cnnt.. :/
Heng I dont like him le:D
So, anyways, today, went out with Eunice, Siti, Qiu Shien and Xue Fang :D
Not fun one lohh..):
I bet you weren't scared :s
So, me and Eunice met first
Then when I saw her and when she saw me, we ran to each other and hugged each other
Like we in a movie, 2 besties never see each other for a long time Xd
Then I went to pei Eunice go withdraw money...
Then I supposed to buy the headband, but then in the end never
Then I went to buy my book and pen:D
A book for quotes:D
Then went to meet Siti..
Returned her the story books she lend me..
Then we went to meet Xue Fang and Qiu Shien..
Suppose to take pics before meet them..
But since they there liao, we go meet them..
Went play DDR :D
Then went to neo!!! <3
After that, went to buy slurpee..
Then actually wanted to go eat macs but then we alr had slurpee..
Somemore JP de mac extremely crowded==
So we decided to got o central park de macs..
Also crowded like siao==
Then we went to Safra..
Wanted to go the what, Karaoke..
At first it was $13 plus plus for each person..
Then we wanted the exact price for one person..
Then the person said, $22.50 ==
Then in the end never..
Then we went to buy Tealicious..
I bought the Hong Kong Milk Tea..
No offence but it tasted yucks!!
Eunice one was oolong tea..
Tasted like seaweed):
Then when she tried mine horh, wahh!!
She NEARLY vomited!!
Then after awhile, she try again..
Again she wanted to vomit..
I guess that it's THAT horrible to Eunice..
Then after that went to Xue Fang house!!!
Take the bus, saw Zhong Lao Shi with her younger brother!!
She also got off the same stop as us'-'
But she went to school.. We went to XF house;D
Then actually wanted to karaoke at her house Xd
But then we weren't hyper'-'
Then went to like take pics..
Watch youtube videos..
Then me and Eunice went into our own world ><"
Then after awhile, went outside, the living room there
Play scissors paper stone(leg version)
Then everybody came out also play'-'
Then after awhile, like 15 min like that
We played concentration all the way throughout the rest of the time..
Like only 15 min?
Now sure~
Then everybody went home..
Except for Xue Fang.. Cuz she is alr at home'-'
Then went home..
Bought gummy cows==
Not gummy bears but its cows!!! Xd
Then came home went to eat it:D
Then blah blah blah...
Went to eat dinner
And ta-da, I am back on the com..
Wanted to download audi
My brother want to upload youtube video==
I everytime cnnt download one lohh
Alr one month siaaa
One month, 80plus % only==
HE LOHHHH!!!! >:@
Anyways, tmr got sch):
So, yeah..
That's all for today:D


6:56 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Salutations ppl:D
Today, was such an unlucky day):
Firstly, woken up by my mothers call
Then woke up, ate my brunch
Then my bad luck started from then on T.T
While cooking, I put egg mahh
Then I saw got one small piece of the eggshell drop inside..
I wanted to take it out, but it disappeared..
Then while eating, I found it, but it was alr in my mouth ):
Then after eat, went to drink coke..
Then I used the mac donald the coke glass
Just nice, cuz I cant drink gassy, I had to make the coke flat
Then it overflowed T.T
Then it spilled onto the floor..
Then I had less coke to drink and had to clean the floor
And when I spilled it, I got hit by my bro==
Then after cleaning, I went to watch TV
Then continue, blah blah blah
Then went to watch more TV
Then went to fetch my father
He hold my hand so damn extremely tight==
Then while walking home, he baballing away==
Then reach home, he snatch my TV away ):
Then I went to like, dunno~
PSPS ah ppl
Oh! Remember le!!
I went to wash hamster cage
Then I went to open the box, filled with hamster needs like food all this
Then got so many spiders T.T
I killed them Xd
Then while washing, my bro and my father argued
My father was like shouting at him to cook dinner
Then he throw temper
Dont ever mess with him when he is in temper
He is like the devil when he throws temper><"
Then I accidentally knock to him
He scold me T.T
Then I continue blah blah blah
Then when he like scold me again, I "shouted" at him
And he was like, dont need to shout lahh
Then his way of cooking dinner
Wahhh!!! I really want to scream at him==
Then after he peel potatoes then no more liao'-'
Then my father went to use yesterday my mother use to cook porridge go put the potatoes inside!! WITHOUT WASHING IT!!!
And he was like, nothing wrong what!!!
I wanted to scream at him==
Then of coz I not so stupid just leave it in there, I went to take them out and went to wash it
And my father was like scolding me==
Then cuz my brother throw temper
He will heck care about everything
Then he make w mess, in the end I have to clean
So, I cooked everything and cleaned everything
Then while making the gravy, burned my hand
And while cooking the potatoes also burned my hand
Then after eat, went to like have a friendly fight with my bro
Then I accidentally tripped over the thingy
Then I got a cut on my ankle there):
Got blood of coz
And now, still pain
Then haiz..
I had a headache
Then my geo hw, dunno how to do):
Then, haizzzz...
So, an unlucky day for me):
That's all:D


You say ur fed up with doing everything
And your everything is nothing
You do so little
We do so much more for you
Dont you think we're fed up too??
I bet you dont
You dont hear us complaining so much
And you do little
And you complain everytime

You dont think its disgusting
SO many germs are on it
And u say its fine
Do you want to give us food poisoning?
Do you ever think before you act??

You repeat and repeat as if we are so dumb
And deaf
Cant u just say it once??
Maybe after every 5 or 10 min say again
Not after 2 sec you say again
Its so damn irritating
I wish that you could know how ur attitude is like

All of us are pissed off by you
And you think you did nothing wrong
I really dont know what to say to you
I hope you can change

Ciaos ppl:D