4:33 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Hey^^Today PE, wah!!
Run 8 rounds around the field!!
I died....
My timing was so damn long!!
Dun wan to say here...
But then, I did not even pass...
Must train harder^^
Next week should be running again..
SO train(:
Then English, everybody finished presenting, then teacher asked
who wanna re-do
Then I wanted..
But then I was like, should I raise up??
Then in the end, I rose my hand and I WILL be presenting tmr!!
SO scared!!! X<
Need to practice tonight!!
Today Homec club, we baked apple muffin.
But then me and Eunice were alone..
Then if there is no senior, it spells, DISASTER
So, we added the things wrongly==
But it still came out wonderful!!(:
Tomorrow meeting pri school boys...
So we eating mac...
SO need bring more $$
Tmr also got my presentation, and science test AND maths test==
Today Chinese test..
Quite easy lah... XD
Hope I score well!!!
That's all for now(:

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