3:42 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today's post will be a SUPER long one, so prepare yourself XD
So, on Thursday, after school, Ariel found a dead and EATEN bird...
Then only thing left was the bones which is disgusting...
Then at the shelter there, got A LOT of blood!!
My guess is, that a cat ate the bird and drag it across the floor, so there was blood on the floor and the eaten bird on the pavement...
Then during Chinese lesson, got other teachers from other schools, then they filmed us..
Then teacher say, that we need to interview other people and ask them questions...
Then my group inside got LP and Eunice(:
And our questions were about school...
Then our plan was that on Friday, we would go and do it cause we needed to hand it up by Tuesday..
Then today which is Friday, after school, we went to help teacher cause tomorrow got speech day concert..
Then we spent one hour washing the cups and plates...
Then after that, we went to Clementi Mall...
Then we search here search there, looking for kind faces that are willing to let us interview and take a video of them.
So, we found a lady, she said it was ok!!!(:
But then, when we told her that we needed to film her, she said NO)':
But then we also cannot force them to do the interview if they dont want to..
So then, we walk here, walk there..
Then just keep on asking people...
Then FINALLY, we asked this lady, she said ok!!
And she was also very funny(:
And, so, the filming began!!
Then after that, we shook hands and the lady HUGGED us!!!
Then Eunice say, I love you auntie!!
Then the lady say, I love you all too!!!
Then after that, we went to take train.
Then got 2 of these China men, sitting in front of us.
Then they keep on looking at us..
And since Eunice was directly in front of them, she could hear what they were saying
So then, she heard in Chinese, but I will translate in English for you guys..
According to Eunice, they said, eh, we take the 2 pretty girls the ugly one i dont want
Yah, yah the 2 pretty girls... The ugly one dun want..
Then Eunice whispered it in my ear to me, saying that the 2 guys were talking about us..
Then I went to tell LP.
Then I looked at them, they look away.
Then when I look somewhere else, they were looking at us..
So we stood up and walked to the door.
Then they also followed...
But then, they saw us talking about them so they did not follow us
Then I think they so called ran away is because that we know their plan and their appearance..
SO i think they scared so they aborted the plan.
SO, luckily Eunice heard it if not...
I dont know what will happen to us..
So after that, we bought new necklace(:
Then we went MC, me and LP ate while Eunice just sat there and she went off to meet her mum..
Then I bought a new wallet!!
It was the best seller and I took the last one XD
That's all!

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