3:16 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

I have nothing to post about..
Tomorrow is Easter Egg/Bunny day(:
Today I watched crucification on history channel(:
Saw Jesus bring crucified..
So cruel!!
Then in one part, the romen soldier pierced a spear into his heart to make sure he was dead..
And he was..
So, the big question: How did Jesus come back to life on Sunday which is tomorrow??
Very interesting..
First thing Jesus had to suffer was beatings to the back by chains used by the Romen soldiers..
After that he had to walk a mile while carrying a 100 kg block of wood on his back..
Then one the way there, he fell and bruised his heart which is a very bad thing.. If not treated properly, his heart will stop
Then once he reached, he was being tied onto the wood then had nails going through his palms and wrist into the wood
Then he was being lifted onto the cross and then the Romen soldiers put his foot together, left over right and nailed his feet together into the wood..
So cruel right!!
Then due to his bruised heart, his heart stopped beating and he died on that day, before dawn..
Then the Romen soldier drove a spear into his heart and the end..
Very interesting to watch and all of this is in the Bible..
So, if you want to know more, read the bible XD
That's all!!

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