12:22 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Now, at 3.10pm, I am chatting with Eunice(:
By the time you are reading this, I should be offline already^^
Please tag me by telling me if you want me to put my UGLY face here(:
So, today is Sat, nothing much really going on...
Thursday, during PE, had to do sit-ups and incline pull up...
Next day, my stomach muscle ache and my arm muscle also ache==
Until now also ache><
Then Fri also got PE mah..
Then we did standing broad jump..
But before that, ran 2 rounds in the field...
We already starting ti DIE LEI!
Then NAPFA test 8 ROUNDS LEI!!!
Can die sia!!
Teacher say just need to train more ba.
Then we did standing broad jump...
My first try like SAI
Then I had to keep retrying...
Then after LP, cause she like me, cannot jump==
Then teacher tell us to do tuck jump...
We did like 15??
then after that, my second try, wa!
I can jump!
But then not so far(:
But at least got pass!!^^
But then, sadly, LP never pass):
So, went home, practiced standing broad jump!!
I measured, i jumped about 150 plus cm!!!
But then, I did 20 tuck jump!!
Really worked^^
Then, next day, wah!!
Muscle ache at my legs==
Then yesterday at night, I kanna cut my finger><
Wa sei! Keep on bleeding!
SO pain)':
Then still super pain till now=[
how to write??
My right hand some more,and yet, its my index finger!!
So unlucky right!
Now also typing with my pain finger..
But, I got put plaster so not so pain when I type..
But it will be pain!!
That's all(:

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