6:45 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today after school, i rushed home to change into PE attire..
Then rushed back to school..
Today was the track and field meet, competitions for Long Jump and High Jump..
Since I joined High Jump, I had to come to represent my house..
Then when I came, the teacher just like briefly explain to us what to do all these..
Then I was the second jumper><
First round was practice..
Then serious liao..
Then I FAILED my practice..
Then the real one, the first attempt, also fail,
the height was 85cm
Then we have 3 attempts..
So my first one was used..
ONLY me and Dora failed..
Luckily, Dora passed her second attempt.
I still failed..
My last attempt, I ALSO FAILED
Then after you failed the 3rd attempt, you OUT..
So I was OUT..
I sat down and started to cry
My eyes became super watery
But I forced myself not to cry..
But I still felt like crying..
Cause ALL of them EXCEPT ME pass...
Then I stayed to watch the others jump..
They raised the bar to 95cm
Dora failed the first. Then she came back crying
I encouraged her to stop crying and that she can do it^^
But sadly, she failed and came to ''Accompany" me.
Then we watched together and cheered OUR last member of our house..
We kept on encouraging her..
As they raised the pole higher and higher, we were more anxious and more people were OUT
Then they reached 1m.
There were only left with 6 jumpers.
Then as that member jump, i kept shouting at her saying she can do it(:
Until now I kanna soar throat-.-''
Then the bar was at 1.09m That member failed both the first and second.
At her last attempt, she did it^^
But only by just a bit.
Then it rose to 1.11m
Sadly she could not do it. But I am still proud of her^^
In the end, our house got second out of the top 8^^
Hopefully we can win this year!
Then after that, was the sec 3 and 4's.
I watched them jump to 'learn from them'.
Then suddenly, a girl who was jumping landed on HER FACE on THE FLOOR.
Then she FAINTED for afew seconds before coming back to consciousness
Then the NCPCC team went to look after her.
They took a stretcher and carried her onto the stretcher.
They then carried her to the back of the hall to do something to her..
I not sure cause everyone was crowding around her then I so short cannot see><
Then everything ended at 6 plus..
So like that..
Still feel like crying now):

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