6:01 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today PE, trained for the NAPFA test..
Wow, wow, and lastly, WOW
Then going over le, then suddenly got the fire alarm(even though we know that it is fake)
We walked to the field, sat down and chatted lo..
Then 30 min of science gone^^
Then I go do my english script for later English period, which is our exam><

Then cause I dunno that inside need to write all the slides everything, I FAILED...
but then teacher say can redo(:
SO maybe still can pass^^
And hopefully won't be so nervous like today><

Then at Homec club, we baked Scottish shortbread...
My group did wrongly..
But then, it was nicer than teacher's one!!
Even the teacher say ours is nicer sia^^
So, even when you make a mistake, it may be the best mistake you will ever make that is the best(:
Then we slowly walk to the bus stop cause we stand for 2 hours plus...
So then no energy to walk..
So we took like 15 min to walk to the bus stop i think...
Then went home..
Thta's all^^


4:48 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Just found out that my 2nd most fav Hamster died...
And today I just found out and it was already starting to decompose..
So I dunno how and when it died..
But I looked at it, his nose was bleeding...
So, I am clueless...
Now, I cant stop crying...
I just keep on crying..
Now I'm blogging and crying...
(Trying to be happy, but failing)
That;s all for today's post..
Cannot continue on posting after knowing that my hammie just died..


7:08 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

I warn you all first, this may be a long post^^
So please read all of it!(:
On Monday, during English lesson, teacher went through our power point presentation we did during the holidays about what the world should read..
The teacher so mean sia!
Teacher went through one of out classmates slides, never put any decoration, never mind, then just because he did a book about Matilda which is our littérateur book, teacher straight away gave him a 0! WTH lo!
AT LEAST he got put in effort to spend his time reading it and doing a review.

Then next, teacher went through my slide..
I forgot to put my index number.. So I was not so upset about that..
Then when I got to the summary slide, the words hor, the font like sai!
Cause my power point is 2007 one. Teacher one is 2003. So, MY GUESS is that the 2003 dun have my font, so then they anyhow go and automatically change the font.
Then hor, when I saw it, I was damn shocked sia!
Then everybody started staring at me sia
Then teacher say, "you see these words, they are out of the slide, so, obviously, she copied and paste."
WTFH la!
When I wanted to explain why it was like that, haven't even say finish 5 words, teacher say, "No! I dun care. Don give me any excuses!"
What kind of teacher is like that lo!?
I know!
My English teacher==
Never even let us explain why our work is like that..
She think she so perfect...
Then those others which teacher go through, will AT LEAST have ONE mistake.
Then teacher embarrass us in front of the WHOLE CLASS SIA!
Then I cried sia..
My eyes watered and then teacher kept on looking at me..
But then I forced myself not to cry..
Then Izzah comforted me...
So far, that was the worst English lesson I have ever had IN MY LIFE!
Then hor, haiz.. Dunno what to say..

Then today, was the speed test(sewing)
We had 2 hours cause Mrs Pada never come!!
Then after school, went home with Tasha...
Me, " OMG! I SAW JASON!!!"
Tasha, "Fake lo!"
"NO really!! I saw! His face!"
"REALLY!!!? where where??"
"wait, I trying find him"
"Got find??"
"nope... Cannot see him lei"
"I can feel like Jason is here.."
"really!!! Got find him anot??"

5 min later...

Me, "awww... That is not Jason.."
Tasha, "huh... How can that be Jason?"
"i see him from side view mah!"
"His face is so different and his hair also.. SO different from Jason.."
"ya la! Ya lah!"

This was my conversation with Tasha on the way home...
So like that lo..
Then went out with my mum and brother go buy something..
Then at first wanted to eat Swenson's...
But then, the queue too long le..
Then went to eat Subway..
Reach home, eat, then blah blah blah..
Suddenly felt like vomiting and had a stomach ache..
Then went toilet... Nothing happened..
So went back to my bedroom..
Laid on the bed for like one minute then major stomach ache and felt like vomiting..
Went toilet again...
Kanna diarrheal.
Then after awhile, ok le..
Then come back again==
Then go, then come back again!!
I suffered)':

And, I concluded that every time I drink fizzy drinks, I WILL have stomach ache...
Then today drank fizzy drinks, then kanna stomach ache...
So, now I have confirmed that  I cannot drink fizzy drinks...

So that's all^^


8:24 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Hope you guys like my new blogskin(:
So, today nothing much^^
Tomorrow I going to Siti's sister Birthday Party..
Just completed my English homework which what we needed to do was
power point slide..
Wa sei!
It took me 3 HOURS to do it sia!!!
Now I only left Science mind map homework..
Enjoy my new blog skin(:


7:05 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Just got back from Marina Bay Sands...
So, reached there, went to my Uncle's room, sit down, play with my Uncle's children(Spent most of our time doing that)
Then ordered some food.
About 1 hour plus then the food arrived..
Ok Ok...
I ordered Fish and Chips...
Only liked the chips.. The fish super salty..
But don't waste money cause it was so expensive..
So I ate it, I drank my drink..
Then I was damn full...
Then evening, went up to the roof, quite an amazing view^^
Then when I looked down, got one extra island there with tress and bushes growing there!
It was like so funny and interesting^^
Then night time, got the Laser show...
Watched it, it was quite nice^^
After that, said good-bye to Uncle and his children and we left...
Thats all......

Just to let you people know, I am gonna give up on Love....


6:31 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

I tell you first that this will be a long post about everything that happened today...
Today was 80% Bad and only 20% good...
My bad day started in the bus on the way to school..
So I closed my eyes and tried to rest..
Then I felt something on my hand.
I opened my eyes, and there was either a baby cockroach or a giant moth..
It was on my hand!
Then I swished it away..
It went somewhere into my bag which I was carrying on my hand and placed it o my lap.
It crawled into it..
So when I got off, I was like searching for it.
Then suddenly I saw it..
I dropped the bag and watched in horror><
Then I nearly scream sia.
Then after it FLEW away, I was relieved..

Then in school, after PE was recess. So my hair was messy.
So after I changed, I went to tie my hair again..
Then there was this group of girls who entered.
One of them was staring at me as I could see from the reflection of the mirror..
Then I looked at her and looked away..
She was STILL staring at me.
Then I just keep on looking at her but not like stare, like look at her, look away like that..
Then suddenly, she shouted at me in Malay..
Since Tasha was with me, she helped me translate...
Then the Malay girl kept on shouting at me..
Then the group look at me and said what?
Then I say I dont know!
Cause I seriously dunno why she shout at me for...
Then I was like damn scared..
My eyes were so pain at that moment...
I felt like crying)':
Then after IT was over, I asked Tasha what they say..
Then she told me that the girl said that I had a bad attitude..
I mean!! She is NOT my friend, she does not know me!
Come in, stare at me and say that I bad attitude!?
Then when they walked out, they said GROW UP!
Then Jean was there, she said that the girl was in Beta, same house as her..
Then she tell me that she keep on shouting at people saying give me candy!!
Talk about growing up..
She think she so big can bully Sec 1!
Go to H*** la you!
(50% bad)

When I got home, while eating dinner, I kanna stomach ache..
Then I went toilet, kanna diarrheal..
Then because if I get cold, for some reason I will get stomach ache...
So then I wore 2 jackets..
Felt like normal as if I not wearing them...
Got more, but I cannot say it HERE.. I can tell you in FB or whatever, but cannot type out here^^
(10% Bad)

Today homec club, we bake muffin^^
So damn nice^^
SO wanna bake it again..
I now how to make it, it is only the ingredients^^
It tasted like MILO
It smelt like MILO!
This is the only good stuff that happened today...


4:07 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Yesterday my uncle came...
He and my father talk and joked...
Then I took my auntie also known as my uncles wife to the nearby market outside the coffee shop..
She bought coke... and stuff..
Then cause she wanted to buy Mac Donald for her kids,
so we had to go to pioneer mall..
Cause she was lazy to walk, we took a taxi there.
Then she asked the taxi to wait for her..
And after that, I told the taxi driver "er.. Jurong West ST 61 Blk ****" Cnt say here^^
Then he said OK
Then we drive drive...
Until my school there!!
Then he said" oh.. Sorry sorry sorry! The machine stupid... Went to put St 51! Sorry sorry!"
Then I repeat the address again..
Then went to drive into another block==
Then I repeat again..
Drive into another block AGAIN!
Then I repeat AGAIN.
Then reached back home..
Then play play play/talk talk talk..
Then my Uncle and his wife keep on arguing==
Damn scary sia!!
Then on Friday, after school, I most probably reach home at about 1.30p.m.
Then I go pack my stuff and my brother stuff ready to go to Marina Sands Hotel to visit my uncle and play^^

Now in FB, so called arguing with Eunice and Khai Rui^^
So fun(:


6:52 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today is the LAST day of the March Holidays...
Today, did the same thing as yesterday..
Cycled in the rain...
Then come home...
Blah blah blah...
so sad...
THIS THING that Eunice told me..
Cannot tell anyone...
Can only say this THING
Just online FB
Then Noah and Khai Rui was online..
Then offline==
Leave me alone)':
Tmr, going back to school...
Go complete my last homework which is only one question==


6:07 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today, nothing much..
Me and my brother went out, cycled to Giant to buy food...
It was raining...
So we cycled in the rain...
Then like that lo..
Just came back from audi..
I had an extra 2k @cash to spend in it..
But then since cannot buy anything that is forever, I gave it to Eunice...
Then Eunice went to buy me something...
But is not  forever de..
But still nice^^
In audi, Eunice got couple le^^
Hopefully he wont break up with her...
I some more told him personally that cannot break her heart^^
He said, haha ok^^
So he better keep his promise^^
Oh ya!
The puppet thing I cut out already..
But then not nice...
I want ask teacher if she can give me a new one anot..
Just tell teacher which I cut wrongly, which is true..
So hope that teacher will give me one new one^^
So, thats all^^


6:52 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today went out with Eunice and Siti whilst Sheryl and the other 5 friends went out with her to bowling..
So, me, Eunice and Siti took the train to Bukit Batok to go to West Mall...
We went to the arcade..
We went there to take Neoprint..
Cause it only cost $3 to $6..
And JP cost $9..
So cheaper..
But then, NO ONE told us that need the card..
Have the coin slot, but then, they went to block it with melted plastic..
Then it dried in that coin slot..
So, we needed to buy the card and top it up..
But since it was like not worth it, we never go take pic..
So sad..
Then we traveled back to JP, went back to the arcade, took pics, then played DDR^^
Tried a new song..
Nearly fail sia!!
Need to train on that song^^
Then went buy food, went to the banquet..
We bought cheese fries^^
I bought Ice lemon tea while Eunice and Siti bought ice chocolate since don have milo..
Then when I drank my drink, waaa
damn sour!!
Then I let Eunice and Siti taste..
They also say very sour..
Then tell me not to drink cause maybe it is expired..
So my money wasted):
After that, went to the central park,  never play anything, just like walk walk, then went back to JP..
Then we bought hair bands^^
Different color, but nice!!
We also bought another hair band, all just nice to match the hair band we bought just now!!
I bought pink, Eunice, purple, and Siti blue^^
Oh well, me and Eunice love purple..
Only got one..
She took it):
But never mind^^
Since my "set" is pink, I took pink^^
Then my "set" was pink, Eunice "set" was purple, and Siti "set" was blue^^
Then went back to the arcade again, then before we played, we saw..
No la..
Someone that looked like sheryl, cause the clothes the same, face about the same, and her OTHER characteristics also the same..
So LUCKILY not her ah
Not hor...
Dunno what will happen liao..

So, the plan may change..
Now have 2 choices:
Go to Marina Sands to visit my uncle ( 3days, go there, come back, go there, come back....)
My uncle comes to my house to eat and that's it..(come here, go back, THE END)

So, obviously I want THAT..
You should know..


4:27 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Can't wait for tomorrow!!!
Going to West Mall with Eunice and Siti.
Gonna take Neoprint then see what is in West Mall..
Then see what is in West Mall..
Next week I am going to Marina Sand's to visit my Uncle^^
So gonna be fun^^
We should be going on Sat and Sun ba..
Still not sure yet..
Today my mother off^^
Went to Giant, but some things...
I bought a new perfume^^

Today also got SOMETHING new^^
So cool^^

Now currently chatting with Eunice and Owen..
My Primary school friends^^
Eunice is both..
Dunno what to say liao..
So, ciaos^^


4:27 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Just came back from my FIRST secondary school outing..
Had lots of fun..
The Noah keep making us laugh^^
Then we took pics, quite funny^^
I very lazy go type out the whole thing that happened today..
So, just gonna say that we had lots of fun^^


5:10 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

So excited for tomorrow^^
So nothing really much to say..
I killed a four legged SPIDER...
Dunno whether if it is still considered a spider or even an insect><
Then today when I was queuing up to pay for something, the cashier who was beside me, had this CREATURE on her back..
Then the customer saw it, then ask me to swish it away..
It was either a huge jumping spider or a huge house fly..
It was black in color..
Then I was like damn scared..
I used my wallet and swish it away...
Then dunno where it had gone...
So dunno why this post is about insects==
Today was my brother's birthday^^
He is 15 today^^
No la^^ jkjk
So we had pizza...
I havent eat yet cause I now not hungry..
So that's about it^^
Be sure to tag me^.<


5:18 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Now is the March Holidays.
But my holiday starts at Tuesday cause Monday still have the study skills workshop..
Then Tuesday going out with Eunice, Li Pin, Khai Rui, Noah and maybe some others...
So gonna be fun^^
Then on Thursday not sure if I going bowling with Siti
So much homework..
Today completed most of it^^
Now only left the sewing or the thing and the puppet..
Lets see:
Chinese compo(done)
Chinese wb pg 22 to 25(done)
Chinese review on newspaper article(done)
English what i'd like the world to read(done)
English compo corrections(done)
Maths ws(done)
Maths file correction(done)
Science practical wb(done)
Science crossword puzzle(done)
Sewing of the different types of stitches(not done)
Sewing of the puppet(not done)

Yah.. That's how much hw i have-.-''
The english is use com and type everything out..
So all done except the sewing^^
In two days can finish most of my homework^^
I so guaii^^
So tomorrow is my brother's birthday..
He is turning 15 tonight at 12am!
Bought him this PRESENT..
For me la..
When I think that my brother is 15, i think of this" WAAA!
But I am like so called young..
And he is 15!!!
HAHA! I will be that old...
But when I think of like 25 yrs old, " Wa SO YOUNG!"
Very LOL right!!!
So that's all^^


4:17 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Supposed to say something here...
So therefore got nothing to post..


6:36 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

So blah blah blah, on Saturday, ran..
Blah blah blah...
Today in school they put up the lists of the championships
My name was up there...
And it was suppose to show Kerry1B
Instead it showed, Keery1B
Walao Eh!
The stupid teacher lo.
he and his stupid handwriting..
My name Kerry become until Keery
Some more the WHOLE school can see sia...
Kanna Sai
Today also got so much home work
Luckily can do all finish in 40 min haha^^
So like that lo..


5:06 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

So after the jump, I am still left with running..
Tomorrow is Saturday, i have to go back to school or stadium to do my running..
Starts from 8am..
I wait for about one hour before my 200m or 4x200m begins.. Then wait till about 5.30 pm for my second event!
What am I suppose to do for those long hours!?
Tomorrow I meeting Izzah then we go take her father car and he will drive us to the stadium
Meeting her at 6.55..
Means I have to leave house at about 6 or 6.15...
Cause it takes me about 40 min to reach school..
Then the second trip to meet Izzah is I dunno how long..
So I roughly leave house at 6 or coming to 6...
Means have to wake up at 5.30...!
So sad):


6:45 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today after school, i rushed home to change into PE attire..
Then rushed back to school..
Today was the track and field meet, competitions for Long Jump and High Jump..
Since I joined High Jump, I had to come to represent my house..
Then when I came, the teacher just like briefly explain to us what to do all these..
Then I was the second jumper><
First round was practice..
Then serious liao..
Then I FAILED my practice..
Then the real one, the first attempt, also fail,
the height was 85cm
Then we have 3 attempts..
So my first one was used..
ONLY me and Dora failed..
Luckily, Dora passed her second attempt.
I still failed..
My last attempt, I ALSO FAILED
Then after you failed the 3rd attempt, you OUT..
So I was OUT..
I sat down and started to cry
My eyes became super watery
But I forced myself not to cry..
But I still felt like crying..
Cause ALL of them EXCEPT ME pass...
Then I stayed to watch the others jump..
They raised the bar to 95cm
Dora failed the first. Then she came back crying
I encouraged her to stop crying and that she can do it^^
But sadly, she failed and came to ''Accompany" me.
Then we watched together and cheered OUR last member of our house..
We kept on encouraging her..
As they raised the pole higher and higher, we were more anxious and more people were OUT
Then they reached 1m.
There were only left with 6 jumpers.
Then as that member jump, i kept shouting at her saying she can do it(:
Until now I kanna soar throat-.-''
Then the bar was at 1.09m That member failed both the first and second.
At her last attempt, she did it^^
But only by just a bit.
Then it rose to 1.11m
Sadly she could not do it. But I am still proud of her^^
In the end, our house got second out of the top 8^^
Hopefully we can win this year!
Then after that, was the sec 3 and 4's.
I watched them jump to 'learn from them'.
Then suddenly, a girl who was jumping landed on HER FACE on THE FLOOR.
Then she FAINTED for afew seconds before coming back to consciousness
Then the NCPCC team went to look after her.
They took a stretcher and carried her onto the stretcher.
They then carried her to the back of the hall to do something to her..
I not sure cause everyone was crowding around her then I so short cannot see><
Then everything ended at 6 plus..
So like that..
Still feel like crying now):