2:36 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today went Eunice house celebrate CNY...
When I got there, gave oranges to Eunice mum and dad..
Then her father gave me Ang Pao...
Then we ate lunch..
Supposed to eat steamboat but then change to rice, curry and vegetables...
Quite nice^^
Then after that Eunice went to play Audi...
I watched her play then she let me play....
Then when Siti came, I let her play one round...
She quite pro for a beginner^^
Then after awhile, we went JP..
Went arcade play for awhile, took pics together
Then went to buy slurpee then Siti went to meet with her mum..
Eunice went to NTUC to buy bread then I went home...
While I waited for the bus, Eunice messaged me...
Reached home, watched TV for one hour then now I am here typing^^
I going play Audi liaos..

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