9:08 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Im bored now so thats why i came to update my dead blog! :D
June holidays are long over..
Now the thing keeping me busy is PITCH, a competition about marketing and advertising..
The team that I was helping with didn't win unfortunately.. but the other team made it!
And I have to help them :)
Its gonna be another long week.. Staying in school till 6pm
Hope that the other team will be the champions!!
Oh and Hong Kah won both football matches!!!
Awesome rite!? Proud of my school and the soccer boys!! :D
For PITCH, me and Eunice have to join next year..
Not looking forward to it cuz it causes a lot of stress D:
Even though I was only helping out, already so stress..
This morning I had to be in school by 6.30am. Amazing rite?
Just to help the team with their scripts cuz they were behind...
After they left at around 8am, I went home and slept..
Then went to meet Eunice at about 1.30pm to discuss about Li Pin's birthday and what presents to buy her!! :D
We kept walking around, bought tealicious, and pepper lunch!
Yummy!! :D
Then we had everything done..
Today is Li Pin's birthday but due to PITCH, we had to postpone it..
We were really too tired already cuz for the whole week, we had to stay up till 12 am just to help the team..
And we had to wake up at 6am to get ready for school and had to stay in school till 6..
So its really very tiring so not looking forward to next year's PITCH~
Oh well, lets just see how it goes :)
Im really tired now.. and not in a very good mood:P
So I shall end my post here and sleep ^^
Ciaos and nites ppl!


10:18 PM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

More than 1 month never update liao!
Soo... MYE is over!!
Passed ALL overall :D
But maths i failed.. 25/60 for paper 2.. 31/60 for paper 1..
but my maths CA1 pulled my marks up so in the end i passed :D
Eng, A2 ;yay
Science A1 ;yay
Dnt A2 or A1 :D
Chinese C??
Maths C??
Geog B4?
Art B4 or B3?
Yeah.. So... June holidays are coming!
Hopefully can go out and play :D
Oh and Im back to playing Audition!!
Lvl 18 baby ^^
So yeap!!:D Audition got SS501 songs!! and its 158 bpm :D
Fell in love with Danbo, so gonna make my own!
Also fell in love with other kpop songs and english songs ^^
Haiz.. I must do well for EYE cuz streaming year:/
June holiday got day camp, 12-14 also dunno for what..
Then got cultural camp all that.
Yesterday went to Science Center with the school to learn about Clean Energy, Global Warming all that
then got this mini skid.. so epic xD
then they blew bubbles into the Marquee xD Damn nice sia..
It was like a bubble paradise xD
Yeap, haha. Then went for the Gallery Hunt.. didnt bother to do the booklet cuz no one would even check it or collect it..
Then we made our own pin wheel :D
I felt so young when I held the pin wheel xD
So yeap, dunno what else to blog about..


8:08 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong!! :D
Around 1 month havent update alr xD
So, yeah, HELLO!! ^^
Lets see what happened 2 days ago:
It was an ordinary Friday.. Everyone was in school having their lessons.
And then after school, there was musical rehearsal. It was quite okay.
Then as we were walking out to school, me, Eunice, Ariel, Reshveny, Boon Hao, Noah and Brendan decided to go to the mama shop near school. And Li Pin and Zi Hao was walking to us, we wanted to so called "abandon" them.  Eunice wanted Jean to follow, but Jean didnt want to. So Eunice ran to her. And she tripped over the drain and she fell on her face ):
Everyone ran to her, then she laid there. Then we were like "EUNICE!! YOU OKAY ANOT!? FASTER COME UP"
*Eunice gets up, and got blood coming out from her head* "OMG EUNICE!!! YOUR HEAD BLEEDING!! " *Eunice touched her head and her blood was now on her hand, OMG!!!*
Then the security guard also saw.. Then we brought her to the toilet to go wipe away the blood.
Then Eunice started to cry. Badly.
Then went to the general office where got teachers and like the vice principal there, asking what happen.
Then Mr Malik ask everyone to go out. Then i stayed with her, then he went to apply the medicine on her wounds, which was on her head, above and below her eyes, her nose and her cheek. All on the left side.
Then she say not pain, then I was trying to call her mother. I call her 3 times, she never answer, so i msged her:P Then after awhile, she called me again then I told her the story then she talked to Eunice, then back to me again, asking me if I am waiting with Eunice until she come to school to fetch her home.
Then he bandaged her face, then half of her face got bandage ):
Then the moment Eunice fell, Li Pin started crying alr.. Then at general office, a lot of people cry.. Almost all the girls. Only Ariel and the boys didnt cry, the rest cried :P
Then took turns going in to talk to her. Then she dont want other people to see her face cuz got bandages :/
So yeah.. Then me and Jean went out the Li Pin went in, then outside, Jean started to cry cuz she thinks its her fault ); Then i saw jean cry, then i also started to cry.
Actually when Eunice cry i already wanted to cry but didnt, if not I would have been like lp, crying like mad :P
Then waited in school till 7pm with Jean. Then Eunice mother came then she went to see doctor, then me and Jean went home.
Came home, blah blah blah.. So yeah :P

Today, ICONs meeting, was late for like 5 min :P
Then our plan A kenna rejected xP
Then it was plan B :D
Then Eunice today never come home, she got 2 days MC.
So after school, went to JP go buy acrylic paint then went to visit Eunice to pass her today's homework. Then just chatted with her for awhile, then went back home.
Came home, went coffee shop.. BLEH

School, damn boring..
Music was fun though xP
Then I had to go off at 2 cuz need go MI for duty.
Then went there, did 4T2 :D They run so fast sia.  And it was fun doing duty ^^
Then got the lightning warning.. Then postpone.. So next week need come back again...
So yeap, came home, fell asleep :3
Then skype with brendan and alien :D
So yeah.. got a lot of homework..Tomorrow going to watch The Hunger Games with Li Pin only :D
Wanted to go karaoke, but then Eunice cannot since she fell and when we ask other ppl, they cnnt, so only 2 of us very weird, so we decided to just go watch movie.. So yeap :D
Okay, bye ^^



5:21 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Very long never update liao horhs ^^
LOL, sooo.. today got back our CA1 Results..
Did okay but failed one subject.. Literature.. Why fail??
Cuz teacher say that my group didnt put in effort to do the work so teacher failed us.. E8 sia..
T^T So.. got 4 A1's :D 1A2, 1 B3 and 1 C5(Art)
:P.. stupid literature T^T Pulled everything down..
And OMG.. Ru Qi ALL A1 except for one A2 and one B4.. So smart sehh..
LOL, then today Dnt, finished cutting the material.. then had to go file it to make it smooth..
Then kenna my finger -.-'' So I went to file my finger by accident ._. Pain..
Then recess.. Then maths, got back our quiz, 10/10 ^^ And teacher gave us choco:D
Then Eng, learned about advertisements. Then after school went Star Centre, follow Eunice go ATM cuz she want withdraw money for the CCA tshirt.. $17 siol..
Then went back to school, Mouse wasnt there D:
Then the china guy came -.-'' So kpo sia he.. no offence though:P
Then cca didnt cook anything.. in stead did admin stuff.. like elect new chairmen all those.. Then Eunice and lp went to elect me as the chairmen then me and lp went to elect Eunice for vice-chairmen.. BLEH!!! MUAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! LOL xD
Then in the end I became the chairmen -.-''
Then after that went to lp house.. Played then the didi didnt remember me D:
Then ate pizza at her house :D
Then went home.. then ate dinner ^^ On com, did "hw" then tada, on blogging..:D
Tomorrow got cross-country but then Im not running cuz I got homec duty which is to give out sandwiches and water bottles to the teachers, parents and VIPS.. :D Then after that got musical, not going back home :D so I have like 3h 30 min of nothing to do ^^
Lol, most prob going to mac/kfc then go musical.. Then sat will have the subject allocation talk but then that day got ICONs duty.. so need be in sch by 8 am T^T
And guess what?? Our talk doesnt start till 11.30 -.-''
Then tmr need be at japanese garden before 7am..
Soo yeah.. Dunno what else to blog liaos:P
So, byebye ^^


7:00 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Almost 1 month nvr update ^^
So, today went to Jurong East Lib to do Geo project..
Supposed to meet Jean and Tian Min and 1pm and they came at 1.20 pm..-.-''
LOL. So we went to IMM first to buy materials @ popular.
Then went to eat Macs
Then went back to the lib to do project..
Went to the Teens section.. Got live music._.
Then we do do do do do.. Till like 6 plus
Then got ppl offer us FREE coke, goodie bag and popcorn ^^
Then completed like half of the project, then Jean brought it home..
Then tomorrow going to Jeans house to complete it.. Then tmr I need do PW the ppp..
Then still need do hw== Die die me lehh
Stress alr...
Then the Rai Han horh== WALAO EHHH
Keep on going out with his gf, then dont even bother about the project==
I'm not gonna care anymore, dont put his name inside..
Since he never contribute anything, just let us all do==
Hopefully teacher scold him uhh
Then PW only Ariel and me doing, then rest dont even give a damn==
KNS lahh.. -.-''

Shall dont care anymore ^^
So.. My father turned 50 yesterday ^^
Happy Birthday :)
Gonna drink green tea ltr :P
Hopefully my grp members will wake up from their sleep and start contributing..
So dunno what else to say alr.. byebye^^


6:05 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong :)
Today, Friday the 13th..
Supposed to be a bad day where everyone will have bad luck..
Guess what??
I received bad luck today D:
What happened??
It all began when... (LOL)
Went to meet Eunice, just like any ordinary day.. Then boarded the bus around the same time as any other ordinary day.. Then at around ShuQun pri sch there, what happened?? Traffic jam for 10 min plus plus, for 2 times==
So means what?? Around 15-20 min stuck in traffic jam.. Then we ran to school, but then too late D:
Alr started to sing the marikitara.. So then kenna by teacher loh T^T
Then walao== we alr late then they hold us back some more siaa.. Then what happened?? I ended up being 30 min late for class cuz of them holding us back-.-''
Me, Jamy and Tian Min were like the last few people to get called by the teacher.. Then Eunice and Faarisah went off first.. Then we went to the D&T room.. Teacher dont let us in-.-''
Then ask us to go get the yellow paper.. So went general office, then went into the DM's room to get the yellow slip.. Then one of the discipline masters said to me Jamy and Tian Min that we look like very good girls._. LOL Heng she never scold us lohh.. Then she ask us like where we stay blah blah, what time we leave house blah blah, and told us not to be late again..
Then after get the yellow slip, went back to D&T room, teacher let us in, then continue on with lesson lohh...
Then recess needed to go back to DM's room go return the yellow slip.. So we went to return then went for recess..
After that, English.. Then PE:)
PE!! ^^ YAY!! Hahaha, fun today pe lesson ^^
Then after school, had to help Mrs Pada do the notice board thingy..
Then doing doing doing.. then my senior called my name and then I said hi:) LOL
Then continue then 2.30 need go for the stupid musical== Then Eunice went up to tell Mr Nissen that we gonna be late cuz we helping teacher for tmr the cca open house.. Then teacher say that we must go up very very very very soon.. So after we finished, went up.. we were about 15 min late.. I wish it was later T^T
Damn boring lohh the musical==
During the whole 2 hrs teacher never ask me to speak.. Then I come for what!? -.-'' Only waste my time==
So after the super boring musical practice, went to JP walk walk.. then bought curry puff and went home..
Came home played hp game then went to sleep.. Was just about to fall asleep then my mama called the house phone.. After I ans blah blah, went back to sleep again, then she came home, went to eat my dinner, then came to do my hw.. Which I still going to continue to do for the D&T thingy..
Tomorrow.. Still need go back to school for ICONs duty T^T Ushering..
Must be in sch by 7.30 D: Haiz.. hope that can go home early tmr.. Wanna sleep T^T
Then Sunday going out with Eunice and Li Pin:)
Planned everything alr..
Now is 10:00 pm.. wanna sleep maybe ard 11.30??
So, yeah.. Shall end here..
Stupid traffic jam -.-'' made me late -.-''
Ciaos ^^

*For every minute you remain angry, you give up 60 seconds of peace of mind*


6:21 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong :)
Already a week since I last updated :)
Apparently like no one visits my blog T^T As in friends etc;
I ask them to visit they no visit D:
Haiz... Shall put a counter :)
Anyways, school started.. had 2 new students..
One is Shafiq and the other one is Jia Wei..
Then I became assistant class monitress.. Dunno whether if thats a good or bad thing cuz I have to say "Class stand, class greet, class thank the teacher" all that.. My voice so soft I have to shout D:
And I no confidence de.. Me so shy shy de... Haiz..
So life at home is like BLEUK...
School is better :P
Yeah..Tomorrow have school..
I love English now :) Cuz why? Cuz Ms Lim is teaching us!!! Whoo hoo!!!
I like her:) As in the way she teach lahh.. LOL
Science teacher so happy that teacher change.. PE also;)
Maths.. NO D: Maths teacher now like.. HAIZ
Heng form teacher never change ^^
So very happy that Eng, Sci and Pe teacher change..
Not happy about Maths teacher change):
But hopefully can still do well :x
For Music, we're gonna learn Guitar <3
Hehe!! Last time pri 6 learn then finger pain D:
Then teacher say will have performance, so there will be like ppl playing guitar and maybe 1 person singing !!!
I wanna sing.. But me no confidence, and I sing like BLEUK.. So hopefully other people sing:)
First week of school alr have homework.. In fact the second day of school alr have hw.. and that was the FIRST day of proper lessons.. First day of school we just like.. spend the whole day with our form teachers:)
Few days ago baked choco muffin for my dearest Friends <3
And family:)
All say nice^^ Some say bitter.. But thats cuz my scale spoil then I couldn't measure D:
So i anyhow put in the cocoa powder :P
But heng still quite nice uhh^^
So yeah.. I dunno what else liao.. Gonna go play online games now:)
Ciaos!!!! ^^


4:07 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong ^^
Few days ago baked "muffins" with my bro ^^
Supposed to used vanilla essence right?? We went out to buy it, but then they no stock D:
So we bought lemon essence ^^
Still tastes awesome ♥♥♥
Then yesterday was New Year's Eve ^^
Me and Eunice planned to like call each other to countdown tgt..
Then when at 11:59 PM, I called her.. she took so long to answer D:
Then by the time she answer liao, alr 0 D: Then she started screaming XD
LOL!!! Then I was very awkward.. Cuz i in the same room as my mother, then if i go crazy, I think she will think I crazy :P Hahahaha!!!
So after that, we say Happy New Year, then byebye :P
After that, watch the fireworks from tv, then went back to com go spam fb "Happy new Year!!" XP
Then shut down, and my mother force me to sleep when I totally not tired T^T
Then I in the bedroom, play hp games loh..
Then the whole night never sleep de loh T^T TORTURE!!! D:
Until my mama wake up which is around like 7 or 8am then I can sleep D:
Then today I woke up at 12.30..
4 hrs of sleep==  But now not so tired ^^ hehehehe!!!
1 more day then sch liao D:
Tmr is the last day of freedom before school starts again:/ haiz..
So hopefully tmr night can sleep peacefully..
Today I was home alone :)
I skipped 500 times... Damn tired.
Last time I can skip 1000 times sia then damn tired.. I old liao ._.
Then I sang songs for maybe 1 hr plus, then went to cook maggie mee to eat^^
Then watch tv till come on com..
So anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE!!! ^^
Wish all of you that this year bring you happiness and joy ^^ Stay healthy!! :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2012!!
Me sec 2 le.. Will have a lot of projects.. :<
Haiz... Okay, gonna either watch videos, or play online games..
Most prob online games cuz my brother now loading videos, so if i load very slow and lag one:P
Okay, byebye!! ^^
Ciaos !!! :) :) :)