6:05 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong :)
Today, Friday the 13th..
Supposed to be a bad day where everyone will have bad luck..
Guess what??
I received bad luck today D:
What happened??
It all began when... (LOL)
Went to meet Eunice, just like any ordinary day.. Then boarded the bus around the same time as any other ordinary day.. Then at around ShuQun pri sch there, what happened?? Traffic jam for 10 min plus plus, for 2 times==
So means what?? Around 15-20 min stuck in traffic jam.. Then we ran to school, but then too late D:
Alr started to sing the marikitara.. So then kenna by teacher loh T^T
Then walao== we alr late then they hold us back some more siaa.. Then what happened?? I ended up being 30 min late for class cuz of them holding us back-.-''
Me, Jamy and Tian Min were like the last few people to get called by the teacher.. Then Eunice and Faarisah went off first.. Then we went to the D&T room.. Teacher dont let us in-.-''
Then ask us to go get the yellow paper.. So went general office, then went into the DM's room to get the yellow slip.. Then one of the discipline masters said to me Jamy and Tian Min that we look like very good girls._. LOL Heng she never scold us lohh.. Then she ask us like where we stay blah blah, what time we leave house blah blah, and told us not to be late again..
Then after get the yellow slip, went back to D&T room, teacher let us in, then continue on with lesson lohh...
Then recess needed to go back to DM's room go return the yellow slip.. So we went to return then went for recess..
After that, English.. Then PE:)
PE!! ^^ YAY!! Hahaha, fun today pe lesson ^^
Then after school, had to help Mrs Pada do the notice board thingy..
Then doing doing doing.. then my senior called my name and then I said hi:) LOL
Then continue then 2.30 need go for the stupid musical== Then Eunice went up to tell Mr Nissen that we gonna be late cuz we helping teacher for tmr the cca open house.. Then teacher say that we must go up very very very very soon.. So after we finished, went up.. we were about 15 min late.. I wish it was later T^T
Damn boring lohh the musical==
During the whole 2 hrs teacher never ask me to speak.. Then I come for what!? -.-'' Only waste my time==
So after the super boring musical practice, went to JP walk walk.. then bought curry puff and went home..
Came home played hp game then went to sleep.. Was just about to fall asleep then my mama called the house phone.. After I ans blah blah, went back to sleep again, then she came home, went to eat my dinner, then came to do my hw.. Which I still going to continue to do for the D&T thingy..
Tomorrow.. Still need go back to school for ICONs duty T^T Ushering..
Must be in sch by 7.30 D: Haiz.. hope that can go home early tmr.. Wanna sleep T^T
Then Sunday going out with Eunice and Li Pin:)
Planned everything alr..
Now is 10:00 pm.. wanna sleep maybe ard 11.30??
So, yeah.. Shall end here..
Stupid traffic jam -.-'' made me late -.-''
Ciaos ^^

*For every minute you remain angry, you give up 60 seconds of peace of mind*

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