8:08 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong!! :D
Around 1 month havent update alr xD
So, yeah, HELLO!! ^^
Lets see what happened 2 days ago:
It was an ordinary Friday.. Everyone was in school having their lessons.
And then after school, there was musical rehearsal. It was quite okay.
Then as we were walking out to school, me, Eunice, Ariel, Reshveny, Boon Hao, Noah and Brendan decided to go to the mama shop near school. And Li Pin and Zi Hao was walking to us, we wanted to so called "abandon" them.  Eunice wanted Jean to follow, but Jean didnt want to. So Eunice ran to her. And she tripped over the drain and she fell on her face ):
Everyone ran to her, then she laid there. Then we were like "EUNICE!! YOU OKAY ANOT!? FASTER COME UP"
*Eunice gets up, and got blood coming out from her head* "OMG EUNICE!!! YOUR HEAD BLEEDING!! " *Eunice touched her head and her blood was now on her hand, OMG!!!*
Then the security guard also saw.. Then we brought her to the toilet to go wipe away the blood.
Then Eunice started to cry. Badly.
Then went to the general office where got teachers and like the vice principal there, asking what happen.
Then Mr Malik ask everyone to go out. Then i stayed with her, then he went to apply the medicine on her wounds, which was on her head, above and below her eyes, her nose and her cheek. All on the left side.
Then she say not pain, then I was trying to call her mother. I call her 3 times, she never answer, so i msged her:P Then after awhile, she called me again then I told her the story then she talked to Eunice, then back to me again, asking me if I am waiting with Eunice until she come to school to fetch her home.
Then he bandaged her face, then half of her face got bandage ):
Then the moment Eunice fell, Li Pin started crying alr.. Then at general office, a lot of people cry.. Almost all the girls. Only Ariel and the boys didnt cry, the rest cried :P
Then took turns going in to talk to her. Then she dont want other people to see her face cuz got bandages :/
So yeah.. Then me and Jean went out the Li Pin went in, then outside, Jean started to cry cuz she thinks its her fault ); Then i saw jean cry, then i also started to cry.
Actually when Eunice cry i already wanted to cry but didnt, if not I would have been like lp, crying like mad :P
Then waited in school till 7pm with Jean. Then Eunice mother came then she went to see doctor, then me and Jean went home.
Came home, blah blah blah.. So yeah :P

Today, ICONs meeting, was late for like 5 min :P
Then our plan A kenna rejected xP
Then it was plan B :D
Then Eunice today never come home, she got 2 days MC.
So after school, went to JP go buy acrylic paint then went to visit Eunice to pass her today's homework. Then just chatted with her for awhile, then went back home.
Came home, went coffee shop.. BLEH

School, damn boring..
Music was fun though xP
Then I had to go off at 2 cuz need go MI for duty.
Then went there, did 4T2 :D They run so fast sia.  And it was fun doing duty ^^
Then got the lightning warning.. Then postpone.. So next week need come back again...
So yeap, came home, fell asleep :3
Then skype with brendan and alien :D
So yeah.. got a lot of homework..Tomorrow going to watch The Hunger Games with Li Pin only :D
Wanted to go karaoke, but then Eunice cannot since she fell and when we ask other ppl, they cnnt, so only 2 of us very weird, so we decided to just go watch movie.. So yeap :D
Okay, bye ^^


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