5:25 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong ^^
Today nothing much.. Went to school with Eunice..
First met with Siti cuz she wanted to give me something.. Then she gave me LiPin's present which she forgot to bring last time.. So she gave me, so pretty the present^^ XD
So, then met Eunice, then went school buy books.. Hand Book outside ok ok then inside I like the font^^
After buy books, went home lohh.. Then I come home go disturb my brother XD
Then he wake up liao, then I on com cuz Eunice ask me to on cuz she want me to teach her maths..
So I on, type type type.. then we webcam-ed ^^
So funny!!! XD Then suddenly her bro came and dragged her away... LOL
Abandon me D: LOL!! XP
So then ate maggie mee for lunch ^^
Then at like around 6 plus hungry again T^T
Then my mama like around 8.30 then came home, ate dinner^^
Then poof, I'm back here blogging about today :)
Eottoke..School going re-open liao D:
Sec 2 me.. Gonna have a like 6 months de project, and have to do so many presentation to build our confidence ): I wanna stay in my shell :P I wanna be a snail with a shell and not a snail without a shell:)
Tomorrow going to hospital with my mother and father.. Maybe my brother
Why? Cuz.. My father fell down and fractured his arm.. So tmr check up I think...
I hope that the trip to the hospital will be fun :P
But confirm will have nothing to do de.. so tmr must pack earpiece, make sure phone 100% battery full
And make sure that Eunice free to chat with me in case I get bored like hell XD
Oh and I should also bring my bro's iPhone which he no longer uses unless he want play games:P
Oh and jacket^^ Maybe some pens and paper for me to doodle too XP
(I have no life)
Wonder what will happen tmr^^
-Stand By me blah blah blah- XD
So 2011 is ending, and 2012 is coming!!

To: 2011,
Thank you for a wonderful year!! I will really miss you!! Although you are going, I will always remember all the happiness I had this year. And I'm sure a lot of people will miss 2011, but they are gonna welcome 2012 with fireworks and stuff, just like when you came:) So dont be sad 2011 ^^ We'll always remember you^^

To: 2012,
Hello, I hope that we can have a wonderful time!! We're gonna surprise you on 00:00 where 2011 is gone, and ur being "born"!! I hope that you wont end everything on 21st dec :X cuz my birthday is on the 23rd.. And I wont even be 14 when I die T^T So I hope you wont kill everyone on that day^^ I hope that we can have a happy year together^^ See you on 31st dec 00:00 ^^

LOL, k, I'm lame.. But yeah, I was kinda bored:P
Okays, byes for now^^
Ciaos!! :)

*Me and you are friends, you smile, I smile, you hurt, I hurt, you cry, I cry, you jump off the bridge, Im gonna miss you..*


7:23 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong!! ^^
Today went out with Eunice to buy my bday presents^^
So we met first, then I go exchange money $$ then i help my bro buy his pens..
Then after that went to comics connection to buy my KPOP stuff <3 <3 <3 XD
Then buy hao liao went to eat wantoon noodle :) Yummy^^ HEHEHEHE
Then after eat liao, we went to see for photo book/album to share our memories <3
Then we went to NTUC see first, then went to popular :)
Bought a $4 album book which has 100 pockets which means can put 200 photos <3
After we buy liao went to print some pictures at Harvy Norman so that can put into the book ^^
So we selected 4 photos and 2 other photos of SHINee <3 then waited.. then hao liao, went to collect it then went to the library the cafe thr to go decorate^^
Nice:) Gonna take pics as we grow older:P then keep as memories <3 <3 <3
Wednesday going back to school to buy books.. I only need to buy chinese and handbook jiu hao liao ^^
Then after we buy go camwhore then go print and put in the photo book^^ hehehehe!!

So, yesterday was Christmas!! Merry Christmas everyone!!! :P
Opened my presents got a nice sling bag^^
Then today received a choco from Eunice as my X'mas gift. LOL XP
So anyways, yesterday ate X'mad dinner :) Nice ^^
After ate dinner, went online:)
So yeah.. I thinks thats all ba..

*One of the best things in life is seeing a smile on someone's face and knowing that your'e the one who put it there*


6:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today went out with Siti, Eunice and Li Pin <3
First met Siti.. Then we walk around jp first, then went to Karaoke ^^
Then since my bday is tomorrow (23 dec) , Siti, Eunice and Li Pin all plan something..
And that something was they were gonna surprise me at karaoke :)
So I was being blind folded once I was at clementi== So then walked into the karaoke place, and into whr our room was.. and then Eunice and Li Pin all scream at me" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" and then they started to sing happy birthday to me in 3 languages XD
In English, Chinese and of coz Korean XD
Hahaha! Shocked XD And I stepped on the wire :X
So then we sing here sing there until ard 3 plus.. then went back to jp:)
We ate macs.. I ate one mac chicken burger only cuz not enough money :/
Never mind^^ Lose weight also XD
So after we eat, we went to central park, wanted to find a shelter but then no have):
So then we went to art park.. Then we sat down at a shelter, and then I was being blind folded again==
Then Eunice, Siti and Li Pin had to tell me directions to walk to the other place..
I touched the floor which was muddy(ewww) And I stepped in mud I think..
I also knocked into something XD
hahaha, quite fun and scary luhh ^^
Then we sat at the other place, then being blind folded again cuz they wanted to do SOMETHING
Then I cnnt see anything ): Hahaha XD
Then after hao liao, took of the blind fold then got one log cake in front of me^^
Then sing happy birthday again, LOL, then blew the candles which had no flame cuz the wind blew it out==
Made a wish and blew air^^
Then ate the cake:) Yummy^^
Ate half of it then the other half I bring home:)
Hehehehe! Then after that we went to arcade, DDR-ed..
So sad sia): Last time got 5 stages then last round, now is 3 stages then last round liao):
Then after that, pei Eunice go toilet, I had to put my bag down'-' Then after awhile, came out then went home:/
Then when I open my bag I was like" WHOAH!?"
Cuz there was things in my bag which I never put in my bag
Then got this yellow thingy I thought was a SHINee shirt XD
But of coz not lahh.. It was a smiley file with a black notebook:)
So then I read the notebook till cry >v<
I love that book!!! I'll treasure it 4eva <3 <3 <3
Then inside the file was another book:)
So then Siti's sister also gave me a present ^^
A Happy Birthday cup with a toy rabbit inside XD
So yeah, need to do 6 video recordings to show Eunice== LOL
Anyways, thank you Siti, Eunice, Li Pin and Jean for the wonderful presents and the beautiful book! ^^
Saranghaeyo!!! :) <3 <3 <3
Tomorrow, only have 1 present to open:/ haiz, nvm:) I had a awesome day today anyways ^^
So yeah:)
Happy 13th birthday to me!! XD LOL okay, gonna go now:)
Ciaos!!! ^^


7:30 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong ^^
Went out to Vivo City and Sentosa with Eunice, Li Pin and Dora<3
We went thr 2 days ago.. (13th dec)
Yst was Onew's Birthday!!! Woots~
And on the 9th was Minho's Birthday^^ LOL
Okay, anyways, went to vivo city, met with Eunice first to do singing :X
Then met with Dora and Li Pin <3
Then took train to Harbour front, we chatted on the way thr^^
Then we went to Sentosa first, played in the sea:)
We got our shorts wet first then Dora and Li Pin went to rest I think, then me and Eunice went to get our whole body wet XD
Fun!! And we ended up having sand in our shorts== which was so damn uncomfortable==
So then we went to eat macs, made the seat wet XD But I very guai, I used my towel to wipe it so it became dry again^^ LOL
So, after we ate we went back to Vivo City to play at the lvl 3 thr the water:)
Removed MOST of the sand in my shorts, then after we played for like maybe 1 hr?? I went to change my shorts and shirt.. Then we went to ToysRus walk walk, very long nvr go toysRus liao, so big siaa O.O
Then we walked 1 whole round which took 1 hr XD
Then we went back to the water thr at Vivo and slacked:)
Then Dora had to go home, so we send her to the taxi thr then in the end her father will only pick her up at 5==
So we just walk walk lohh.. Then 5 pm liao go send her off:)
Then me, Eunice and Li Pin went to take train go home:)
And so, went home.. used com.. bleh:/
Oh oh, Khai Rui was supposed to come but then he overslept so he didn't come==
Currently listening to SHINee Replay(noona neomu yeppo)
So yeah. I think that's all ba^^
Love these 2 pics <3 <3 <3