7:03 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong :)
Very long never post le!!
This post might be long cuz I will be posting about 2 fun things which happened :)
Ok, i shall start now :)
Fun thing no. 1:
Me, my brother and my mama went to Universal Studios!!! XD
My mother company give us the tickets^^ hehhehe!! So lucky^^
So, woke up at 7.30 am.. Apparently my mother was in a bad mood cuz of SOMETHING
We needed to bring extra clothes just in case we got wet then can go change shirt.
Then I forgot bring my shorts==
Then I told my mama she scolded me ):
Then we took taxi there, about 25 min.. Then went inside Universal Studios, my mother went to take a free bag and hand towel, also have water bottle, snacks and poncho in case it rains cuz this month raining season..
So after we took everything and ate the snacks, we went to the Canopy Flyer :)
Queue was damn freaking long== We waited for like 30 min?
Then half way my brother went toilet cuz he got bad stomachache.. So then after he finish, he came back into the line. Then when our turn, me and my bro sat tgt while my mama sat with a stranger:/
And, OMG== The ride was like 1 min ONLY== waited for 30 min, 1 min ride== wasted..:/
After that we went to the mummy thingy.. My brother went toilet again, then me and my mother just see see the mummy and the Egyptian.. Then got this human dressed up at the egyptian.. His make up so scary siaa TT
Then after my brother finish, we went to take the mummy roller coaster..
Fun^^ And scary.. Everything was like so dark.. Then waited.. more worth it than the canopy flyer..
Much more worth it.. XD
So, scream here, scream there, then ride over^^ Fun :)
Then after that, we went to the BIG roller coaster, got blue one and red one, blue one is you will go upside down one.. then red one got a lot of turns.. We took the red one^^ hehhehe
Then.. when queuing up, my brother went to the freaking toilet again== then after awhile, cuz cannot bring hand phone mahh, so he cannot contact.. So he have to come find us in the long queue by himself..
Then like very long, later he cnnt find us, so my mother ask me to go find him.. so I went to find him, at first dont have, then i look back, then i saw him^^ so then i brought him to whr we were queuing..
Then wait somemore, then our turn!!! AHHHH!!! Scared like hell..
Then when we going up, beside us was the ppl taking the blue one, then the ppl in front shout to us, that made me smile, cuz like u very scared, keep thinking about it, then some one like take that off ur mind, of coz happy right, then POOF!! We went down, and I was screaming like mad women==
Hahahha, fun lahh^^ but also scary :/
Then after that, we went to take the transformer thingy.. We waited maybe 45 min to 1 hr..
Very worth it.. Its a 3D "roller coaster'' the thing will move but then got screen, its 3D :)
I liked it when we were 'falling' XD FUN!
Then after that, we went to eat.. The food there horh, walao== so damn freaking expensive siaa
One meal horh, just one burger with a HUGE drink and SOME fries, over $10 ==
So, after we ate, i think we went to watch a musical :)
Then after that, we went to watch Lights, Camera, Action. Quite nice ahh, also very epic XD
Got like fire and the platform will shake.. Something like that..
Then after that, we went to watch a 4D show, this time we sat on individual chairs, then its about Shrek.. The chair will blow air one, will also move, and some parts got spray water at you.. but only a few drops..
Then after that, we went to queue for like a boat ride, about madagascar ... The queue was long and so was the ride :)
At the end horh, got this like water pouring down, then i thougt we were going to get wet one.. But just before u go through it, it split into half== So then water went to the side, and so didn't get wet AT ALL==
Cheat ppl's feeling one TT
Then after that, we just go walk walk, see see..
Then after that went home..
Took taxi home, super tired.. but had a really fun day^^'
So, yeah, thats it:)

Fun thing no. 2:
Today was the ICONs Camp!!! So, went to meet Eunice first, she went to buy torch light, then we were late, but heng teacher havent come yet^^ Then we went to he hall, we were being separated):
Then didn't group with Eunice ): At first, there was no one which I know to pei me in the grp.. Then the senior ask someone from another grp to come join my grp, then I asked Ru Qi to come pei me.. Then she come my grp^^ Oh, and I had to lend her my plate and cup cuz she no plastic plate and cup at home..
Then after we being separated into our grps, we went to the summit, then they gave us the camp booklet.. Then inside they got say our grps.. Izzah was inside my grp, then Ru Qi is in another grp.. So, then Izzah came in to my grp then Ru Qi went to her original grp:)
Then teacher brief us.. Then after that played Ice Breakers.. After so many years, I finally knew what Ice Breakers meant== LOL..
So, then we went to different places in the school and played games for 5 min.. Then after that, went to eat lunch:) Quite nice ahh^^
Then we had our HOM (Habits Of Mind) workshop.. 3 hrs long.. Quite fun ahh^^
We played games also:)
Oh and my grp was gro number 5, and since our this yr ICONs camp theme is Super Hero's, my grp was SUPER MAN!! :)
Then after the workshop, we had our ICONs Olympics!! CAPTAIN BALL!! <3
We won the first round, then second round horh, we could have won if they gave us like 1 sec more==
We scored JUST after the teacher say times up siaa!! Then we ended up tying with the other grp..
Then the 3rd round, we won:) 4th round we super pro!! we scored 11 then the other team 3 i think XD
Hahhaha, then Izzah's finger got hurt, then after that, Zakaria got hurt:/ He was a good player, Izzah also^^
And then our leader, Naeem, he was damn super pro at defending siaa!! He like defending almost all the goals which the other grp try to score.. Damn pro him..
I think thats why we win^^
Then after that, grp 1 to 5 went to eat dinner first, then grp 6 to 10 went shower first.. So, ate dinner, then after that went shower..
Waited for like soooo long then can shower.. and the water was cold!! And there was a spider watching me bathe== After shower, went back to the hall and started to practice for our camp fire^^ needed to do 3 cheers and a skid based on our grp names..
Then we discuss while waiting for our turn to go to the night walk..
Then we went down to the canteen, did our reflection on the day and discussed about the camp fire.. Then went for our night walk^^
They ask us bring torch light, then in the end they say cnnt use== They gave the light stick^^
I got yellow color.. Then we went into a classroom, we had to crawl under tables and chairs.. and the seniors will like come and scare us.. they off all the lights all that, make all those creepy noises.. I wasn't scared at all, I was laughing the whole way LOL..
Then got 2 seniors saying like 'Dont go! Come and be my friend!!' And they kept on grabbing my leg== LOL Then after we come out, we were like 'LOL?' Then went back to the canteen, continue to do reflection.. Then  we had our supper :) then Lights off..
Then walao eh== We sleep in the hall, then the boys sleep in the classrooms, then horh, the hall lights horh, keep on-ing and offing== The hall light is like super bright.. then after like 1 hr plus then ALL the lights can be finally off-ed...
Then almost everyone sleep liao then me and Eunice were like cnnt sleep like that, then we chat chat chat till like maybe 1 or 2? Then we tried to sleep.. I think I fell asleep but then after awhile I woke up..
Then the next day, we had to assemble at 6.15.. so people were planning to wake up at 5 am==
Then I ask my grp leader, Jennifer :) to wake me up when she wakes up..
Then at like i think 5, Reshveny woke me up.. Then I woke Eunice up:)
Hahhaa, I woke up before my grp leader XD
Then we went to brush our teeth and pack our sleeping bags.. Then we assembled at the quadrangle.. Then Mr Hafiz took over us, then say do morning exercise.. Then the seniors took over and we did stretching all those cuz we were going to have our amazing race!! 10km!! WOOTS!! Then after that, we went to eat our breakfast, Nasi Lemak XD then we went to the summit for briefing.. Then odd grp number follow female teachers then even grp numbers follow male teachers.. So we followed the female teachers..
Then they say bring small bag to put like ur extra clothes in case rain then u get soaked.. Also pack poncho, umbrella, the camp booklet, pen, valuables, water bottle..And my bag was like super small so I used my sleeping bag the casing as my bagXD I followed Izzah cuz she didn't have a small bag..
Then we went up on the bus, and headed to Hort Park!
Then me and Izzah listen to SHINee songs on the way thr.. Then reach alr, teacher tell us what to do if raining all those.. Then the amazing race started!!
Our first check point was number 5, which was at Kent Ridge Park, so we had to walk all the way there, need walk up a slope, climb a lot of stairs, then walk some more just to get to our FIRST check point==
Then we played the games which they created.. Then we went to number 6,7,8,9.. Then check point 9 was whr we suppose to eat our lunch.. Then we decided that after we complete checkpoint 10 first, then we come back take the lunch and go to the water cooler place thr to eat.. They very pro one, never give us utensil== So no choice, we use our hands.. Then it started to drizzle.. Then we like just continue walking.. Cuz now we had to walk all the way back to check point one, which was at Hort park, at the bridge there.. So we went down the flight of stairs, down the slope, and all the way to the bridge, then we had to go to check point 3 and 4.. Check point was at Kent Ridge Park.. So again, we climbed the slope, the flight of stairs and completed the game for checkpoint 4.. Then we had to walk back again to the meeting place which was whr check point 2 was.. But then while walking it started to rain..then when we were going down, I nearly fell down.. Then when I was walking at some where wet with mud, I fell down==
Then my ICONs shirt the below bit was dirty and my shorts also.. == Luckily I never get hurt..
Then after I fell every one was like 'You okay anot!?" the boys all laughed first, then ask me whether I ok anot.. LOL== Then we continued to walk, then it started to rain more heavily, then we continue not to care, then it started to rain even heavier, then we started to run to the shelter.. Then we stuck thr, so we practice our camp fire skid and cheer :)
Then we needed to assemble back by 3.30, so we left the shelter at 3.15.. I wore my poncho then the Sufian help me hold my water bottle.. Then we walk back, then those ppl without like umbrella, poncho all those kenna by teacher :/ then we boarded the bus, and went back to sch..
Then we reached sch, teacher let us shower, then 1 and a half hour to eat finish our dinner and go practice for our camp fire.. so my grp faster chiong to eat and then went to practice for our camp fire:)
I had to scream:/ so I did.. LOL
Then we assembled for our fake camp fire since the ground was wet cuz it rained ):
Then we did cheers, then all the grps came out to do their cheers and skid..:)
Then we went up, did our skid, no problem.. our problem was our cheers cuz one of our cheer got this part like rapping like that, and the whole grp had to do it. Then we did it, was very awkward XD
Then after that, we continued to do cheers all that.. Then after the camp fire, we went to have our supper and did our reflection..
After that, lights out.. Prepared our sleeping bags, went brush teeth, then I was super tired.. so I went to sleep.. Then Eunice went to chat with Nuris they all.. Wahh, then horh, the freaking hall light, keep on on-ing again== then in the end, the lights were left on the whole night==
Then ppl started waking up at 6 when we needed to assemble at 7.20 siaa==
Oh! And when we woke up, it was super damn freaking cold siaa!! My teeth were chattering siaa!!
Then went to brush teeth, then came back and continued to sleep XD
Then we went to pack our things cuz alr last day.. Then we went down to the quadrangle, played a game..
Then went to eat breakfast.. Then we had to clean up the area, my grp had to clean the hall, so quite easy ahh :) Then we sat down at the quadrangle again, and I sat beside a yellow dragonfly.. LOL It kept turning around, never do anything, just keep on turning around..LOL
Then after that we went to complete our reflection, and then share it with each other in the grp:)
Then after that, we went to the hall to begin our prize presentation^^
My grp won the Best Flag Design, 2nd place for the ICONs Olympics:)
Then blah blah blah.. Then we went to collect our prizes :) Then we did final cheers and went home.
So yeah.. Thats all^^ Oh and I'm going to miss my grp members): But luckily we keeping in touch via phone number and fb^^
So, yup^^
K, Ciaos^^


5:55 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today had the chinese camp.. we needed to be in Yuan Ching Sec by 7.. So i had to wake up at 6.
Then I woke up liao, went to call Eunice cuz she ask me to wake her up.
Then I called her^^ Then went to brush my teeth.. blah blah..
Wanted to bring water bottle but then my bag too small ><
Then left house, met Eunice and Li Pin ^^
Took train to Lakeside then walk  to Yuan Ching.
Then Sha Bing lao shi already outside with the rest of our chi class ppl.. and other classes from our sch
Then we went inside.. ALL the boys went to eat breakfast then ALL the girls stayed in the school play loh..
We played swing^^ So good sia..their school have swing TT
Then we chatted and swing-ed :)
Then after awhile, went into the hall.. being separated ):
But heng I grp with Li Pin. then Eunice being grp-ed with other ppl ):
So then we started to play the like "grp name bom, grp name bom, grp name bom to whatever grp name bom"
That game.. then cuz got people from other schools mah, so its like meeting strangers.. so very awkward..
Then after that played other games.. (Too lazy too type it out :P)
Then we went to draw draw ^^
Went into the lab, then teacher taught us how to draw those types of cartoon in the chinese comics..
Then draw draw draw.. inside cold cold cold.. then teacher keep offing and on-ing the air-con ==
Then teacher also taught us how to draw dragon.. then we needed to draw our own 6 squares comic.
Then draw draw draw till lunch^^
Went down to the canteen, then ate:) We had rice, veggie, chicken and egg
My egg was runny TT I hate runny eggs ):
The chicken and veggie was nice^^
Then after that went back into the hall.. Then got performance, about acting..
Then blah blah blah, we went into the classroom then teacher would give us a topic, then we have to twist the story.. then when last 5 min teacher will give us 1 thing that we need to add in.. SO yeah, my grp was the last grp to present^^
Our topic was based on KUNG FU PANDA..
LOL.. And I was the panda^^ hehehe
Then after the acting, we went back to the hall.. did review blah blah..
Then prize presentation.. then went home :)
It ended about 45 min earlier^^ YAYS
LOL.. Cant wait for my ICONS camp!!!
Hopefully gonna be more fun than the chinese camp^^
So yeah.. thats all I think..
Currently waiting for my SHINee vid to load :/
Ohoh!! Tmr, at JP, 2PM will be going there for a fan meeting!!! AHHHH!!!
2PM!!! NICKHUN!!!! <3 <3 <3
Siti is going so I asked her to help me take some pics of him XD
If they were to hold the fan meeting earlier I would go.. but they are holding it at 6 pm ):
Normally I have to be home by 6 pm.. So.. byebye Nickhun ):
LOL.. XD But I dont really love 2PM as much as SHINee and SS501 so.. yeah^^ LOL
hmm. coming 10pm le.. I think i shall go watch my vid now^^
Triple Shawol says Ciaos^^ :P


YAY SS501 !!! <3 <3 <3
                                                             YAY SHINee !!! <3 <3 <3


5:55 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Yesterday(friday) went out with Eunice go Jurong East go swim :)
So before that we had to go to school just to give ONE FORM and $10==
Then we went to school tgt, I wore pe then eunice wore her home clothes..
Then when walking to school saw Ariel, then we asked her to help us give the form cuz me and Eunice wore  slippers.. then apparently cnnt wear slippers go inside==
Then it was 11:11 am, made a wish^^
hehehe XD
Then went take bus to lakeside mrt station, then went chinese garden, walked to swimming complex, then bought the entrance ticket, then went to change and then went to slide down the yellow slide:)
Cuz Eunice wanted to get wet first, then after that go rent the float, so I had to hold the $10 while sliding down the slide.. LOL
Then went to rent the float, the float changed to transparent rather than last time, yellow color.
Then we went to either the lazy pool first or the wave pool :)
Sadly, when we went down the pink and blue slide, not so fun ):
So only went once, then never slide down liao..
Then we just kept going to the lazy and wave pool:P
Then play play play, then went to change, Eunice forgot to bring towel==
Then no choice, I share with her:)
*seems weird right* XD
Then after change hao le, went to eat KFC:)
Bought Zinger meal.. Burger not spicy de TT
And their drinks all fizzy fizzy de ):
I cnnt drink fizzy drink not ltr will get stomach ache:/
SO, no choice, I use my straw go stir till not fizzy ^^
Then after that went back to jp, comics connections :)
Bought SHINee notebook and sticker with Eunice:)
I also bought a SS501 wristband, $2, but dirty de): Cuz they never put packaging..
Then the design not so nice.. only put SS501.. thats it==
I wanted to buy the nicer one, with packaging and the design have their logo, but then $5 ):
Shall buy it next time ba^^
Then we went popular, buy file for SHINee :)
Cuz me and Eunice shall be sharing SHINee things:)
Then went library go put the notebook into the file and admire for awhile.. then Eunice went to play games on my phone..
then went home..
Today rained like mad:)
Happy^^ cuz it rained!! and I was busy sleeping ><
Oh oh, yesterday was 11/11/11.. and at 11:11 pm, I wished again, for the same thing..
And i repeated my wish 3 times XD
Cuz it was something which money couldn't buy^^
heheheh, today woke up, went eat maggie mee, then watch tv, then came online.
This Tuesday need go back to school collect Chinese Camp shirt..
Chinese camp is on 17 nov, at Yuan Ching sec.. (thats whr Sheryl is)
Then not sure if need straight away go thr, or go to sch first then go yuan ching..
Then 28nov, going for ICONS camp!! YAY
So excited!!
btw, our school prefect is known as ICONS, so.. yeah:)
ICONS camp 3days 2 nights!!! YIPPIE
First day going to camp in school I guess.. then at night gonna have a night walk IN SCHOOL==
Hopefully its gonna be fun!!!
Then 2nd day going our to have amazing race!!
Need to walk/run 10 km!!!
From starting point all the way back to the starting point is 10 km!!! :O
We run our 2.4km is like alr quite long and super tiring, now 10km==
Hopefully wont faint on that day!!
And i dunno if our school got shower anot'-'
Cuz we're gonna camp in school..
And our school so many insects..
Maybe more:/
PRAY that were gonna sleep in somewhere air-conditioned..
Then gonna have campfire^^
Wanna group with Eunice):
But then teacher gonna divide us.. so.. hopefully can grp with her!!!! ^^
She say I can be a rapper.. So.. yay:P hahha
Me want to be singer, not rapper TT but yay, I can rap XD
Nvm, IF one day I get into a KPOP <3 grp I dont mind being a rapper ^^
Okay, I think thats all bah:)
Ohoh, I have now became a SHINee fan too^^
I <3 SS501 LIKE MAD!!!
SHINee fan club is called SHAWOL
SS501 fan club is called Triple S



ONEW, MINHO, KEY, JONGHYUN, TAEMIN!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


4:48 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Today had musical..
OKok.. Sing and dance then did ONE scene..
Then when finish le, saw a GRASSHOPPER!!! So cool!! XD
I never see before a grasshopper in real life before so very cool, finally saw one!!! :)
Currently listening to SS501 songs(windows media player) cuz havent download all the SHINee songs yet :)
Gonna do it all at one go one day :)
Just like what I did with SS501 songs
Listening to music while waiting for my videos to load.. Loading SHINee Star Golden Bell :)
Havent even touch my homework.. Dont want do lahh TT
Feel like eating ice-cream.. Maybe I will eat it later^^ hehehehe
OH OH OH, ~LOVE LIKE THIS!!!!~ Hey girl, ijen.. LOL
*Listening to love like this SS501*
XD, ps, I'm crazy ^^
So anyways, came home, got new microwave and small table^^
So, I ripped the cardboard box open.. and the microwave was so damn freaking big!!!
I cnnt carry it cuz for me too heavy :P
Then I open the box for the small table so much spider web== but luckily no spiders^^
OHOH, STAND BY ME, nal parabwajo.. LOL
*Listening to SHINee stand by me* ^^ HEHEHEHE
Then after awhile, went to sleep..
Did not intend to sleep.. :/
But in the end slept..
I slept for 3 hrs
Then woke up, ate dinner then watch tv then on com le^^
So yeah..
I think thats all bahh..

Quote for today:
*The moment of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us*



7:11 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Annyeong ^^
Very long never post le :P
So, holidays started, went back for musical.. tmr have musical :/
Hope that its gonna be fun :/
Few days ago went Karaoke with Eunice and Siti :)
Fun fun^^ My voice went off tune some times ):
Anyways, it was quite cold, then I ordered bubble tea, then Eunice and Siti ordered HOT chocolate..
Then the bubble tea they put in a glass, the glass so tall!!!! Then we sing sing sing..
Then when we were singing SHINee Ring Ding Dong, my finger got cut by the WALL TT
It bled like mad...
And it hurts like hell TT
Then continue singing, then after that went Jurong East go take Eunice brother's badminton racket, then went home..
Wanna go karaoke again :)
Then yesterday went to Snow City with Eunice and Noah :)
Me and Eunice met at Boon Lay MRT station, then I reach first mah, then the whole place was full of bangala.. I'm not trying to be racist, but its kinda scary..
Then Eunice came, then went to meet Noah at Jurong East..
Then we walked to Snow City^^
Eunice helped us paid first, then we took our jackets, gloves and boots..
I was super blur ==
I wore my boots wrong side..
Then I couldn't zip my jacket, then Eunice helped me..
Then I was trying to squeeze my bag into the locker, then I pushed too hard, then the whole locker thingy NEARLY FELL ON ME!!!
Then I wore my gloves wrong side==
Then we went in, it was even colder than before..
Then we took pics, then went up to the "slide" then slide down^^
Then we play play play, then we went out, blah blah, then we went to jp to eat..
All of us ate Hokkien Mee :)
Then after that we went to Central Park, played the swing thingy:)
Then we play play play then went home.
So then earlier today (2am plus) my brother and father fought..
Then at ard 8 or 9 am, my mother and father fought..
Today, my mama off work ^^
Then we went to jp buy things, then saw A LOT of epic things.. Not gonna say here^^
So yeah, I think thats all ba:)
I HEART SHINee now ^^
I also HEART SS501 <3 ^^
I think now I'm gonna eat my "supper", curry with rice ^^
Ciaos!!! :)
