7:37 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments


Its November!! Holidays have started a week or 2 ago.. Sadly my holiday can only really start in December as i've been super busy with planning for ICONs camp which is next week, Graduation Night for the seniors which is this coming Friday!!

There is no break and there's still sec 1 orientation to plan for and school open house... Zzz
Why cant this be spread out till december? I have absolutely nothing to do during December..
Haiz guess i have to be a potato at home doing homework and lazing around. Zzzz
At least life is filled with moments that i would definitely remember and i shall treasure the moments spent with my friends as we only have 1 more year together !!

Life is pretty boring now as its just been planning and planning. Havent really went out with my friends to have fun and enjoy life. Hoping December will be the time for that! hehe
Hmm what else to update on...?

Next year I'll be sec 4 which is when i take my O'Levels which im really not looking forward to. But its something that must be done!! Hoping i can survive the period of constant revisions and extra lessons. Its gonna be a total bore to live the sec 4 life. Not looking forward for 2014...

Oh i'll be getting my new phone pretty soon! My previous samsung phone totally died on me.. First, the battery got bloated so i changed it. Then after buying a new battery, it cracked and it didnt survive for more than 2 months.. And the person said it was my phone's problem not the battery.. Can you believe it? Pssh.
Hoping my new phone will be nicer to me and not die on me!!

Another problem was that chrome isnt showing my twitter background which is super annoying. I wanted to change my background and when i did it, it didnt show the new background even after re-logging in and refreshing. It has been like that for weeks already so im over here accepting the fact that chrome isnt gonna show my twitter background. Ive tried viewing my twitter on Internet Explorer and it was totally fine!! Can't understand why chrome cant.. I even tried searching for a solution online and doing what the instructions said and it still didnt work!! So im at a loss. Oh well, ive gotten used to a plain blue background already.. Still hoping for it to show one day though.

Okay thats a long enough post for october and half of november haha!
Hope to blog often!!

Ciao for now!! ^^