9:08 AM Sweetie Girl 0 Comments

Im bored now so thats why i came to update my dead blog! :D
June holidays are long over..
Now the thing keeping me busy is PITCH, a competition about marketing and advertising..
The team that I was helping with didn't win unfortunately.. but the other team made it!
And I have to help them :)
Its gonna be another long week.. Staying in school till 6pm
Hope that the other team will be the champions!!
Oh and Hong Kah won both football matches!!!
Awesome rite!? Proud of my school and the soccer boys!! :D
For PITCH, me and Eunice have to join next year..
Not looking forward to it cuz it causes a lot of stress D:
Even though I was only helping out, already so stress..
This morning I had to be in school by 6.30am. Amazing rite?
Just to help the team with their scripts cuz they were behind...
After they left at around 8am, I went home and slept..
Then went to meet Eunice at about 1.30pm to discuss about Li Pin's birthday and what presents to buy her!! :D
We kept walking around, bought tealicious, and pepper lunch!
Yummy!! :D
Then we had everything done..
Today is Li Pin's birthday but due to PITCH, we had to postpone it..
We were really too tired already cuz for the whole week, we had to stay up till 12 am just to help the team..
And we had to wake up at 6am to get ready for school and had to stay in school till 6..
So its really very tiring so not looking forward to next year's PITCH~
Oh well, lets just see how it goes :)
Im really tired now.. and not in a very good mood:P
So I shall end my post here and sleep ^^
Ciaos and nites ppl!